Things that God Hates!

Proverbs 6:16-19….Solomon here lists seven  things that God hates…..let’s look at each one and then evaluate our own selves….

  1. A PROUD LOOK….. God can do nothing with a person who is too proud to come to Him with their problems. The “I’m good enough” syndrome can’t be fixed by God… can only be dealt with severely.
  2. A LYING TONGUE…. There is not a person alive who is not guilty of telling a lie at some stage, or of stretching the truth. God hates this. He is all truth Himself, and anything less in others is abhorrent to Him.
  3. HANDS THAT KILL…. Anyone who has thoughts of hatred is the same as a murderer as far as God is concerned.
  4. A HEART THAT IMAGINES WICKED THINGS….. what do we feed our minds on in our leisure time, in our reading or what we watch on TV?
  5. GETTING INTO MISCHIEF…. Where do our feet take us? Where do our fingers take us on the web? To places where it would be better if we weren’t there?
  6. We can lump six and seven together under the title of GOSSIP….a “false witness and making trouble”. We must be very careful in what we repeat and the way we repeat it.

Let us always remember to only do what will bring glory to God!

God hates these seven horrid things,                                                                         That no glory to Him  ever brings;                                                                                   Pride and lies, and hands that kill,                                                                                    Feet, mind and tongues with mischief filled.                                                  These things to God no glories give,                                                                       Remember this while here we live.


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