The Lord’s Prayer (Part One)

The Lord’s Prayer  (Part 1) ….                                    

Matthew 6:9-13

    This is probably one of the better known passages in the New Testament, and although it is commonly know as “The Lord’s Prayer”, it is in fact a pattern prayer that Jesus gave to His disciples. “You don’t need to beg and plead for God to hear you,” He said, “That is how those who don’t know God pray….. but you should say, ‘Our Father which is in Heaven’ .”

No-one at that time had ever called God “Our Father”. They all thought that God was far away and distant. Now, here was Jesus telling them to call Him “Our Father” ! This was not to be done glibly or in a familiar manner, and we are reminded immediately of this by His next statement.

“Hallowed be Your Name”, he said. This simply means that God’s Name is holy and above all else. People sometimes say they can’t believe in a God they can’t see. But if we could see God, He wouldn’t be God!

There are a couple of accounts in the Bible of people who did see God physically….there was the prophet Isaiah who saw the glory of God, and he fell down in worship before it, unable to look at the splendour and brilliance of it all. “Woe is me, for I am undone!” he cried out, “I am a man of unclean lips!” He felt his unworthiness and sinfulness as God appeared in the brilliant light of heaven before him (Isaiah 6:5).   The Apostle Paul also saw Him and it left him blind for three days (Acts 9:3-9).

We have to acknowledge that God is a Holy God before we can make our requests to Him….the point is, do we KNOW  this One who we are addressing? Can we truly call Him “Our Father” ?

Trials and Troubles.

PROVERBS  THREE…. (v.11-18)

Do you think it sounds strange to be immediately told after all the  wonderful promises of peace and prosperity, that some unpleasant experiences may come upon you?

What is the purpose of trials and tests? Do you notice what the Lord Jesus said to His disciples immediately after His promises of asking and receiving? They would be granted what they asked for, but would not be exempt from experiencing trials and tribulations!

What did Paul say about the problem he asked to have taken away from him? God allowed it to stay so he could experience God’s grace and strength in his time of weakness.  We are also told later on  that the results of chastening (or correction) teach us to put into practice God’s righteousness and to learn His peace.

Solomon tells us  here that the lessons we learn from God’s chastening gives even more wisdom, and that these experiences are worth far more than silver or gold. We can rejoice in them after they are over and profit from them by knowing God better.

Troubles and trials are sent to us all,                                                                        For our Lord is beside us and won’t let us fall;                                                   He’ll carry us through, and give us more grace,                                                     As we look in His Word, and seek His pure face.

A Clear Conscience

PROVERBS  THREE…. (v.1-10)

     Solomon is again telling his son to take notice of what he is saying, so he can enjoy a long and peaceful life.

The first thing is to be 100% truthful and honest before God and before man……there is nothing more peaceful than a clear conscience! To experience  the mercy of God, one must be merciful to others and not judgmental. Paul goes into great detail    how a believer must act towards others, and we are left in no doubt as to what the Lord expects. We might think this is hard to do, but Solomon gives us the key…..”trust in the Lord,” he says, “Don’t follow your first reaction to circumstances, ask what God would have you to do! If you do this, you will KNOW the right thing to do”

Paul goes on to say that we will then have God’s peace ruling in our heart with our minds and consciences at rest. We will be thankful for what we HAVE got, and be able to count our blessings. God’s peace helps our state of health…..our stress levels are lower, our stomach stops churning, and we sleep better; “health to our navel” as Solomon says! What better advice could we have than this!

God wants His people to be honest and true,                                                      Be kind-hearted and helpful all their days through;                                         To trust in the Lord and His leading each day,                                                   As  He constantly keeps you along Life’s way!

Parable of the Rose


Gran and Bobby were walking around Gran’s garden one afternoon, and they came to the patch where the roses were growing. Gran loved her carpet roses which are the sort that naturally sprawl all over the ground, making a great thick tangled “carpet” on the ground if they are left. They are a very tough rose and very seldom get diseases like black spot on their leaves, and Gran really loved them.

“Gran”, Bobby said, “How do you get them to stand up straight and tall with those mop tops?”

“Well, you see”, said Gran, “If I left them to grow how they want to grow, they would just be a tangled mess on the ground, so that’s why I trim them up to keep them tidy.”

She pointed to the tallest ones at the back of the patch, “Those are the first ones I trained like that Bobby,” she said, “And you can see they are now standing tall and slim with a “mop top” that gets covered with flowers”.

Then she pointed to the ones in front. “Those are the young plants that grew from cuttings last year. Every year, after the hot summer sun has finished, the rose plants sprout their new growth from the bottom of their main stem…see these ones here”, and Gran got down beside the front ones. “See these lovely long shoots, looking so healthy and strong. But they can’t be left there because then they will make the “carpet” on the ground and lose their “standard” look”.

Gran pulled the long new shoots off at the base of the roses, saying “I know this is going to hurt them but it has to be done to keep their beautiful shape. Each year the main stem is getting stronger and stronger, and keeping its shape so the flowers can be seen up high instead of dragging on the ground!”

Bobby watched as Gran snipped off a few more. “What are you going to do with those ones you’ve cut off?” he asked.

“I’ll keep the best ones. “ Gran said, “and put them in fresh soil to become the new cuttings for the next year. The ones from the year before that have taken root and are now growing on their own, and I’ve staked and tied them up. Then in another year or so, they will stand tall and straight with their “mop tops” like the main ones at the back.”

“Wow!” said Bobby, “There’s a lot more to growing roses than I thought!”

They slowly walked back to the house.

“What does all this mean?” Bobby asked, “You always seem to know what things mean!”

“Well,” said Gran, “It reminds me how God has a garden with all sorts of plants growing in it. We are all different just as the flowers are all different, and they all need different ways of being looked after. Some of us are like the roses we’ve just been looking at. If we’re left to ourselves, we sprawl all over the ground, getting tangled up with each other, and having disagreements, each wanting to go our own way. But as God, our Master Gardener, trims us up, He takes off the unwanted stalks and shoots, and helps us to stand tall and straight for Him. He doesn’t leave us to wave around in the wind any old way, but He ties us firmly to a stake so we can grow tall and straight for Him.

“ Yes, it does hurt at times, and other times we can’t see why a perfectly strong healthy shoot has to be taken off, but He knows that it will spoil the picture He has in His mind for us. The plant will sometimes put all its energy into that new growth, rather than into bearing the flowers that He wants to see in us.”

“Oh, I never thought of anything like that, Gran,” Bobby said, “That’s really neat!”

“So the next time we have disappointments, let’s ask ourselves what we can learn from them, and straighten ourselves up to bear flowers for our Gardener to see  and enjoy,” said Gran, “and do you know what Bobby? I’m discovering that the older I get, I’m like that first rose plant I put in the ground, with its main stalk all gnarled and wrinkled.  But there are still unwanted shoots coming out of me that have to be taken off so I can bear flowers for God to enjoy.”

“Oh,” said Bobby slowly as they reached the house, “So that means that it doesn’t matter how old or how young we are, we still have to have those straggly shoots taken off us?”

“Yes,” said Gran, “But it’s not all too hard, Bobby. We still have God’s stick  beside us to hold us up and stand straight and strong for Him! Anyway, let’s go inside  and put the jug on and have a nice hot drink!”