
We may not have thought much about fellowship before, but since it was taken away from us by the covid threats, it has been much more precious. We now realise what we have been missing all these weeks that we have been shut away from each other. In fact, fellowship is one of the ways that we are made in God’s image! Have you ever stopped to think how much God values fellowship with His people?   In fact, that is why He made man,  to have fellowship with Him!

      Look at what we are told about the first man and how God would come to earth to walk with him in the cool of each day, after man’s work was done. Then how the animals were brought to Adam to name, but they didn’t give him the fellowship he yearned for, so God made a woman to help and complement him….this is true fellowship. But it was not the ultimate fellowship….that was completed when man (and woman ) could have fellowship; with their Maker. This was a complete fellowship such as nothing else could give.

     Let’s read the account given in the Bible in Genesis, chapters 2-3…. There was one criteria to this….for this fellowship to remain unbroken, there must be absolute obedience to what God said. God gave them both just one rule…  “you can eat of any of the fruit in the garden,” He said, “But do NOT touch the fruit of the tree in the centre, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!”

    Surely one rule would be easy enough to keep!  It was, until the tempter came along, determined to break this fellowship between God and man. We all know the story of how Eve was tempted and how she gave in and then caused Adam to disobey God’s rule as well…they both ate the forbidden fruit! They knew immediately that their fellowship with God was gone!. First, they tried to cover their nakedness which was a dismal failure, and then they tried to hide when God came to have fellowship with them that evening. They didn’t want to see Him!

    But God has a way of catching up with us. He knew what Adam and Eve had done….he knows all that WE do too! There was only one way to rectify their disobedience, and that was for the blood of an animal to be shed, and its skin taken to make a permanent covering for Adam and Eve. Then once more they could face God, but they had to take the consequences of their disobedience in taking away the fellowship that they had become familiar with, and had taken for granted. For Adam, it was having to work hard to grow his food; for Eve it was having to bear children in pain, and to look to her husband for protection. For them both, there was only one way to restore that precious fellowship that they had known with God before, and that was through the death of a lamb as a sacrifice. They clearly understood this and told their sons about it when they became old enough to understand. We read about this in Genesis chapter four, verses 1-6.

   You might ask how we can have this same fellowship with God today. We don’t have animal sacrifices today, because God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to live a sinless life and yet wicked men took Him and killed Him with a vicious death. His  sinless death covers ALL our sins and disobediences  if  we  will  only  believe  it  for ourselves….. “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses me from ALL sin” we read in 1 John 1:7. So because of this, we can each experience true fellowship with God as He intended it to be!


       In all my years, I have never seen such a wide spread panic as there has been since the corona virus hit our shores! Even before it got here, we were being advised to be vaccinated against it, not so much for our own safety, but for that of others! The strange thing was, that even the vaccinated ones who were supposed to now be protected, were still so afraid of catching this dread disease. The saddest part of the whole thing is the way it has divided society and families, not so much for what they have, but for what they might get! People look at each other with suspicion, and quickly move out of each other’s way lest they catch the germs!

    For those who know God personally, there is nothing to fear. We are told that our days are all numbered, and regardless of “HOW” we will leave this earth it will happen at the appointed time, if not in this way, then in another! We realise that some of those who have been taken with this disease have been believing Christians, and that for them life has taken on a whole new dimension. But it is for those who are left behind that we grieve with in their loss.

     The main point is that each one of us be prepared for this great journey that we will all one day take part in, and then we have nothing to fear or panic about. In many countries, restrictions have already been lifted as the worst of the disease seems to be over, and people are more free to come and go as they please. Let us not abuse this freedom, but make the most of it, giving God thanks for each day as it rolls around, and making the most of it. For those who do not have this confidence, perhaps this time has been given to us, to think of eternal things, and to make a point of getting to know the truth of these things. Disbelieving them will NOT make them go away. So many people dismiss these concepts with a brief, “I don’t believe in all that rubbish!”, but this attitude may haunt them for ever!

A New Life!

      A new life is such a precious thing! For both parents and baby, there is a whole new way of life opening up. For the parents, there is consideration to be learned for each other and also for the new life that has been given to them. Especially if the newborn has some disability which comes to light a bit further down the track….there will be broken nights  and maybe medical bills which haven’t been reckoned on. For the little one, there is so much to be learned….everything in fact! How to focus on things, people and objects. How to hold one’s head up, and then how to reach and take hold of something. So many fascinating sights, sounds and smells to learn, to say nothing of new routines to be formed.

