Story of Queen Esther, Part Thirteen

                                                 Challenges from Esther (13).

Esther    10:1-3 

    From being a despised and endangered people, the Jews were now protected and provided for, as well as being assured of their future. Mordecai was promoted next to the king, as his own people the Jews respected and looked up to him in this position…..

The hinge of it all was an obedient and godly woman, Esther. As Mordecai reminded her when the trouble first began,  “Don’t think that you will escape! If you keep quiet at this time, then deliverance will arise from some other source and you will be killed yourself. Who knows whether this isn’t why you have come to the throne for such a time as this?”   (chapter 4:13-14)

None of us can see into the future, and we will never know why some things have happened in our lives. But rest assured, there is One Who knows the end from the beginning. We just have to rest in Him Who holds us in His hand. What safer place could we be in?

Lessons to Learn…..

  1. Take opportunities when they present themselves. Esther took the opportunity to be one of the king’s women, and she did her very best even if she was taken against her will. We are told that whatever we do, we are to do it heartily as to the Lord.
  2. Be obedient to God’s Word…. Esther was obedient to what Mordecai told her to do.
  3. Be prepared to risk everything to do what is right. Esther was prepared to risk her life to save her people.
  4. If you have to go into desperate situations, make sure you go surrounded by prayer….yours and others with you.
  5. Do things correctly and don’t bend the rules. Esther made the best of herself by approaching the king in the correct way and he was won by her manner and appearance. (Colossians 3:23)

Esther did the best she could, To follow this is what we should,

Do what’s right and leave the rest, To Him Who knows what is the best!

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