All posts by Gwenyth

I live on the outskirts of Whangarei, the northernmost city in New Zealand. I enjoy many things, ( writing amongst them), have been married to Keith for sixty-one years, have three married daughters, nine grandchildren and seventeen great- grandchildren who are scattered in various countries. No cats and no dogs as they would cramp our life-style.. We are obviously retired, but were farming further north before moving to the town over thirty-five years ago. We attend one of the local churches across the same side of town that we live.

How Clean Are You?

    I’ve just been cleaning down our back deck which faces a stand of tall trees. Not only that, it  doesn’t get the morning sun but only the late afternoon sun  through the trees. As a result, it gets covered with leaves and if left too long, covered in a green gunge as well. I have found that a bleach helps to get the black mould off (with plenty of scrubbing!), and so it is looking pristine clean after this time around. Perhaps one reason that it gets left, is that it is at the back of the house, and no one sees it for long periods of time!

     But while I was scrubbing it down with a broom,  it reminded me of how like our lives, this deck is. Just as it needs constant cleaning, so we need to keep our spirit and soul cleaned regularly before God. The bleach which gets into all the little grooves in the deck makes it all clean and shiny, so this reminds us that it is the work of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives and minds, that reminds us of things which need to be confessed and put right.

    Because it is in the shade for so long each day, the moss and mould begins to grow and make it messy. So we need the constant light of daily Bible readings to keep the moss in our minds at bay. We might think it is too hard to understand, but remember, that just as a sieve doesn’t hold the water in it, the constant washing under the tap keeps it clean. So even if we don’t understand some of it, other things will stick and help keep our minds in the right direction.

    There is nothing like a good clean up to make that back deck look lovely and a joy to behold. So those who keep their lives on the right tracks will be a joy and a help to all those around, to say nothing of having the satisfaction of being in the right relationship with the God of Heaven.

Christian’s (Pilgrim’s) Progress

                                               13.  The Moral of the Story.

    Uncle Jeff was at the family’s home again one day, and Betty snuggled up to him. “Has our story about Pilgrim all finished now?” she asked. “Of course it has, silly,” said Bobby , “He got to the Celestial City where he was going to, don’t you remember?” Sarah came in then and she said, “Where did this story come from Uncle Jeff? Who wrote it and exactly what did it mean? I mean I can see some of the points of it, but what was it all about?”

“That’s a very good question, Sarah,” Uncle Jeff said , “ And this is how it came about….. There was a man called John Bunyan who lived in England  back in the 1600s…” “Oooh, that’s a long time ago!” said Betty, interrupting the story. “Yes, it sure was”, said Uncle Jeff,  “And he made his living by being a tinker.” “What’s that?” Bobby asked.

“A tinker was someone who travelled from place to place mending pots and pans and other things that needed mending,” Uncle Jeff said “But anyway. when John’s father died, he was still only a boy, but he had gone to school long enough to learn to read and write. He went to church, but didn’t really take much notice of what was said, and back then, there were strict rules for people to live by. They weren’t supposed to go to wild parties or anything like that, but young John did all of these things. For a while the Puritans were the ruling people of England, and tried to make people follow their rules. “

“What made John change his ideas about life then, Uncle Jeff?” Sarah wanted to know.

“Well, “ said Uncle Jeff slowly, “he was sent off to the civil war in England and one day as he was standing next to another soldier, that man was shot in the head, and John realised that if he had been in that man’s place, it would have been him that was shot. So it made him stop and think, that maybe God had some work that He wanted him to do. So John made a point of really listening to the sermons after that, and as he listened to the preacher, he wanted to be like that too.

So then John began to preach around the place. As time went by, new rules came in as the government changed, and people weren’t allowed to preach out in the open air any more. But that didn’t make any difference to John, he still went ahead and did it. One day the police came and arrested him and had him put in prison for preaching outside in the streets.

The prison was a horrible place, it was smelly and dirty, and he was often on his own. But John stayed cheerful through it all, and said well, he could preach to the walls and still read his Bible so what did it matter!!      After a while, he was told that if he promised to stop preaching, he could be let out, but he felt he couldn’t do that, it would be letting the Lord down.” “How long was he in prison altogether for then?” Bobby wanted to know.

“He was there for twelve years, Bobby,“  Uncle Jeff said, “ and it was while he was there thinking about his life and what had happened, that he had these dreams about Christian being a pilgrim travelling to the Celestial city, and all the things that happened to him on the way. Let’s see how many of these things you can remember now….why do you think his name was Pilgrim?” “It was because he was travelling through his life”, said Bobby. “That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff, “What was he carrying on his back?” “It was a heavy load,” said Sarah, “and he couldn’t get rid of it either, until he got to the cross where Jesus died. I suppose that’s like us knowing we are sinners and it feels like a load on our backs until we ask Jesus to take it away.”

