Be Careful!!!

    The speaker at church this morning was a visitor, and he had three basic questions that his talk hung on….1. Where did I come from?   2. What is the point of me being here?  and 3. Where am I going?  Then he went on about evolution versus what the Bible teaches etc etc. and pointed out that evolution can’t answer any of those questions satisfactorily. We are fortunate at our church that there are people of all ages, from old ones, to middle aged ones, to young families, and lots of kids. So there was bound to be someone there who wanted to know these things.       There’s one little saying that a friend of ours used to have on the dashboard of his car, and it’s something I have never forgotten….God says it, I believe it and that settles it!!  Saves a lot of stewing about nothing! Sometimes people say, “But I can’t see how God can do this or that…..” I think they do a lot of worrying for nothing!

     A lot of times, people bring their troubles on their own heads . As long as we remember that whatever we do, there are consequences that will follow…for instance, if we stand in the middle of the road long enough, a car will knock us over. OR if we put our hand in the fire it will get burnt for sure!      I had an accident with our car once that illustrated this point. I was travelling down our hill where there is a sharp corner near the bottom, when I saw another car approaching. I was going far too fast, and on the wrong side of the road, so I jammed on the brakes while pulling away from the middle of the road. The car didn’t like that, and went into a violent spin, flew across a deep ditch and landed up against a tree by the famer’s fence, as well as facing back the way I had come from! So that was a lesson that I learned very quickly from…actions have consequences! Needless to say, I am still very cautious when going around that corner!!!


Who is Your Boss?

        I came across an article the other day that I thought was worth passing on. It certainly had some challenging thoughts in it! The writer made the statement that our work for the Lord should not be the most important thing in our life! Whoa! That can’t be right, you might be thinking. What could be more  important in our life than working for the Lord?

    The article goes like this (with abbreviations)……      

“Separate unto Me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them” (Acts 13:2b).

There is a great need among Christians to discern the difference between the Lord of the Work and the work of the Lord. How easy it is to confuse these two things and treat them as one and the same! Yet the difference before God is quite vast.

      The writer was visiting a ministerial luncheon once, consisting of local pastors. He was introduced and asked to say a few words. He wondered what he could say to these pastors? But the Lord had already prepared his heart with a special word just for them. He said, “Brothers, I have come this day to remind you of one thing: the work of the Lord is NOT to be the most important thing in your life.”

He allowed his words to sink in for a moment and the silence was deafening. He could sense their thoughts as these pastors silently wondered what could possibly be more important than the work of the Lord. “Brothers, the Lord of the Work is more important than the work of the Lord,” he said, and then sat down.

He continued in this article by saying that he was still growing in this revelation. He had to be constantly reminded by the Lord, “Look, I am more important than your ministry. I am your priority. This is My work, not yours. I reserve the right to separate you for service or place you on the shelf. I reserve the right to send you forth or keep you at home. The Lord of the Work is more important than the work of the Lord. You keep saying this, but you do not always practice it.”

He had to come to realise that he had to be governed by the Lord of the Work, not the work of the Lord.       The Lord of the Work does not change, but the work of the Lord is constantly changing. The Lord of the Work governs the time, the place, the people, the provision, and the assignment. All these things may change as the Lord of the Work sees fit. He sets one up and brings another down. He opens doors and closes them. He leads us to speak or bids us to remain silent. We want to go out and the Lord tells us to stay home. We want to stay home and the Lord tells us to go. He is the Lord of the Work.

     We cannot understand everything that God does. In humility we need to bow down and say, “You are the Lord of the Work, and I am only a worker. You are the Master, and I am the servant. You know what You want and what You need far more than I do. I only see a portion, but you see all things. So I submit myself and what I do to You!”

    This is the only safe way. Can we submit ourselves to the Lord of the Work? Can we offer Him our gifts, our talents, and our abilities on the altar and let Him direct things? I believe that almost every apostle, prophet, or pastor that has gotten off track has done so because of this very thing – making the work of the Lord preeminent over the Lord of the Work. God gives them a gift, or a calling, or a ministry, and they begin working at it until they no longer need to be governed by the Holy Spirit. People can get blasé about what they are doing for the Lord….they are almost too gifted. We need a little less gifting,  and a lot more brokenness, learning to lean on the Lord instead of our own capabilities!

How Are You Growing?

