Are we Feeling Flat?

We were down the street yesterday and when I got back to where my husband was patiently waiting, and he went to start the car, all it would do was give a flat sounding “brrrrrrr” sound. So he said, “We’ll have to get someone to come with jumper leads to start it and I’ll have to get a new battery!” And that is what happened.

    But it reminded me of how we can’t function properly as far as God is concerned without a good battery either.  We have to keep ourselves with a full battery by reading God’s Word .  Otherwise, we will go nowhere, and be good for nothing as far as He is concerned.

     It  is  like our prayer life too. There are many times when we feel as though God is far away and not hearing our prayers. But the trouble is that we have a flat battery or a loose connection between us and God, and it is not until we join the connection that the power of God flows back into our life. Let’s look at some of these things that can cut our fellowship with God.

    One of these is having a right relationship with our spouse or other members of our families. This is one of the main causes of a flat battery, and we are told that husbands in particular, are to treat their wives right or their prayers will be hindered  (1 Peter 3:7).

      Another one is having a bad attitude towards others, and unconfessed sin….King David said, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me!” (Psalm 66:18)

    Wrong attitude to our money….it is not our own, but only what God has given us, so it is only reasonable to give Him His share of it.

   Habitual and continual disobedience will block our communion with God, as will a cherished sin in our hearts…..are we doing  something that we know displeases the Lord but we don’t want to give it up? This is a loose connection that causes a flat battery that will cut the communication between us and God, and we will go nowhere. The prophet Isaiah said, “Your sins have come between you and God like a thick cloud!”   (Isaiah 52:1)

   So after thinking about these things, let’s fix these loose connections in our life, get a new battery and have our communion with God restored again.

Where do I get Comfort From?

       The last few times, we have been thinking about the perilous times we are living in, and the panic that some people are experiencing, and even those who have God’s hope within are feeling the strain of these days of restrictions, rules and mandates.    Recently, I’ve been reading the book of Psalms, and what a lot of comfort there is in these! Even if they start off on a doleful note, they nearly all end up looking to God above and taking comfort from Him! Truly, there is no other way to receive  comfort of a lasting sort apart from what He can give us!     Let’s look at Psalm 116 and see what we can get from it….

I love the Lord for He has heard, My supplications,  every word, Because He hears when I call, He brings me up from depths of gall. Even when we feel down in the dumps, God will hear our every cry to Him….there is another little ditty I sometimes remind myself of…  “Whenever I am in a fix, I’ll think  of Philippians four and six!” . This says,  “Don’t worry about ANYTHING, Instead pray about EVERYTHING! And DON’T forget to give God thanks for the answer!”

We may be sad and full of woe, He’ll free me from my every foe! He is the Gracious One above, He is the God of righteous love.    We don’t just have the foes of things we can see…there are other foes that attack us. Worries about our family, ill health that might be lurking and making us feel down, or even broken relationships. But as we take all these to the Lord in prayer, we can feel our spirits lift, and  know that He has all our worries in His hands. But we have to remember to leave our worries behind, and that’s not easy, I know. But it’s no use taking them to the Lord in prayer and then picking them up again and taking them away with you!!!

Return unto your rest my soul, He delivers and makes us whole, From death and tears, and feet that fall, He will deliver from them all.    

These few lines remind us that He is the Great Deliverer….we just have to hang onto this in faith. The Bible says  that if we don’t have faith, we can’t receive anything from Him (Hebrews 11:6)  It also says that those who seek WILL find (Matthew 7:7-8)

What can I to the Lord now give, For the fact I move and live? I’ll take salvation that’s His gift, Pay my vows, my voice I’ll lift!     This verse shows us that we have to have a thankful heart….this is what God is looking for from us. We all feel disappointed if we give a gift to someone, and they just take it with no thanks given, and no appreciation for it. How many of God’s gifts we take for granted…we never think to say thankyou for our homes, for the other blessings we have, for the good health that we enjoy, and for the friendships and family that we have. These are all gifts from God….too often all we do is complain and grumble if things don’t work out as we would like! Most of all, He is offering us salvation from our sins and shortcomings….have we even bothered to take this, let alone give thanks for it??