“What other people did he meet on the way that you can remember about?” Uncle Jeff asked. “There was Mr. Helpful and Mr. Faithful , “  Bobby said. “Yes, but there were the other sort that tried to stop him going to the city, Mr. Smarty-Pants, and Mr. Atheist too, “ said Sarah, “And they are the sort of  people we have to be careful not to have too much to do with in case they put us off.” “Ooh, I remember there was that nasty mean Giant Despair that threw them into his dungeon!” Betty said.

“I know what that means,” said Bobby, “It means that when things go wrong we can get down in the dumps and think that God has forgotten about us!” “What about the different places that Christian saw as he went along?”

“Well, there was Vanity Fair where they were tempted to do wrong things,“ Sarah said, “And then there was By-Path Meadow where they left the narrow path to the city and thought there was an easier way to go and they nearly fell over the cliff.” “So what do you think all these things mean for us?” Uncle Jeff asked.

They were all quiet for a bit, thinking about the question. “I know, I know,” Betty piped up, “It means that when we follow Jesus we are not to get put off by bad things that happen to us, like if we get sick or have an accident.” “It means that we mustn’t take the easy ways out,“  Sarah said, “that if we do, we might come to grief and miss out on what God really wants us to do.”

“It means that we have to think ahead, “ Bobby said slowly,  “Instead of doing things in a hurry, and making mistakes that we might be sorry about later”. “Well, I can see that you have got the points that the story was trying to bring out,” Uncle Jeff said, “And what was the final outcome?”

“When Christian came to the end of the road, even though it wasn’t going to be easy for him, he knew that the King was waiting for him on the other side,” Sarah said, “And we can be like that too….even though we don’t like the thought of dying, we know that the best for us is on the other side. Doesn’t the Bible say that to be with Christ is far better? I guess that is what we have to keep remembering. Even young people die sometimes, so it pays to be ready because we never know when that is going to be ! “ “Very good!”  Uncle Jeff said, “Now I think that warrants something to eat, look in my coat pocket and see what I brought for each of you!!”

Pilgrim’s (Christian’s) Progress (12)

12.     The Final Test.

      Uncle Jeff walked in one wet Saturday afternoon. Sarah was curled up on the sofa reading a book as usual, while Bobby and Betty were playing a card game on the mat in front of the fire. “Ooh, story please!” Betty cried. “Yes please, Uncle Jeff”, Sarah said, just as keen as the little ones this time, “We must be nearly to the end of the  story by now!”

“Well now,” said Uncle Jeff sitting down on the couch opposite Sarah, “I seem to remember that Hopeful and Christian had escaped from the Atheist, and then they came to a large smooth plain. It was while they were walking over this that Hopeful got very sleepy, and got slower and slower. ‘All I want to do is to lie down and have a nap’, he said. ‘No, no’ said Christian, ‘You mustn’t do that. We have to be watchful and keep on our way.’ And he pulled Hopeful’s hand and they carried on. ‘Tell me how you came to leave Vanity Fair’, Christian said, ‘Did you see us trapped in the cage there?’ ‘Yes, I did’, he said, ‘And that is what made me feel ashamed and want to leave. While I was feeling like this, I thought I heard Jesus call to me from heaven saying to just believe on Him and I would be saved. So I did. And I felt as though a great burden had left me’. ‘Me too,’ said Christian, ‘That’s how I felt’.

     They were soon across the plain and the next valley they came to was covered in beautiful plants and flowers. There were festoons of vines with fruit and flowers all over them. They came to a sign saying, ‘Beulah Land’. ‘I’ve heard of this place’, said Christian, ‘The King has prepared it for His servants so that they may have a glimpse of how beautiful and restful it is in the Celestial City. It can’t be much further to go, I can hardly wait to get there!’ ‘That’s how I feel too’, Hopeful said, ‘Let’s keep going’.

      A little further on and they saw two shining ones walking among the trees. Somehow they knew that these were angels who were keeping pace with them. These two angels had actually been with them all the way, but they hadn’t seen them until now.” “Doesn’t the Bible say something about the angel of the Lord being with Christians?” asked Bobby. “That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff, “It says the angel of the Lord camps round about those who love God and delivers them from bad things happening”. “Does that mean I’ve got an angel with me too?” Betty asked. “If you love and obey the Lord Jesus, that is what it says Betty. So just remember that whenever you get afraid of bad things happening”, Uncle Jeff said.