    Wise parents will learn to train this little one in ways to save the least disturbance in the household’s routines. So many babies seem to learn to cry for the slightest bit of attention, and they find very quickly if this works!       Once it has been established that baby is not uncomfortable in any way, and is full and dry, then it doesn’t hurt to give them a little space for crying until the child realises that it isn’t going to bring the immediate attention that it is looking for. It is sad indeed to hear of parents who have not been able to have an unbroken night’s sleep for nine months or more.

    A child who knows that it is loved and cared for, will become a joy to its parents, and a satisfied little being, happy in itself. There is much instruction given in God’s Word about how to bring up a child in God’s way….after all, God is our Maker and it behoves us to read the Maker’s instructions on how to train a child in His ways!


       We’ve been invited to a Golden Wedding celebration, so we are looking forwards to that with great anticipation. We talked a couple of weeks ago about being made in God’s image, and have we ever thought that God loves celebrations too? Celebrations are a great time of fellowship with each other and God loves to fellowship with His people….that is another way He has made us in His image!

    We read of the Lord Jesus Christ going to a family wedding which no doubt was a time of celebration as we read of the guests running out of wine (John 2:1-10). His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it!” Then we read of how He told the servants to fill the water pots with water, and then to take it to the MC of the feast. As they did what He said, the water was miraculously turned into wine….not just any old wine either, but it was the best the guests had tasted!!

    We must always think of how God loves to fellowship with His  people. In some of the Old Testament writings we read of when His people of Israel had wandered away from Him into idol worship, how it hurt His loving heart to see this happen. We must never think we cannot turn to Him in times of loneliness and disappointments….He is always ready and waiting for us to call out to Him at these times!

What is Truth?

There  are so many rumours and stories flying around the place, by word of mouth, by social media, and worse still what we are being fed by the news people, that we really don’t know what to believe at all!! When we do find someone we feel we can believe what they say, and then we see that it was all just a made up story after all, we really feel let down. Once we hear the same things being pumped into our ears day after day, we have every right to begin to doubt what we hear.

  Things that we want to hear then turn out to be false, and we don’t know which way to turn! People we once trusted then changing their minds and turning against the very things they were once saying! Just who DO we believe? 

    We hear our leaders and those in places of authority saying that the truth is what you want it to be, and that the truth that is for you, may not be the truth for another person! There seems to be a multiplicity of  truths, and we don’t know which one is right!

    When we get to this stage, there is only one thing to do and that is to turn to the One Who is the truth. We may not like this, but where else is there to turn? Who else can we trust? Jesus Christ says in the Bible , “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father but through Me!” (John 14:6) This is the word of truth that resonates all through the Bible…. “Your word is truth” says the Psalmist (Psalm 119:160), and then he could say, “Teach me Your way, O Lord, I will walk in Your truth”  (Psalm 86:11)

    The Roman governor, when faced with this One with the piercing eyes waiting at the judgement seat said after hearing all the accusations that were being hurled at Him, “What is truth?” and this is what we feel like saying  at times…..  “Well, WHAT is the truth?” Jesus didn’t answer Pilate at this question, and Pilate had to go out to those who were accusing Him to say, “I don’t find any fault in Him at all!”  Yet they still wanted to get rid of Him.

       As we are approaching the Easter season which is the time of the year that His death and resurrection are celebrated by church people, let us try to evaluate what the truth really is, and to follow the One who is the Truth  sincerely. After all, there is nothing else solid to base our beliefs on.

In God’s Image!

There’s a statement in Genesis chapter one, verses twenty-six to thirty-one that tells us how and where man came to be and why. There is no need to go any further, not to scientists or explorers, philanthropists or other wise men of the world. God has told us all we need to know, and as one old friend of ours once said, “God says it, I believe it, and that settles it!” Here is the Biblical account…..

Genesis 1:26 ….Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have  dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over  every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” 29       And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth,  and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food .30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    I pondered this passage and thought about it a lot….in what way was I created to be like God?  In the first place we are all three part beings with a body, soul and spirit. God Himself is a three part Being, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

 Then God desires fellowship with man….a freely given, reciprocal friendship. We too, want fellowship with other people in general, and  another person in particular. We have the capacity to fellowship with God, our Creator, and always feel that something is missing until we have it. Without this connection we only have a two dimensional outlook on life, like a flat picture….with it,  we see things in a 3D effect, being a part of what is around. We can appreciate the creation of God and look at things with different eyes, marvelling at His creativity and giving Him thanks for what He has made.

    There is another way we are made in His image….we can think and reason, we can create things. Think of the craftsman who makes a beautiful piece of furniture, the artist who can paint a lovely picture, the inventor who thinks up these amazing things that we take for granted every day!