           I have finally got on top of weeding my garden!  There are many lessons to be learned from our garden, especially if we go in for different things. Take the bearded iris flowers for instance…they die down in the winter and look miserable specimens, but there is untold beauty tied up in those half dead looking plants…we just can’t see it all the time. So it is with some people, they don’t present a very good appearance a lot of the time, but when trouble arises, they are the first there to offer help and comfort.

    I had one red carpet rose to start with….these are quite different to the ordinary roses, in that they have a compact type of growth, and are very hardy. They are also very easy to take cuttings from, so over the years I have planted a whole row of these roses down one border. If they are left to themselves, they grow into a very large bushy plant, almost rampant in habit. But I decided to make them into standards, and this is where I got my lessons from.

     I take a cutting in the autumn time when the rains of winter will come, and put the cutting in the ground. As it takes root, and begins to grow, then the training begins. This reminds me of how we are to train our children up, right from the time they are born, in the ways of the Lord. The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will come back to it. It doesn’t say anything about the middle years, and that is often when our families can cause us grief by wandering away from the things they were taught. But the trials of life will often bring them back to the Lord’s   ways that they learned when young.

     So my small rose cutting is planted out where it is meant to be.  The first strong looking shoot will be tied up to a strong stake, and all the other side shoots will be cut off. Now this isn’t pleasant for our little plant, and as we grow in the ways of the Lord, there will often be disappointments and trials that come our way, and none of these are pleasant, but as we lean on Him, He will support us in the ways we are to go. We have to be single minded in our aims, and learn to look upwards, in the same way that  the little plant grows straight against its stake.

     As it continues to grow, the side shoots are cut off (again not pleasant!) and then it will send out its buds and begin to flower. But it often sends out other large vigorous side shoots which will spoil its shape if left, and again, these are cut off. Sometimes in life, we get sidetracked by other activities that take our focus off the things of God, and take all our spare time. These things are not necessarily bad in themselves, but we have to be careful not  to let them take over  the time we should be giving to the things of God. So it is better to cut them off, rather than let them take over.

     So our rose begins to flower, and the flowers last a long time. The flowers are not big and showy like the other sorts of roses, but they don’t fade in a hurry, and I find that the flowering season lasts nearly nine months.

     But the rose never gives up, and it is a continual job to keep the shoots from the base from growing….this reminds me of how the fleshly side of our nature never gives up on us either. As long as we live, we will be plagued by things such as gossip, maybe bad temper, impatience, and lack of love for others, even laziness in the things of God such as our Bible reading and prayer times.  So whenever these things attack us, just remember the rose, and how when it is pruned, it will grow just how the Gardener envisaged, and will bear fruit, or in this case, flowers. It is a thing of joy to the Gardener, even though it has represented a lot of work. We are told in Isaiah 53 verse 11, that the Lord will see of the travail of His soul and will be satisfied. It boggles the mind to think that we can bring joy to the heart of our Great Creator by growing as He wants us to. So let’s get into gear, and  follow His ways, always remembering the little red standard rose!

Not My Fault!

      As far as God is concerned, no-one is rich, and no-one is poor as far as money is concerned….one is no more important than the other. In fact, the one who is poor in money, is often rich in other ways….in love and concern for others, a happy family life, rich friendships, and in depending on God. Those who are rich financially, are often poor in these things, relying on their money to buy everything they want…..

     They tend to leave God out of their lives and ride roughshod over the feelings of others in their desire for more and more. When they get to the end of their lives, they end up with no more land than the poor man…just a plot of ground in a cemetery! If they don’t know the Lord, they end up being the poor man in eternity while the other ends up being rich with the Lord like the story of the rich man and the beggar  which we read about in Luke chapter 16, verses 19-31.

     When we have more than we need, then the temptations creep into our lives to want more and more…..we have to resist these if we want to receive the commendation that the Lord gives those who stand firm for Him. People tend to always shift the blame for their own shortcomings onto others….it is always someone else’s fault. Right from a young age it is built into the human psyche to say “Not my fault, I didn’t do it!”

    We have to be very careful to not blame God for the circumstances of life that we don’t like….we often bring these on our own selves. Then again, God can use our adverse circumstances and our attitude to them, to speak to those who don’t know Him like He did with Job….what a great example and encouragement that man has been down through the ages!   

    God never brings bad things into our lives, but He allows them for our greater good….otherwise how could we see His great hand of provision for us? Something good can come out of every circumstance we endure, even when we have brought our trials on ourselves by our own self will and foolishness. When we feel that life is dealing us a hard hand, stop and take stock of everything that we have that is good, and give thanks to God for them, instead of moaning about what we don’t have !