“Anyway, these angels told Hopeful and Christian that there was still another test for them before they could get to the gates of the Celestial City. ‘You will come to a wide river’, they said, ‘and you will each have to get across it on your own. You can’t go together, and we can’t even go with you. We can go to the edge of the river, but there is only One person who will go across it with you. He is the One who has said He will never leave you nor forsake you’.” “That’s a verse in the Bible too, isn’t it”, said Sarah, “Jesus has given us that promise”. “That’s right”, said Uncle Jeff, “And that is what Christian and Hopeful found for themselves.  ‘Oh, I’ve done some silly things on this trip’, said Christian, ‘You go ahead of me Hopeful’.

       Hopeful stepped into the water, and began to swim with strong strokes across the river. He went quietly and  determinedly, and soon disappeared from Christian’s sight. He could faintly see the angels waiting on the other side of the river, and knew he should be following his friend. But he felt so alone, and began to wonder if God really was with him. He started swimming and got halfway across when he began to struggle and half sank.  ‘Oh God, where are you?’ he cried.          Suddenly he felt lighter and happier and was able to swim more strongly. He could almost see what the Celestial City was like, and kept going until his feet touched the bottom. The angels reached out and pulled him to safety. The relief was immense and there was a bright shining light.  ‘Oh’, he cried out loud, ‘I had no idea it was like this!’

He heard the reply from the gates, ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and the rivers shall not overflow you!’       They could both see the other side before they got to the far side of the river and it was different for both of them. Hopeful got there peacefully and quietly, while Christian had a struggle on his way, but they both got there and found the King waiting to welcome them in. They saw the bright pearly gates there, and as they each arrived they were given bright white shining clothes to put on.     Everything else just fell off  them. All their aches and pains left them, and as they looked at each other they saw themselves as at the peak of their maturity Their faces were lovely and peaceful with no more lines or marks. Their hair was thick and shining, and all the grey had gone. Yet they still looked the same. They were still the same people, and were filled with a love and peace such as they had never known before. And there waiting to welcome them was the King Himself.

    The whole scene was like nothing that Hopeful and Christian had ever seen or known. It is so wonderful that no-one on earth could ever describe it…earthly words just cannot tell us anything about it. There were so many wonderful things to explore and see that the old world was completely left behind and forgotten. The Bible tells us that the former things (that’s now) will never be remembered once we get to the new heavens and new earth that God is going to make for His people. But that is the end of the story of Christian and Hopeful,” said Uncle Jeff.

Betty sighed loudly. “Oh, that is so wonderful Uncle Jeff, I almost felt like going with Christian myself!” “I suppose we are in a way,” Sarah said thoughtfully, “After all, we are all on the road of life right from when we are born”. “But Christian did such silly things on the way”, said Bobby. “That is such a comfort to us”, Uncle Jeff said, “It just shows us that even when we do wrong things, we can be forgiven if we confess it to the Lord Jesus and He will make everything fresh and new for us. Every single silly thing we have done will be  taken away and never remembered again!”      He stood up and stretched, and said, “That’s enough for now….let’s go and put the jug on for  afternoon tea”.

Christian’s (Pilgrim) Progress  (Part Eleven)    

.       Beware!

      It was a cold wet Sunday evening, and Bobby put some more wood on the fire. Uncle Jeff was with the family for tea again, and when the dishes were cleared off the table they all gathered around to hear more story. Even Mum and Dad had got interested by this time and wanted to hear more of Christian’s adventures along the road of life. “Well, we left Christian and Hopeful starting on the next stage of their journey”, said Uncle Jeff, “and as they went along, Christian remembered hearing a story about this part of the journey they were going on. ‘You know Hopeful,’ he began, ‘this is where Little-faith nearly lost his way to the Celestial City. He lay down under a tree somewhere here as he was so tired, and went to sleep. He woke up to see three robbers coming up on their horses, but by the time he had got off the ground they were upon him. They robbed him of his money, and one of them clubbed him on the head. Just as they were about to search him more thoroughly, they heard another traveller coming on a horse so they took off. They didn’t know that it was the Prince who was coming, because He has promised that He will never leave His people, no matter how weak they are or how foolish they have been.’                                             

 ‘What a great story!’ Hopeful exclaimed, ‘It gives me courage to carry on. We have certainly been silly sometimes, and yet the King is always with us even if we can’t see Him! Did the robbers get Faint-heart’s jewels?’ ‘No’, said Christian, ‘He had them hidden over his heart, and his soul was safe. But there is one thing that we have to remember, and that is to always have our sword ready and our shield as well, because our enemy is always lurking around ready to take a swipe at us’. ‘Oh, I will’, said Hopeful.’