Precious in the sight of God, Are those who in His ways have trod.   These last lines of this psalm remind us how God views His people as being precious. Not only in our lives as we  look to Him, but also when it comes to leaving this earth for ever. He says in verse 15 of this psalm…. “Precious in the sight of the Lord, is the death of His saints!”  This is because He will have them with Him forever….there will be no more parting from Him, and we will see Him face to face….what a glorious prospect His people have! No wonder the Psalmist could end this Psalm by saying, “Praise the Lord!!”


We may not have thought much about fellowship before, but since it was taken away from us by the covid threats, it has been much more precious. We now realise what we have been missing all these weeks that we have been shut away from each other. In fact, fellowship is one of the ways that we are made in God’s image! Have you ever stopped to think how much God values fellowship with His people?   In fact, that is why He made man,  to have fellowship with Him!

      Look at what we are told about the first man and how God would come to earth to walk with him in the cool of each day, after man’s work was done. Then how the animals were brought to Adam to name, but they didn’t give him the fellowship he yearned for, so God made a woman to help and complement him….this is true fellowship. But it was not the ultimate fellowship….that was completed when man (and woman ) could have fellowship; with their Maker. This was a complete fellowship such as nothing else could give.

     Let’s read the account given in the Bible in Genesis, chapters 2-3…. There was one criteria to this….for this fellowship to remain unbroken, there must be absolute obedience to what God said. God gave them both just one rule…  “you can eat of any of the fruit in the garden,” He said, “But do NOT touch the fruit of the tree in the centre, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!”

    Surely one rule would be easy enough to keep!  It was, until the tempter came along, determined to break this fellowship between God and man. We all know the story of how Eve was tempted and how she gave in and then caused Adam to disobey God’s rule as well…they both ate the forbidden fruit! They knew immediately that their fellowship with God was gone!. First, they tried to cover their nakedness which was a dismal failure, and then they tried to hide when God came to have fellowship with them that evening. They didn’t want to see Him!

    But God has a way of catching up with us. He knew what Adam and Eve had done….he knows all that WE do too! There was only one way to rectify their disobedience, and that was for the blood of an animal to be shed, and its skin taken to make a permanent covering for Adam and Eve. Then once more they could face God, but they had to take the consequences of their disobedience in taking away the fellowship that they had become familiar with, and had taken for granted. For Adam, it was having to work hard to grow his food; for Eve it was having to bear children in pain, and to look to her husband for protection. For them both, there was only one way to restore that precious fellowship that they had known with God before, and that was through the death of a lamb as a sacrifice. They clearly understood this and told their sons about it when they became old enough to understand. We read about this in Genesis chapter four, verses 1-6.

   You might ask how we can have this same fellowship with God today. We don’t have animal sacrifices today, because God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to live a sinless life and yet wicked men took Him and killed Him with a vicious death. His  sinless death covers ALL our sins and disobediences  if  we  will  only  believe  it  for ourselves….. “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses me from ALL sin” we read in 1 John 1:7. So because of this, we can each experience true fellowship with God as He intended it to be!


       In all my years, I have never seen such a wide spread panic as there has been since the corona virus hit our shores! Even before it got here, we were being advised to be vaccinated against it, not so much for our own safety, but for that of others! The strange thing was, that even the vaccinated ones who were supposed to now be protected, were still so afraid of catching this dread disease. The saddest part of the whole thing is the way it has divided society and families, not so much for what they have, but for what they might get! People look at each other with suspicion, and quickly move out of each other’s way lest they catch the germs!

    For those who know God personally, there is nothing to fear. We are told that our days are all numbered, and regardless of “HOW” we will leave this earth it will happen at the appointed time, if not in this way, then in another! We realise that some of those who have been taken with this disease have been believing Christians, and that for them life has taken on a whole new dimension. But it is for those who are left behind that we grieve with in their loss.

     The main point is that each one of us be prepared for this great journey that we will all one day take part in, and then we have nothing to fear or panic about. In many countries, restrictions have already been lifted as the worst of the disease seems to be over, and people are more free to come and go as they please. Let us not abuse this freedom, but make the most of it, giving God thanks for each day as it rolls around, and making the most of it. For those who do not have this confidence, perhaps this time has been given to us, to think of eternal things, and to make a point of getting to know the truth of these things. Disbelieving them will NOT make them go away. So many people dismiss these concepts with a brief, “I don’t believe in all that rubbish!”, but this attitude may haunt them for ever!