What is Life?

We had a visit the other day from our youngest grand-daughter with the latest twig on our family tree….a little boy, barely a month old. How small he was!! And yet everything that this child is going to grow into, already has the seeds within him. Not only that, but this little child has a soul that will live for ever! No matter what age the body lives to, the soul is there for eternity, and it is up to the parents to teach and train the child the way he should go, to enable him to make the right choices in life.  What an awesome responsibility, and one that so many people take so lightly!     Life has a beginning at conception and then grows as the child is born and takes its first breath. This life does not end at death, it just begins! What we have been on earth lays the foundation for what we will be in the next life…just as Jesus said, “What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven.”(Matthew 18:18)  This life is just the beginning of eternity. For every baby that takes a breath,  exists for ever, for eternity….life on earth is just a dot, and what this child does with his life is where his eternity will be spent!

Jesus said….”I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly!”  ( John 10:10)  and… “This is life eternal…that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ  Who You sent.” (John 17:3)

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