“I know what that means”, Betty piped up, “It means that we always have to learn verses so we can say them, and to remember everything that God has done for us other times!” “That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff, “If we stand firm when the devil attacks us, he will run away from us. He is really a big coward!” “Doesn’t the Bible  say something about always wearing the armour of God too?” Sarah asked. “That’s right, that is the only way we can resist the devil and use our sword against him,” Uncle Jeff replied. “ Do you remember what the sword is in the armour that we have?” “Isn’t it the Bible?” Sarah asked, “I seem to remember something about it being the sword because it is the Word of God.”

“Yes,” said Uncle Jeff, “And that’s why it is so important to fill your mind with memory verses, so even if you don’t have your Bible with you, you can remember verses to keep you from temptation and displeasing God. Anyway, our friends went on a little further, and then they came to a fork in the road. ‘Which way shall we go?’ Hopeful asked. They stood there looking at the roads for a bit, and neither way seemed better than the other. ‘Let’s go this way’, said Christian, ‘There’s a man over there, we’ll follow him’, and off they went, catching up with him.  ‘Hoho’, the man said, ‘You look like two nice fellows, come and join me on my travels.’ So Christian and Hopeful followed him. He kept telling them how lucky he was to have such nice fellows to walk with and how good they were to keep him company.

    They had completely forgotten what the shepherd had told them about a man called Mr. Flatterer, and so they listened to his nice talk as they went along, and he kept telling them what good fellows they were!  But they never noticed that the road they were on had turned right around and was now facing the City of Destruction once more. They kept following him without ever once looking at their book of instructions, and never noticed where he was taking them until they found themselves all tangled up in a large net that was lying in the way. ‘Haha!’ laughed Mr. Flatterer, ‘you’ll be lucky to get to the Celestial City now! Haha!’ and he laughed again and then vanished.

‘Oh, oh’, cried Christian, ‘what shall we do? Oh, I’ve taken you the wrong way again Hopeful! Can you ever forgive me?’ ‘Of course I forgive you’, Hopeful said, ‘Even if you make mistakes seventy times seven!’ But this didn’t help them get out of the net. They spent a miserable night feeling sorry for themselves, and when it came daylight, they could see an angel there hovering nearby. ‘How did you come to be tangled up in this?’ he asked, ‘Didn’t the shepherds give you a map with directions on which way to take? Why didn’t you read it?’ Christian looked at the ground in shame. ‘I forgot’, he muttered.

‘Well,’ said the angel, ‘You will have to suffer the consequences of your foolishness. Here is a small hook to undo all those knots and get out of this mess’, and he passed them a small hook each. It took them almost all day to undo those knots, and their fingers were covered in blobs of blood by the time they finished and were free once more”. “That’s just like us when we do something silly without thinking”, Bobby said, “We might get out of trouble but then we have to put up with what follows. Like the time I went outside when I was told not to. It was raining and I got wet and cold, then I ended up with a bad cough for days”. “That’s right”, said Uncle Jeff, “Sometimes God has to let us suffer for our foolishness to teach us to obey our parents and to not forget to read His Word!”

“What happened to them next?” Sarah asked. “When they eventually managed to undo all the knots and get free, and  they carried on the road again, going in the right direction this time. But we’ll have to leave our story there for this time, “ Uncle Jeff said, “I’d better  have that cup of tea now  and then I’ll have to go”.

Christian’s (Pilgrim) Progress  (Part Ten)    

  In REAL Trouble This Time.

    Uncle Jeff walked in one wet Saturday afternoon where the three young ones were reading (Sarah and Betty)  and building a meccano set (Bobby). “I figured it was time we caught up with a bit more story”, he said, “And seeing it’s a wet afternoon, it’s a good time to do this”. “Ooh goody”, cried Betty, “Come on Bobby, more of Uncle Jeff’s story!” Sarah came into the room with the others and settled down to listen as well.

“What was the big mistake that Christian and Hopeful made?” Uncle Jeff asked. “They left the narrow way of the King, and went over the stile for an easier road”, said Bobby, “They were following Cocky who thought he knew best, and then they all got lost in the dark”. “I know what that’s like”, Sarah said, “It’s like when we think we know what’s best for us instead of doing what the Bible says. When we get the huff with someone who has been mean to us, and then won’t forgive them!”

“Yes, and now they find themselves in a real mess. Without knowing where they were going, they had wandered off the right track and were now in the grounds of a large castle called Doubting Castle that belonged to Giant Despair. He was going the rounds the next morning to see what damage the storm had done, and what should he see but Christian and Hopeful asleep in his shed by the track.   He picked them both up by the backs of their necks as though they were little kittens, and took them off to his castle where he threw them into a stinking  dungeon. It was dark and smelly inside. Our friends picked themselves up off the floor and they shook their heads trying to see what their prison was like. They were left there without anything to eat or drink for three days. Christian especially was feeling bad because it was his idea to go over the stile the easy way.

