Thoughts from Psalm Ninety

The Sheltering One

I know the wonders of God’s grace, Because I‘m in His secret place. A thousand years are in His sight, The same as yesterday’s quick flight; Man’s life is but a fleeting thing, Like blooms which fall or birds that sing. He sees the secret sins we do, And all the pride which dogs us too. We may see three score years and ten, Or even eighty, but what then? Teach us O Lord to watch our ways, As we are here with fleeting days; For You are all that satisfies, As we are here in time that flies; Let the beauty of Your grace, Reflect in deeds and in our face!

    We see here how fleeting each person is in the light of God’s eternity! Man is so insignificant in the light of what God is, and yet He desires for us to know Him and fellowship with Him! Our years here on earth are just the beginning of eternity for each one of us….an eternity spent in one of two places, either with God or without Him. We cannot imagine what it would be like to be separated from God and all that is good for ever and ever. If only the horror of it would impress itself on the minds of people, hell would be empty. Let’s each one of us learn to number our days as this psalm says, and apply our hearts to know wisdom, remembering that the fear and knowledge of God is the beginning of this wisdom!

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Consequences !

I was talking to a friend this morning and he was saying how there don’t seem to be consequences any more for people’s actions. Young people today don’t seem to be being taught that our choices and actions will always bear consequences, for good or bad. When we older ones were growing up, woe betide us if we did wrong, whether at school or at home….we knew what the consequences would be!

       He was saying that the young years are when people make the greatest choices of their lives when they have had the least experience of life, and have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives. For instance, when we see how the young ones today are decorating themselves up with tattoos all over the flesh….this is one example of a choice with a consequence of being stuck with that for the rest of their lives. I look at my eighty plus year arms now, and feel very thankful they haven’t been decorated like that….they look bad enough like they are, and I can’t imagine what they would look like if they were covered with tattoos on the drooping and wrinkled flesh that my arms now are!!!

     But there are worse scars in a person’s life than merely outward decorations, scars that are the results of wrong choices in earlier years. Some of these can never be rectified….they can be confessed and put behind them to go on in life, but the consequences of those choices can never be changed or altered. The memories of broken lives and relationships will go on into the future. No matter how much we try to forget them (and we can), others will remember them and who know when they will be dragged up out into the open once more.

     We are seeing this at present with prominent people in the news who have covered up wrong doings of the past, but now they are being dragged into court to either be exonerated or charged. But the stain will still be there.

      What a wonderful blessing it is that when we confess our sins and mistakes to God, He will not only forgive them, but will throw them into the depths of the sea never to be held against us or remembered by Him! So let us always remember these things, and if we make mistakes and are bearing the consequences of our foolishness now, let’s put it right with our Maker while there is still time. The day may come when it will be too late, and many a person has died with these wrong choices they have made still against them.

Thoughts from Psalm Six

The Weeping Man

O Lord don’t rebuke me for all my wrong, I’ve lost my joy, my peace and song, My soul is vexed, and my flesh feels raw, My eyes have wept until they are sore; God has heard my weeping and cries, As up to Him my prayers will rise.

    We all have times in our lives when we feel like David did when he wrote these words. We all do wrong things and know that we have displeased God (and often man as well). We have to confess our sin before we have fresh and free communion with God again, but it isn’t enough to just confess to God, we have to confess to those we have had the disagreement with as well. Otherwise bitter thoughts will continue to rankle and grow and our fellowship with others will be marred. It is wonderful to know that God knows all about us, and how we are feeling at any given time. So we might as well tell Him and receive His full and free forgiveness (1 John 1:9)

Thoughts from Psalm 139

The  Ever-present One.

O Lord, You’ve searched and known me, From in the past eternity; You know me from the outside in, You know my ways and all my sin; There’s not a word You do not hear, You know my every secret fear; You are behind, before me too, You watch all things I see and do. I cannot know such knowledge great, Until I get to heaven’s gate. I know You’ll judge in future days, So keep me from all evil ways. Search me O Lord, and know my heart, Try my thoughts, keep me apart, From wicked ways and thoughts in me, And lead in ways that uplift Thee

      What a wonderful psalm this is! We can have the confidence that God knows all about us….we should pray that prayer continually…”Search me O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts”! He knows how we feel at all times so it’s no use pretending we are something that we are not. If we are angry, tell Him! If we are disappointed or discouraged, tell Him about it! We are told to take everything to Him in prayer, and to be anxious about nothing (Philippians 4:6-7)…. this is the only way we can know His peace.                                                                                   As we read this Psalm, we see how that God knows all about us, regardless of whether we know Him for ourselves or not. Just because we might not believe that He exists, it doesn’t make a scrap of difference to this fact. There is nowhere or no way that we can hide from His all seeing eyes, and He has the last say in our affairs whether we believe it or not.


