Another Family Broken.

  We attended the funeral of a very much loved wife, mother, grandmother and friend the other day  who  seemed to have been taken far too soon. It was an extremely large funeral service, one that paid many tributes to our friend and to her faith in her God. Once again, it impressed itself on me the brevity and uncertainty of life, and I wondered how many of those who were present were ready to take this, their last trip from this earth.

The overall message from the Lord to several members of that family was that verse that says…”You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You”, and that is what makes all the difference. If our mind is stayed (or steadfast) on the God of our salvation, we have nothing to fear, but if we don’t know Him, the best that we can face is an uncertain hope.

When an untimely death like this occurs, we can know with certainty that it is God’s doing, not man’s. It is a clean break that can heal in time, giving the opportunity for a fresh new start in another direction. What a difference to a messy break in a family that is caused by man’s interference!

Yes, the sorrow is still there, and the gap is still as great, but it is like a pot of  boiling water that has a potato and an egg in the shell put into it. The boiling water makes the egg go hard, while the same boiling water makes the potato go soft! When the boiling water of serious trouble strikes us, which are we going to be…the egg or the potato? Let’s remember that picture and turn to the God of all comfort, softening to His will and moving on.

Beauty in the Garden!


I’m a fan of bearded irises! They are such a beautiful flower, coming from a rather uninteresting looking plant. There are many different coloured varieties, from deep purples and wines, to delicate mauves and pure white. Still others have a faint blush of pink. Each petal in the flower has its own brush (or beard), often a yellow in contrast to the rest of the flower. Over all , the flower when picked has a definite faint scent, that can be noticed as soon as you enter the room where it is.

Many have been cross bred to have the most distinctive colours and the combination of colours is quite startling. This all goes to show the creative genius of the Master Gardener who has given them to us to enjoy.  Man may have adapted and bred different colours into them, but it all comes from the Great Creator in the first place!

I couldn’t help thinking how we are like this beautiful flower in many ways. We may not have had the most wonderful start in life, but if we give ourselves to God, He can mould us and breed in us the things that please Him, making something beautiful from a very mundane beginning. Not a one of us can say that we are good for nothing, or have nothing to give….this is a just an excuse and often because we can’t be bothered making the effort. We can all give a smile and make a comment that will brighten someone else’s day, from the girl behind the supermarket counter to the gardener working in the council gardens in the car park! People don’t remember you for how you look, as much as for how you make them feel!

Looking Ahead!

How this year has flown! As you get older, so the time seems to go quicker. What once seemed endless, now seems to have the end come too quickly. When we were going to school, we would think at the beginning of holidays, that they seem to have no end. But then suddenly,  the end would  come  and they were over. This is just like one’s life.

When we are growing up, the years stretch ahead of us endlessly.

When we are middle aged, they are still there…we think ten, twenty years, even thirty years still to go to do things in.

When we get older at retirement, we think that now is the time to get things done, with plenty of time and leisure.

But when we reach our eighties, what is left? Looks have gone, health has gone, strength is not there, energy has left, and we see  how much has been left unaccomplished.  What remains?

Without the assurance of a life to come, nothing is left, there is no hope. But for someone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ, there is everything to look forwards to. Not only will we see Him face to face, but there will be so much more to discover. The Bible tells us that “eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

   Did you notice that phrase….”for those who love Him”? If we don’t love Him enough to get to know Him while here on earth, how are we going to know  Him in a time to come? It is never too late to come to Him…He is calling to all….”Come until Me all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What a wonderful invitation!