In the Beginning

Our preacher pointed out this morning, how that in the very beginning, God made not only creatures and the environment for them to live in, but His final crowning effort was in making mankind. Man was different to the animals, in that man can think and talk. Man can create and invent which animals can’t do. We see how domesticated animals seem to love human companionship, but wild animals keep as far away from humans as possible.

But God’s desire was to have someone He could have fellowship with, and when man was made, we are told that God breathed into him the breath of life. This is not merely being able to breathe, but it means that man was given not only a body and a soul, but also a spirit. This is the part of the human that can communicate with his Maker. God saw everything that He had made up unto this time, and it was good. But when He made man in His own image, His creation work was complete, and everything that He saw then, was VERY good!

In what ways is man made in God’s image? It sounds presumptuous to say the least, to say this! But think about these things….God created all things, and people are creative in the things they can make and invent. God wrote books, and has given people the ability to do this also. God wants fellowship, and people need fellowship with each other. Not only that, but people can respond to God’s call for this fellowship. People have a desire to worship something….God wants them to worship Him. In fact, this is the primary reason for man’s existence. Yet so many people turn their backs on Him and worship everything else but Him!

The Christian’s Confidence

    A very good friend of ours passed away last week. Although we don’t mourn for him, yet he has left a very big hole behind, and his family will miss him very much. He was very much ready to go, having made his peace with his Maker many years ago.  I am sure he would be saying to us, the words of this following poem right now….

Do not Mourn!

I do not know the way I’ll go, If short and fast, or pain so slow, I pray the Lord will help me bear, Whate’er He plans for me while there; And when I’ve gone, I do not need, A fanfare of my work or deed; All I say is simply this, I’m with the Lord in heaven’s bliss. And so my friend, no need to mourn, Or feel bereft or all forlorn, For I’ve had fun, enjoyed it all; And now I’ve heard my Lord’s sweet call. I’m more alive than e’er before, Enjoying life NOW, more and more! For those  today, who hear this now, I ask, have you before Him ever bowed? For if you have, I’ll see you when, Your turn comes, as to all men; Oh do not wait, but choose today, To follow God in all your ways!

What is Life?

We had a visit the other day from our youngest grand-daughter with the latest twig on our family tree….a little boy, barely a month old. How small he was!! And yet everything that this child is going to grow into, already has the seeds within him. Not only that, but this little child has a soul that will live for ever! No matter what age the body lives to, the soul is there for eternity, and it is up to the parents to teach and train the child the way he should go, to enable him to make the right choices in life.  What an awesome responsibility, and one that so many people take so lightly!     Life has a beginning at conception and then grows as the child is born and takes its first breath. This life does not end at death, it just begins! What we have been on earth lays the foundation for what we will be in the next life…just as Jesus said, “What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven.”(Matthew 18:18)  This life is just the beginning of eternity. For every baby that takes a breath,  exists for ever, for eternity….life on earth is just a dot, and what this child does with his life is where his eternity will be spent!

Jesus said….”I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly!”  ( John 10:10)  and… “This is life eternal…that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ  Who You sent.” (John 17:3)


        It was a gloriously mild winter day.  We had gone back to our home village while in the area and parked at the end of the road beside the local wharf. There were a couple of fishing boats discharging their catches to the waiting truck which had come for them, but other than that, it was the most peaceful scene one could imagine. There was no wind to break up the great reflections on the water, and each moored boat was sitting upon its own reflection.

   But then a fizz boat went roaring up the channel and the picture was completely smashed. The water became a churned up mess, and the reflections gone for the time being.

   This is just like gossip or a bit of temper in our lives. We may look great on the outside, and mostly be what we ought to be, but then one of these disturbing factors comes roaring through our day. The picture is gone, and the damage is done. Resentment sets in and the water of our day is disturbed. In some cases it takes a lot of time and effort to make it right, if indeed it can ever come right

    Let’s make sure that we curb our tongue and keep the water of our day with the beautiful reflections of God’s love!