    We are told that at the end of the creation period, God looked at all He had made and saw that it was “very good”. As each thing was created, He could see that it was good, but when He created man to top it all off, He felt that it was VERY good! Think of the satisfaction we have of doing a good job well! The satisfaction of seeing a perfect cake come out of the oven, a garment that has been lovingly made fitting to perfection, the shining car performing as it should….another proof that we are made in God’s image!

  We can see too, that man has the capacity to utilise all that God has created….all these things were created for man’s use and enjoyment. Let us acknowledge this and give Him the thanks and praise for it all, and be careful to not abuse the trust that He has given us!

The Green Sheep!

   Bobby was jumping up and down with excitement. Uncle Jeff had just pulled into their driveway, and he always had some story to tell. Uncle Jeff was a train driver, and if that were not exciting enough, he always saw the funny side of things that happened on the side of the railway line as he went by. It didn’t take as much concentration as driving on the road, so there was plenty of time to look around as the train chugged along the line.

After Uncle Jeff got settled down with a cup of tea in his hand, Bobby snuggled up to him and said, “How did your train driving go last week, Uncle Jeff?”

“Well”, said Uncle Jeff, “We had quite an eventful week last week. We saw lots of animals near the line in different places”.

“Oh”, said Bobby, “Do tell us about them! What were they? ”

“One day we went past this farm where there was a pond for drinking water at the bottom of the hill. The sheep were all in a mob up near the railway line, so I gave a loud toot on the train whistle as we went past. You know, those silly sheep took fright and went galloping down towards the pond. When they got to it, they split in half and some went one way around it while the others went the other way. But would you believe it, there was one sheep sillier than the rest because it kept going straight ahead and flipped straight into the water! It was so funny to watch”, and Uncle Jeff chuckled as he remembered it all over again.

“Can sheep swim?” Bobby asked.

“Well, we asked ourselves the same question”, Uncle Jeff said, “But you know they can!”

“How do you know?” Bobby asked.

“Well, when we came back, we saw the same mob up near the line again”, Uncle Jeff said, “And this time there was one wet green sheep with them! He hadn’t only gone into the pond, but it was full of green slime and weeds, and the sheep got covered in it all. So he came out a green sheep. Ha,ha”, and Uncle Jeff laughed again at the memory of it all.

“Oh, that WAS funny!” Bobby said, “ What are the other stories?”

“They will have to wait for another time”, Uncle Jeff said as he got up and took his mug out to the kitchen and began to talk to the grown-ups there.

   There’s a moral to this story…..the Bible says we are all like sheep that have gone astray, we have all gone our own way and it’s only the Lord Jesus that can get us out of the mess we find ourselves in. Out of all those sheep that went running down the hill, most of them turned and kept out of trouble. All except for the one that went straight into the pond! That one is just like us when we follow the mob that is running into danger. We have to make sure that we use our head before we lose it, and be careful to keep away from friends who take us to wrong places.

Stand Off!

     The protest in our capital city shows no sign of abating, with both sides determined not to give in. The protestors are being very vocal, determined to make their presence noticed, while the other side is equally determined to not allow their adversaries the satisfaction of seeing them face to face. The general  media did its best to keep out of the fray, reporting only the bare minimum, but this did not stop the protestors the full use of social media online, and comments were flying up on this non stop.

     More and more people were making their way to support the hecklers, and still other groups were forming in smaller centres around the country, all determined to make their voices and feelings heard and seen. Both sides wanted the freedom to make their own choices regarding the way to tackle the current pandemic.

      It seemed obvious that if this were the case, then free choice brings responsibility for the consequences of this. It brought to mind, that the inevitability of choice is consequences. If we choose to drive on the wrong side of the road, there will be a car crash sooner or later. If we jump off the top of a cliff, there will be broken bones, or worse still, a dead body at the bottom! Any foolish action incurs the risk of a dangerous end. Yet, even in knowing this, people want to be free to make these choices for themselves.

    We might not realise this, but this desire for freedom is a God-given thing. Choice is something we all have had given to us, right from the time we were born. We can choose to do the right thing, what we are told to do, and be safe, or we can choose to disobey, and suffer the consequences!

     This is just as plain in spiritual things as it is in physical things. The only difference is that spiritual things go on for eternity, while physical things come to an end in this life. The problem that most people don’t seem to realise, is that whether we like to face it or not, we ALL have a spiritual side to our life, a dimension that goes on for eternity. This is where the biggest choice we have to make comes in….do we want to face this or not??? We cannot sit on the fence in this matter, we have to make the choice between light and darkness, between life and death. Let’s be brave and face up to this choice now!

See what God has to say to YOU.