   The giant’s wife was as cruel and mean as he was, and tried to get him to kill them. But he went back the next day  to see them and gave them both a beating  instead. They were feeling so sore for the next day or so, and when the giant came back again, he had a bottle of poison and a rope in his hand. ‘There’, he said as he threw them down on the floor, ‘You can either take the poison or hang yourselves. Nobody ever gets out of here alive!’    The two men were so weak and sore, that they actually talked about taking the poison. ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea’, Christian said, ‘But I was the one that got us into this mess!’ ‘Not really’, said Hopeful, ‘But I don’t think the King would like us to be talking about killing ourselves’.

They lay down again and tried to rest their sore backs and legs. When they woke up, Christian suddenly said, ‘Oh! I’ve been such a dope! Look what I have here!’ and he put his hand inside his shirt pulling out a large key wrapped in his handkerchief. ‘What is that?’ asked Hopeful. ‘The girl where I got the armour from gave it to me just as I was leaving and said that if we were ever in real trouble to use this key of promise and prayer. She said that it would unlock any door of any size!’      So that night after dark, Christian went to the door and put the key in it. Sure enough, it unlocked easily. They went through it and came to the second door. This was a much bigger door, but it too opened with no trouble. The final door led to the outside and it was heavy and rusty. The key could not unlock it so they both turned it with all their might. Suddenly it flew open making a dreadful clatter. The Giant’s wife heard it, and pushed him out of bed saying, ‘Those prisoners are running off. Go and catch them!’ Giant Despair ran after them, and almost caught them as they got to the outside gateway. But what with the effort of waking up suddenly and being a bit dizzy, one of his fits came upon him and he fell down on the ground.

‘Quick’ said Christian, and they ran through the gate slamming it behind them. They kept running until they could run no more and were well clear of Giant Despair’s land. After they climbed back over the stile, they said, ‘Let’s put up a notice to warn others of the dangers of leaving the King’s Highway’. They found a large smooth piece of wood and carved a warning notice on it with an arrow pointing along the narrow way they had left.  It said, ‘This is the way, only walk this way!’

A little further along, they came to a beautiful meadow with plenty of green grass and shepherds looking after some sheep. ‘What is this place called”‘ Christian asked the shepherds. ‘This is the place of rest beside the still waters’, they said, ‘The Chief Shepherd leads his sheep here, and gives them a full table to eat from. He restores their  souls  and  anoints  their  heads with oil until their cup runs over with joy. Why don’t you stay here and recover from all your aches and pains. It isn’t much further to the Celestial City from here’ “, and Uncle Jeff paused.

“Did they do that?” Bobby asked. “I guess it’s like us taking a break after a tough time”, Sarah said. “What happens next?” asked Betty impatiently. “Well,” said Uncle Jeff slowly, “They decided to do just that. They stopped there until they felt fit enough to carry on. The names of the shepherds there were Knowledge, Experience, Watchful and Hope. Whenever we have gone through tough times, we come out of it knowing more and having all those experiences behind us. We know to be more watchful like Christian was now, and filled with hope for better days ahead. The shepherds went with them to the end of the restful plains, and then after climbing a small rise, they handed Christian a pair of binoculars to look across to the hills with the bright  glow behind them.  ‘There’s the Celestial City over there’, they said, ‘behind that bright gateway’.  Hopeful too, had a look and it made him feel joyful at the very thought of being there. ‘Whatever you do’, the shepherds said, ‘Beware of a man called Flatterer, and don’t stop on the Enchanted Ground.’ ‘Watch out for the robbers too’, called out Knowledge as they went on their way.

 So Christian and Hopeful went on their way, feeling rested and with a song in their hearts. And we’ll leave it there for now”, Uncle Jeff said. “I think the rain has stopped now, so let’s go outside”.

Christian’s (Pilgrim’s) Progress Part Nine.

        More Setbacks in Christian’s Way.

“Dad, can we go round to Uncle Jeff’s place this afternoon?” Bobby asked one Saturday. “Well, you’ll have to make sure you get all your chores done this morning then”, Dad said, “And as it turns out, Mum and I want to go shopping this afternoon so we can drop you off on our way and pick you up when we get back”. “Ooh, goody!” said Betty who had been listening, “I want more story!”

