Have You Ever Thought of This?

When a child is born it is totally dependent on its parents for all its needs. As it grows older, so this dependence is taught to turn to independence until the child is able to look after itself and ultimately leave home.

But in the spiritual life, it should be the other way around. We so often loudly declare, “I’m not having anyone tell ME what to do!” The sign of a truly spiritual person is that of growing dependence on the Lord as they go through life. We are to learn to depend on the Lord for our decisions and our behaviour more and more as we go through life …the Lord said “Unless you become as a little child, you cannot have part in the kingdom of heaven”.

It doesn’t mean that we behave childishly, just the opposite in fact. The more mature a Christian becomes, the more he will depend on his Heavenly Father. Just as a small child depends on its father for its daily needs, so we have to learn to depend on our Heavenly Father for our spiritual needs. Without this dependence, we will surely make a mess of things in our life.

We remember that Jesus called Himself the “Good Shepherd”, and a shepherd’s job is to look after his sheep. He only allows what is for the ultimate good of the sheep, but sometimes we take ourselves out of the shepherd’s care. We wander away to where the grass looks greener over the fence, only to find that it is a sour marsh! Then we have to endure the consequences of our foolish and independent actions. The trouble is that we often take those we love with us into this maze of trouble that we have deliberately gone into.

But remember this…..the Shepherd is always there to pick His lost sheep up and take it back to the fold rejoicing as He goes! A sheep is never too lost to be found….all it takes is a feeble bleat of “Help me, God! ” Not only does He rejoice over the lost sheep that is found, but His angels and His people all rejoice as well! It is up to us as a lost sheep to make the first move towards Him and He will make ten steps towards you!!

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