Being Wise!

Seeking Wisdom

Proverbs 2:1-22                            

     If we are wise, we will seek God’s wisdom and ask to have a discerning mind and heart. The Lord will give all the wisdom we need in any situation (James 1:5-6) and we don’t need to be afraid to ask. But we must ask in faith, and faith goes hand in hand with action….

    It is no use having wisdom if we don’t put it into practice…common sense must go along with wisdom from God. This wisdom will protect us from the wrong company, no matter how much fun and attractive it may seem, and we will be kept from doing the same wrong things that others do.      Solomon was particularly concerned for his sons, that they would be kept from women who didn’t mind committing adultery behind their husband’s backs. There is no future in this sort of behaviour,  he said, and if we are tempted, it is better to be able to recognise where it will lead before we ever start on it. A lost reputation is impossible to regain….no matter how many years pass by, there is always someone who will remember the wrong things we did in our youth!

    So we are to walk in the right way and keep our integrity and this is what we will be remembered for!

God’s commands are better far, Than any pleasure that will mar, A reputation lost will make a stain,  And can never be regained!

Thoughts from Proverbs…

Proverbs 1:7-33                            

     There is so much contained in this passage, that we could go through it verse by verse, and still not come to an end of it! Solomon points out that to not follow these instructions is to not  fear the Lord and is foolishness in the extreme! Parents have the great responsibility of passing on to their children this wisdom…..

    Bad friends are the worst influence in a person’s life, so it is up to all of us, no matter what age, to be careful who we choose for our closest friends. It is so easy to get carried away by what seems to be good ideas, but in reality they lead us down the wrong path.

   We then read of how wisdom cries out to each of us to listen to common sense….this is available to all, but not all use it! It includes caution, yet action….but not so much caution that we hold back from doing what we know we should be doing.    God then warns the people to not go too far in their refusal to listen to Him… “You might find the day will come when I will laugh at your calamities,” He warns, “You will call on Me then and I will not answer. You didn’t want My advice, so you can reap  the consequences!”    In spite of all that, yet God will still hear the repentant cry if we call on Him in sincerity and truth.

When God’s patience has worn thin, With man’s rebellion and his sin, He always hears repentant cries, And will step in before man dies!

Pilgrim’s Progress 13.

The Moral of the Story.

    Uncle Jeff was at the family’s home again one day, and Betty snuggled up to him. “Has our story about Pilgrim all finished now?” she asked. “Of course it has, silly,” said Bobby , “He got to the Celestial City where he was going to, don’t you remember?”

Sarah came in then and she said, “Where did this story come from Uncle Jeff? Who wrote it and exactly what did it mean? I mean I can see some of the points of it, but what was it all about?” “That’s a very good question, Sarah,” Uncle Jeff said , “ And this is how it came about…..

There was a man called John Bunyan who lived in England  back in the 1600s…” “Oooh, that’s a long time ago!” said Betty, interrupting the story. “Yes, it sure was”, said Uncle Jeff,  “And he made his living by being a tinker.” “What’s that?” Bobby asked.

“A tinker was someone who travelled from place to place mending pots and pans and other things that needed mending,” Uncle Jeff said “But anyway. when John’s father died, he was still only a boy, but he had gone to school long enough to learn to read and write. He went to church, but didn’t really take much notice of what was said, and back then, there were strict rules for people to live by. They weren’t supposed to go to wild parties or anything like that, but young John did all of these things. For a while the Puritans were the ruling people of England, and tried to make people follow their rules. “

“What made John change his ideas about life then, Uncle Jeff?” Sarah wanted to know.

“Well, “ said Uncle Jeff slowly, “he was sent off to the civil war in England and one day as he was standing next to another soldier, that man was shot in the head, and John realised that if he had been in that man’s place, it would have been him that was shot. So it made him stop and think, that maybe God had some work that He wanted him to do. So John made a point of really listening to the sermons after that, and as he listened to the preacher, he wanted to be like that too.