   So later on when they were left at Uncle Jeff’s place, they all settled down nibbling at some nuts that Uncle Jeff had on his little table by the couch. “Well, we left Christian and Faithful walking along together enjoying chatting as they went. They were talking about the goodness of the King, and what they expected to find when they got to the Heavenly Land. They were so busy talking as they went that they didn’t see the tall man coming up behind them. ‘Hoho,’ he said as he caught up with them, ‘How is the travelling going?’ ‘Where are you off to?’ Christian asked, ‘We are going to the Celestial City’. ‘So am I!’ said Talkative (for that was his name and also what he was) ‘Come and walk with us then’, said Christian ‘and we can enjoy talking as we go along’. ‘Nothing would suit me better’, said Talkative, ‘I can talk about all sorts of things you like to bring up’.

‘We’ve been talking about the Celestial City’, said Faithful, ‘and the things that we will find there’. ‘There are better things to talk about than that’, said Talkative, ‘Why no-one has ever come back from there to tell us what it’s like. Now I prefer to talk about things I can see around me….’ and he kept on talking and talking as they went along. Christian strode along ahead and the other two started to lag behind, as Talkative was so busy talking, he started walking slower. Finally, Faithful caught up to Christian and said, ‘Why don’t you join in with us back here?’

‘I don’t think so’, Christian said, ‘I remember what he was like when I knew him back in the city of Destruction. Wherever he was, he talked to suit those who were there. You should have heard what he was like in the pub! People said he was a saint when he was out and devil when he was at home! ‘Really?’ said Faithful, ‘How can we get rid of him then?’ ‘Just ask him what made him want to come to the Celestial City, and tell him how good God is to have called us like He did!’    Faithful began to talk to him about these things, and it wasn’t long before Talkative said, ‘I’ve just remembered  something, I’d better go back and attend to it!’ and he turned around and went back where he had come from.”

“It’s funny that,” Sarah said, “The kids at school who don’t go to Youth Club don’t like to hear us talk about things we do there either. They say we are sissies for taking notice of that sort of thing!” “Silly things!” said Betty, “They don’t know much do they?” “What happened next, Uncle Jeff?” Bobby asked.

“The path was going through a dry rough place where nothing much was growing, in fact it seemed like a wilderness with no green grass and nothing very nice to look at. Just like Talkative’s talk was, dry and pointless. As they were about to leave this area, another person was hurrying up behind them. Christian turned around, and exclaimed, ‘Oh look, here comes our old friend Evangelist, he’ll have something worthwhile to say to us!’    And so it was. ‘ Peace be with you!’ Evangelist said as he caught up with them, ‘May the Lord be with you….how are you doing now you are this far on your trip?’ ‘We were just saying that if it weren’t for your encouragement back in the city of Destruction, we might never have started on this journey. We are so thankful for your preaching and teaching in past days! By the way, did you see anything of Twisty after he got back to city of Destruction? I thought he was going to stay and be a good friend to me on the way, but he said the road was too hard’. ‘Yes, he is back where he started from, and harder than ever. He is saying now that it was all a big mistake and he found that it was just a load of rubbish! I think he was one of those people who start off with great enthusiasm and then when hard things happen, they change their minds and turn away from the things of God’.”

“I know a girl like that at school”, Sarah said, “She seemed really keen at the Easter Camp, and went forwards to talk to the leader, and even got up at the testimony time, but to listen to her now, she has changed right back again”.

“Yes, you find that happens sometimes”, said Uncle Jeff, “Well, while they were walking along, Evangelist started to look very sad. ‘What’s wrong, Evangelist?’ Christian asked. ‘The King has given me a message that as you pass through the next town called Vanity Fair, one of you is not going to get past there, but will die’. Christian and Faithful looked at each other with sad faces at this news. Evangelist said, ‘I know this is very sad news, but the one who will be taken will be better off than the one that is left because he will reach the Celestial City first, and will be saved from many hard times in this world before the other one gets there. But for the one who is left, let me say in the words of our Master, ‘Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world’. And now I must leave you and go back to continue my work of pointing more pilgrims to this way’.    With that, he turned around and sadly walked away, while the others carried on forward towards this town of doom.”

Uncle Jeff got up and stretched. “I think that will do for today”, he said, “It won’t be long before your Mum and Dad come back….let’s go outside and fill the wheelbarrow up with firewood for tonight”.

Christian’s (Pilgrim’s) Progress (Part 8)

     Christian’s Greatest Trial Yet.

A few days had gone by, and the children hadn’t seen Uncle Jeff. “Mum, when is Uncle Jeff coming round again?” Bobby asked one day after school, “I want to hear more of that story!” “You are really enjoying that aren’t you?” Mum asked, “Have you noticed that each story has a meaning to it?” Sarah came into the room in time to hear what Mum said. “Yes, I had noticed that”, she said, “Sometimes it even has Bible verses in it. It seems just like things that happen to us when we feel like giving up our Bible reading and learning our verses”. “That’s right”, Mum said, “And I guess there’ll be more of that in the next session too”.

