Near Enough is not Good Enough!

      We were working on a new boat that was being built, doing the planing of the hull. My arms were getting tired, and  I felt I had done enough. So I said, “That’s near enough, I’m finishing”. My brother in law looked at me and said, “Near enough is not good enough!”

So I kept going.

   But you know, that comment has stayed with me for over fifty years, and I find that it applies to so many things in life. There is the satisfaction of seeing a good job completed, because near enough is not good enough. Near enough doesn’t guarantee a lasting  finish to whatever job you are doing.  In sewing a garment, near enough doesn’t make it fit properly; and in putting a jig-saw puzzle together, a piece that fits near enough without slotting in perfectly, does not make a good picture.

   It is the same with spiritual things. Near enough is not good enough, and as far as eternal things go, near enough will not suffice. Many people  miss out because they have thought they were good enough, and that this was near enough, but they have forgotten that God has the last say. He says that ALL have sinned and come short of His glory, and our “near enough” does not guarantee a place in His heavenly home. So let’s make sure that our “near enough” becomes the perfect finish and then we will have the confidence we need to meet our Maker.

The End, or the Beginning?

    Last week we went to a memorial service for a good friend who had died a couple of weeks earlier. This friend knew his end was near and was fully prepared to go to meet his Lord and Master. So it was good to pay our respects to his memory, and to give his wife a hug.

    This week we went to a funeral service of another good friend. There were many eulogies and memories given. He too, was ready to go on this, his last journey. The service left the hearers in no doubt of this fact. His family all recognised what he had lived for, and paid respects to this. It was a time of memories, with laughs and tears at the same time.

    So many people these days like to forgo the rite of a funeral, often just having a cremation rather than a funeral. This must be very difficult for those closest to the deceased, as there is not the same sense of closure as seeing the coffin go into the ground. This too, is the place where those closest can come in days to come, to remember, and at first to still grieve.

    For those who know the Lord God, it is comforting to take the promises of Scripture at their word. We can know that this is not the end of life, but in fact, the beginning of a new stage of life….life eternal with the God of Heaven. We have no comprehension of what  exactly is involved in this, as we only know this life, but both these friends of ours DO know what it is all about now. We can have this confidence here and now too, so let’s hope each one of us looks for this.

In the End.

    Last week our preacher talked about the beginning of things. This week, he skipped to the end of time, and talked about the end of things we know. For us, this was very pertinent, as two of our very good friends have passed away with in a month. Both were very ready to go; they both knew the end was near for them.

    It is very comforting for those who are left behind, to know that they are safe with the Lord. But what about those acquaintances who don’t have this hope or confidence? They must think it is only wishful thinking for those who have this confidence. They hope with not much confidence, that maybe there is something in this, but that no-one can be sure until the time comes.

    It is a nice thought, that all man’s troubles come to an end when that time comes, but stop and think about it all for a minute. What makes them think that they will be happy among this large crowd that is all singing praises to the God of Heaven, when they wouldn’t be seen in a church while alive today? How would they be able to stand hearing all the worship being given to Someone Whose name they use as a swear word so carelessly now? And what makes them think they have a right to enter the home of One Who they have never met and don’t know?

    But it doesn’t have to be like this you know. It IS possible for anyone to get to know the God of Heaven in this life. But it involves having to humble oneself and to confess that we have been in the wrong, and deserve nothing from Him. God Himself came to earth in the Person of Jesus Christ and took man’s punishment on Himself so that it would be possible for man to fellowship with Him before that day of departure from this earth occurs. If we do this sincerely, we CAN be confident that we will enjoy the life to come, and feel at home there!!

The Bible tells us in 1 John 1:9 that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.