So then John too, began to preach around the place. As time went by, new rules came in as the government changed, and people weren’t allowed to preach out in the open air any more. But that didn’t make any difference to John, he still went ahead and did it. One day the police came and arrested him and had him put in prison for preaching outside in the streets. The prison was a horrible place, it was smelly and dirty, and he was often on his own. But John stayed cheerful through it all, and said well, he could preach to the walls and still read his Bible so what did it matter!!      After a while, he was told that if he promised to stop preaching, he could be let out, but he felt he couldn’t do that, it would be letting the Lord down.”

“How long was he in prison altogether for then?” Bobby wanted to know.

“He was there for twelve years, Bobby,“  Uncle Jeff said, “ and it was while he was there thinking about his life and what had happened, that he had these dreams about Christian being a pilgrim travelling to the Celestial city, and all the things that happened to him on the way. Let’s see how many of these things you can remember now….why do you think his name was Pilgrim?” “It was because he was travelling through his life”, said Bobby. “That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff, “What was he carrying on his back?” “It was a heavy load,” said Sarah, “and he couldn’t get rid of it either, until he got to the cross where Jesus died. I suppose that’s like us knowing we are sinners and it feels like a load on our backs until we ask Jesus to take it away.”

“What other people did he meet on the way that you can remember about?” Uncle Jeff asked. “There was Mr. Helpful and Mr. Faithful , ”  Bobby said. “Yes, but there were the other sort that tried to stop him going to the city, Mr. Smarty-Pants, and Mr. Atheist too, “ said Sarah, “And they are the sort of  people we have to be careful not to have too much to do with in case they put us off.”

“Ooh, I remember there was that nasty mean Giant Despair that threw them into his dungeon!” Betty said. “I know what that means,” said Bobby, “It means that when things go wrong we can get down in the dumps and think that God has forgotten about us!” “What about the different places that Christian saw as he went along?” “Well, there was Vanity Fair where they were tempted to do wrong things,“ Sarah said, “And then there was By-Path Meadow where they left the narrow path to the city and thought there was an easier way to go and they nearly fell over the cliff.”

“So what do you think all these things mean for us?” Uncle Jeff asked. They were all quiet for a bit, thinking about the question. “I know, I know,” Betty piped up, “It means that when we follow Jesus we are not to get put off by bad things that happen to us, like if we get sick or have an accident.”

“It means that we mustn’t take the easy ways out,“  Sarah said, “that if we do, we might come to grief and miss out on what God really wants us to do.”

“It means that we have to think ahead, “ Bobby said slowly,  “Instead of doing things in a hurry, and making mistakes that we might be sorry about later”.

“Well, I can see that you have got the points that the story was trying to bring out,” Uncle Jeff said, “And what was the final outcome?” “When Christian came to the end of the road, even though it wasn’t going to be easy for him, he knew that the King was waiting for him on the other side,” Sarah said, “And we can be like that too….even though we don’t like the thought of dying, we know that the best for us is on the other side. Doesn’t the Bible say that to be with Christ is far better? I guess that is what we have to keep remembering. Even young people die sometimes, so it pays to be ready because we never know when that is going to be ! “

“Very good!”  Uncle Jeff said, “Now I think that warrants something to eat, look in my coat pocket and see what I brought for each of you!!”

Pilgrim’s Progress (`12)

The Final Test.

      Uncle Jeff walked in one wet Saturday afternoon. Sarah was curled up on the sofa reading a book as usual, while Bobby and Betty were playing a card game on the mat in front of the fire. “Ooh, story please!” Betty cried. “Yes please, Uncle Jeff”, Sarah said, just as keen as the little ones this time, “We must be nearly to the end of the  story by now!” “Well now,” said Uncle Jeff sitting down on the couch opposite Sarah, “I seem to remember that Hopeful and Christian had escaped from the Atheist, and then they came to a large smooth plain. It was while they were walking over this that Hopeful got very sleepy, and got slower and slower. ‘All I want to do is to lie down and have a nap’, he said. ‘No, no’ said Christian, ‘You mustn’t do that. We have to be watchful and keep on our way.’ And he pulled Hopeful’s hand and they carried on. ‘Tell me how you came to leave Vanity Fair’, Christian said, ‘Did you see us trapped in the cage there?’ ‘Yes, I did’, he said, ‘And that is what made me feel ashamed and want to leave. While I was feeling like this, I thought I heard Jesus call to me from heaven saying to just believe on Him and I would be saved. So I did. And I felt as though a great burden had left me’. ‘Me too,’ said Christian, ‘That’s how I felt’.