Uncle Jeff called in a few days later, and Bobby couldn’t wait to say, “What happens to Christian in the next part of the story, Uncle Jeff?” So they all settled themselves down, and Uncle Jeff said, “Well, you all remember where we got up to don’t you? Christian had stayed in Mr. and Mrs. Hospitable’s place and was having a good rest after all his frights on the road. What do you think that is like for us?” “Well, I guess you could say it’s like us having a good time at a camp or Youth Group”, Sarah said thoughtfully.

“Yes, that’s right”, Uncle Jeff said, “We get all fired up with hearing all the stories and learning new songs, and then we leave and feel we could convert the world! Well, Christian was like that too. He stayed with the family for a few days before leaving and they showed him all sorts of wonderful things they had collected over the years. There was a little basket like Moses would have been in when he was a baby, and there were some slings like David would have used when he killed the giant, and a collection of clothes that the priests would have worn in the tabernacle. Just before he left, the girls took him into a large dressing room with a great collection of armour.

‘Now, you must put these on to protect yourself on the road’, they said, ‘Here is the helmet of salvation, and the breastplate of righteousness, and you mustn’t forget to take the sword of God’s Word and the shield of faith’. Christian thought this all seemed too much…’Do I really need all these things?’ he asked ‘Yes, you can’t afford to go without any of them’, the girls told him,  “You never know what you are going to meet on the road’.

    They went down the driveway to the main gate with him and said goodbye as he stepped out onto the road again. Christian looked across the valley and the views were beautiful…there were lovely green fields in the distance and far away over the mountains in the distance he could see a very bright light shining. ‘What is that light away over there?’ he asked as he left. ‘That is the light of the Celestial City where this road ends’, the girls said, ‘That is where the King lives in the mansions He has prepared for His people. You must always keep remembering that is your goal. But first of all the road leads down into this valley and that is where you are going to need your armour, but you must be on your way before it gets any later….goodbye!!’.  So Christian headed off down the hill with a light heart and singing one of the songs of Zion as he went.

   The further down the hill he went, the darker it got. He forgot the lovely view of the distant mountains, and worse still, he could see a dim figure coming towards him in the fog which seemed to be in the valley. He stopped singing and began to feel afraid. Who was that coming? Then he heard a sweet sound above him…’Don’t be afraid, for I am with you right to the end’. He pulled his book out and began to look at it, and this is what he read….’the angel of the Lord is round about all those who love Him’.    Christian began to feel better straight away…why should he worry when he could tell the King all about his troubles? He felt a great peace come over him, and he strode along with great purpose.

Further along, he saw a large fearsome looking creature coming towards him. Somehow he knew this creature’s name was Apollyon. ‘What shall I do?’ he thought full of fear. Then the thought came to him…’stand fast and resist the devil and he will flee from you’, so he kept on going firmly, waving his sword as he went. Apollyon started to belch out smoke and make horrid noises, but even though Christian was still afraid, he kept on going. Apollyon lifted his blow gun to his mouth, ready to blow some darts at Christian, but he held his shield up in front of him. Suddenly Apollyon turned and backed off. He knew he was no match for the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit that Christian had.

    The valley was still foggy and dark, but Christian kept going as fast as he could. The track was very narrow and he was afraid of tripping over and toppling into the horrid smelling mud on the side of the path. The thought came to him as he walked along, ‘Even though I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I won’t be afraid, for the King is with me’, and on he went.    It started to get lighter and he could see plainly, and as he went a little further, he could see someone ahead of him. ‘Hey’, he called, ‘Wait for me!’ The man turned around to see who it was that was calling him, and Christian could see that it was someone from his home town, a man called Faithful. ‘Oh, it’s you Christian!’ Faithful said, ‘I didn’t recognise you under all that armour. Where did you get that?’

So Christian told him all that had happened since he had been travelling towards the Celestial City, and how the foul creature in the valley of the shadow of death had  tried to hinder him as he went. ‘You know, if I hadn’t had this armour to protect me, I don’t know how I would have got on,’ he said, ‘Did you meet anyone as you came along the road?’ ‘I sure did’, said Faithful, ‘And they all tried to turn me back. There was Mr. Discontent who was full of complaints about how hard the road was and kept asking why I didn’t go with him and have some fun. Fun! I would sooner carry on to the Celestial City no matter how hard it is. Then there was Shame….a miserable looking creature he was! He kept telling me what a shame it was that I had decided to take this road, and how shameful it was to be seen reading my Book. He said it was a shame to sing the songs of Zion and to repent of my sins. I got fed up with him in the end and told him he could go back by himself, I didn’t want to hear his talk any more!’ ” and Uncle Jeff paused for a minute.

“I’ve heard kids at school saying things like that,” Sarah said thoughtfully, “But they are so full of mean things they say about other people, I don’t want to be like them!” “One boy at school asked if my parents went to parties or ever got drunk, and when I said no, they said, ‘Don’t they ever have any fun?!’ ” said Bobby, “I don’t think these kids know what REAL fun is!!” “No”, said Uncle Jeff, “You wouldn’t feel like taking the family fishing on a Saturday morning either if you had a big head after drinking all night would you!” “We have lots of fun, don’t we?” Betty had to have her say.

Christian’s (Pilgrim) Progress  (Part Seven)           

  ” What happened to  Christian while he was going up the steep hill?” Bobby asked Uncle Jeff the next time he came to their place.

“Well now,” Uncle Jeff said as he settled down in the easy chair, “Let’s see…..he got slower and slower and more tired as he kept going up the hill. Then he saw a summer-house on the side of the road that the King had built for His people to rest in. It had a comfy couch and a couple of copies of the same book that he’d been given at the Cross. Christian sat down thankfully, lay back and opened his book at the place where it described the armour that the King provides for His people. He shut his eyes, and when he finally opened them again, he found it was getting late in the afternoon. He seemed to hear a little voice saying in his mind, ‘Go to the ant you lazy fellow, watch what she does and become wise’. ‘Oh dear,’ said Christian out loud, ‘I’ve wasted nearly a whole afternoon. I’d better hurry and make up time’.    Suddenly he saw two men racing down the hill towards him looking frightened out of their wits. One was called Scared and the other was Timid. ‘Why are running so fast and where are you going?’ Christian asked. ‘Oh,’ said Timid, ‘we found this way too hard. The further we went, the harder it got. There are even lions in the way!’ ‘Yes’, said Scared, ‘the lions saw us and started to roar, so we turned around and ran away before they grabbed us!’

   Christian began to be afraid after they ran off down the hill. ‘What shall I do?’ he asked himself, ‘Where’s my book? It might tell me what to do’. But he couldn’t find it anywhere. ‘I wonder if it’s back where I went to sleep?’ he thought, ‘I’d better go back and find it’. So he had to go all the way back, and sure enough, there it was where he had been lying down. ‘I’ll have to be more careful’, he thought, ‘and not be too lazy to pick it up next time I stop’.”

“What did that mean?” Bobby asked, “Most of the things in this story seem to mean something”. “That’s right Bobby,” Uncle Jeff said, “It means that we must not be too lazy to have our morning reading each day, or it will get too easy to just forget it altogether”. “I’ve got a book for my morning readings”, Betty piped up. “That’s good “, said Uncle Jeff, “Then you won’t be like Christian who got so frightened when he got a bit further and heard the lions begin to roar.”

      It was getting dark too, and he couldn’t see the way very clearly. The lions roared more loudly, and kept pulling at their chains. Christian ran as fast as he could, keeping to the  middle of the path, and fell down by a gate that he could dimly see in the half light.     A man came forward to meet him. ‘My name is Watchman’, he said, ‘and I help people through this gate’. He rang a bell, and a young girl came to open it. ‘Here you are Wisdom, take this man and give him something to eat and a bed for the night’. “Yes, Watchman’, she said, ‘and I’ll introduce him to the rest of the family too’. She went ahead of Christian and led him inside. She called her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hospitable,  and her other two sisters, Lovey and Prudence, and said, ‘Here’s a man who is on his way to the Celestial City and he needs a bed for the night’. ‘Oh thank-you so much’, Christian said, ‘but why are the lions on the side of the road outside?’ ‘That’s a test for people coming this way,’ Mr. Hospitable said, ‘Did you see anyone else as you came up the hill?’ ‘Yes, I did,’ said Christian ‘and they nearly persuaded me to go back with them’. ‘You must never do that,’ Mr. Hospitable  said, ‘The King says that those who put their hand to the plough are never to look backwards’.

‘Yes,’ said Lovey, ‘You must always keep on going. The lions can never touch you no matter how much they rant and roar’.

‘That’s right,’ said Prudence, ‘You always have to be watchful and careful, and make sure you read your book every day’. ‘Thank-you so much ,’ said Christian, ‘and thank-you for giving me a bed for tonight too’. ‘We do this for all the Christians that come our way’, said Wisdom, ‘The King has given us this home and we are to share it with others as they need it, and encourage them on their way the next day’.”    Uncle Jeff got up and stretched. “Well, that’s enough for today”, he said, “We don’t want you to get tired of this story, it has so many great meanings in it. We’ll have more next time”.