They were soon across the plain and the next valley they came to was covered in beautiful plants and flowers. There were festoons of vines with fruit and flowers all over them. They came to a sign saying, ‘Beulah Land’. ‘I’ve heard of this place’, said Christian, ‘The King has prepared it for His servants so that they may have a glimpse of how beautiful and restful it is in the Celestial City. It can’t be much further to go, I can hardly wait to get there!’ ‘That’s how I feel too’, Hopeful said, ‘Let’s keep going’. A little further on and they saw two shining ones walking among the trees. Somehow they knew that these were angels who were keeping pace with them. These two angels had actually been with them all the way, but they hadn’t seen them until now.”

“Doesn’t the Bible say something about the angel of the Lord being with Christians?” asked Bobby. “That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff, “It says the angel of the Lord camps round about those who love God and delivers them from bad things happening”. “Does that mean I’ve got an angel with me too?” Betty asked. “If you love and obey the Lord Jesus, that is what it says Betty. So just remember that whenever you get afraid of bad things happening”, Uncle Jeff said.

“Anyway, these angels told Hopeful and Christian that there was still another test for them before they could get to the gates of the Celestial City. ‘You will come to a wide river’, they said, ‘and you will each have to get across it on your own. You can’t go together, and we can’t even go with you. We can go to the edge of the river, but there is only One person who will go across it with you. He is the One who has said He will never leave you nor forsake you’.”

“That’s a verse in the Bible too, isn’t it”, said Sarah, “Jesus has given us that promise”. “That’s right”, said Uncle Jeff, “And that is what Christian and Hopeful found for themselves.  ‘Oh, I’ve done some silly things on this trip’, said Christian, ‘You go ahead of me Hopeful’. Hopeful stepped into the water, and began to swim with strong strokes across the river. He went quietly and  determinedly, and soon disappeared from Christian’s sight. He could faintly see the angels waiting on the other side of the river, and knew he should be following his friend. But he felt so alone, and began to wonder if God really was with him. He started swimming and got halfway across when he began to struggle and half sank.  ‘Oh God, where are you?’ he cried.

 Suddenly he felt lighter and happier and was able to swim more strongly. He could almost see what the Celestial City was like, and kept going until his feet touched the bottom. The angels reached out and pulled him to safety. The relief was immense and there was a bright shining light.  ‘Oh’, he cried out loud, ‘I had no idea it was like this!’ He heard the reply from the gates, ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and the rivers shall not overflow you!’

      They could both see the other side before they got to the far side of the river and it was different for both of them. Hopeful got there peacefully and quietly, while Christian had a struggle on his way, but they both got there and found the King waiting to welcome them in. They saw the bright pearly gates there, and as they each arrived they were given bright white shining clothes to put on.    Everything else just fell off  them. All their aches and pains left them, and as they looked at each other they saw themselves as at the peak of their maturity Their faces were lovely and peaceful with no more lines or marks. Their hair was thick and shining, and all the grey had gone. Yet they still looked the same. They were still the same people, and were filled with a love and peace such as they had never known before. And there waiting to welcome them was the King Himself.

    The whole scene was like nothing that Hopeful and Christian had ever seen or known. It is so wonderful that no-one on earth could ever describe it…earthly words just cannot tell us anything about it. There were so many wonderful things to explore and see that the old world was completely left behind and forgotten. The Bible tells us that the former things (that’s now) will never be remembered once we get to the new heavens and new earth that God is going to make for His people. But that is the end of the story of Christian and Hopeful,” said Uncle Jeff.

Betty sighed loudly. “Oh, that is so wonderful Uncle Jeff, I almost felt like going with Christian myself!” “I suppose we are in a way,” Sarah said thoughtfully, “After all, we are all on the road of life right from when we are born”. “But Christian did such silly things on the way”, said Bobby. “That is such a comfort to us”, Uncle Jeff said, “It just shows us that even when we do wrong things, we can be forgiven if we confess it to the Lord Jesus and He will make everything fresh and new for us. Every single silly thing we have done will be  taken away and never remembered again! So that is the end of our story of Pilgrim’s Progress, and we will leave it there for now!”

See what God has to say to YOU.