Bob’s “If Only…”

     As Bob came to in the darkness, he wondered where he was. There were unfamiliar sounds going on around him, and a distinct disinfectant smell. He  realised he was in a bed, but he was sure it wasn’t his own one. He tried to turn over and nothing seemed to be working. Whatever had happened to him?

   Ah, he remembered now. He had left the local pub at closing time and found his way to his car. He remembered driving towards home and over the bridge that spanned quite a sizeable river on the way, but nothing more after that.

    Bob had indeed driven over the bridge, but he had failed to see the corner immediately after it, and continued straight ahead up the bank where the car had flipped over. Bob had not been wearing his seat belt and he was thrown out. As a result his spinal cord was badly damaged leaving him a paraplegic. He was in hospital for a long time, and it took him several months before he admitted that his situation was actually his own fault.

   First of all he railed against the fact that his seat belt wasn’t on, but he was the one who hadn’t buckled up. It never occurred to him that if he hadn’t been drinking until closing time, he would have been capable of driving safely, so that was another nail in his coffin of blame, as it were.  

   No-one knew when it finally dawned on him that perhaps God was speaking to him through this accident. It wasn‘t that he was a stranger to the things of God. There had been a time when he had made his decision to follow the Lord, and was enthusiastic in his attendance at his small local church. But the older men tended to curb his youthful enthusiasm and he became discouraged. There came a day when he heard some more criticism, and that was it as far as he was concerned. He had had enough, he said. If that was how they felt, then he was finished.

    Bob never attended a church service on a regular basis again, and in time, no-one would have recognized him as being a Christian. Years passed by, and his family arrived and grew up. In his time of reflection now in his hospital bed, he remembered different times when he felt that God was perhaps speaking to him.

     There was that time that he had been feeding hay out to his cattle and carelessly thrown the loose bailing twine into the cab of his ute. As he drove onto the road, he got out to shut the gate behind him, and his feet became tangled in the twine he had thrown in. He fell onto the road and a car came around the corner, nearly catching him before he got up. Bob wondered at the time if the Lord was speaking to him, but he mentally shrugged it off as coincidence, and let the opportunity go by.

     Then there was another time not long before this, when a visiting evangelist had come to the district. Bob attended one of the meetings, and was strongly moved to respond to the appeal when it was given at the end, but he thought of his drinking mates and what they would say to him. Just the same, he had to hold tightly to his seat with both hands to keep from making the move along the aisle when others were going down to the front.

“There’s still plenty of time”, he told himself.

Now he wondered if things would have been different if he had made that move back then. It began to dawn on him that perhaps all this WAS  his own fault, and all because he kept shutting the thought of God out of his mind.

“Perhaps God IS speaking me” he said to himself, “If I had taken the step when that preacher was asking people to come forward, perhaps none of this would have happened!”

How right he was! He wouldn’t have been at the pub this particular night if he had done that!

   By the time Bob was discharged from the hospital and able to go home, he had confessed his willfulness  and disobedience to the Lord and received full forgiveness for it all. Bob was full of joy in his mind and heart now….not for the position he found himself in, but in the fact that now he had made his peace with God once more.  He was able to pray again, picking up where he had left off when a young man. But in spite of that, nothing could give back the years he had wasted, and this was a constant regret to him.

   He enjoyed the visits he had from other Christians who knew him, and to talk about the things of God was one of his greatest joys.

   He now spent his days in his wheelchair looking out of the large windows of his living room across the town to the harbour in the distance. He had once served on the local harbour board, and was particularly interested in watching the container ships and tankers moving in and out of the harbour.

   He lived for a few more years, and told one of his visitors not long before he passed into the Lord’s presence, “You know, I would sooner be like I am now, and able to enjoy these times with the Lord, than to be what I was once, able to walk but still running away from God. It doesn’t pay!”

          The Apostle Paul wrote….. In case I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.         And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” . Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.       (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

Man Proposes….

            There’s an old saying that says…”Man proposes, but God disposes…”

There is more truth in this little ditty than first appears. We all like making plans, and sit down to get some idea of where we are going in the next few weeks. So it was with us. We had intended to visit the South Island once more, as it is some years since we last did this. With the restrictions put on us by Covid-19, we hadn’t got past just thinking about it. But now the pandemic had eased off in our country, and if we wanted to take advantage of what was left of the warmer weather, it was time to make some definite plans.

Finally, after tossing ideas around for a bit, we decided that halfway through March would be as good a time as any, and we would still be able to be back home for the next public holiday after Easter weekend.

    No sooner said than done. A few clicks on the computer and crossing Cook Strait on the ferry was all organised. Now we had something concrete to work towards. That was OUR proposal.

   But God had different ideas. Two things happened that we hadn’t reckoned on. First, the motorhome rolled into a bush and broke its grill….insurance job. But then the whole country was shut down again for a week, and we only had two weeks to go! Would the parts get through if the warehouse stayed closed? Not only that, how would we get through the affected area which was our only route to the ferry? So watch this space….it will be an on-going story. Now we have to put our money where our mouth is and put that verse into practice!! We have proposed, but God is the One who can dispose of them as quickly as they were made! We have to remember that God knows what is best for us, no matter how disappointed we may be!

There is another verse that says, “We know that ALL things work together for good for them who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28)


    This last weekend, we went to the farewell of a dear friend who is leaving the district. She has faithfully served on committees and helped wherever she could, but now is moving to a retirement home right away from our area. Another family of three have left not only our district, but our country and gone back to Canada where they came from a little over twelve months ago. They too, will be missed although we didn’t know them as long as our other friend. It was also the anniversary of our beloved sister-in-law this last week who passed away with cancer two years ago.

    Over the years we have seen many people come and go, and this is how it is for each one of us. Some have stayed several years, while others have only been with us for a few months, but none the less dear. We are meant to interact with each other….this is a God given gift, one of the signs that we are made in His image. Has it ever occurred to you, that God wants to have fellowship with you, His creature? That is the reason that His Son, Jesus Christ came to earth, to show us what God is like and how much He wants us to talk with Him and to live His ways. He has told us that those who seek Him will find Him! What a wonderful thought.

   Of course, modern technology makes it possible to keep in touch so easily, and even see each other. Especially when there are small children involved….how else would they get to know their grand-parents in another country?  Another wonderful thought is that one day there will be no more partings. That we will be able to fellowship with our friends and with our Lord forever with nothing between. Let’s find out the truth of these matters and DO something about it. Don’t put it off as so many do, we have no guarantee of tomorrow, and one day it may be too late.

Tough Times Ahead.

Tough Times Ahead.

    There is no doubt about it, there are more tough times coming!  When we hear of the new regulations that the authorities are talking about bringing in, we realise that our opportunities to speak in public about the truths that the Bible teaches are going to be greatly curtailed. Pastors and ministers are going to be criminalized if they talk about controversial topics such as transgenderism and homosexuality. Christian teachers too, are going to have to be careful what they say…in fact they are going to be required to teach things to their classes that they know are contrary to the teachings of the Bible.

    We might wonder how we are going to be able to cope in a climate such as this, but we are not alone in this fight against evil. Our Lord said before He left His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation, but don’t be afraid, I have overcome the world”, and “ I will pray the Father and He will give you another Comforter (Helper), that He may abide with you for ever, the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you….I will not leave you orphans, but will come to you…”   (John 14:16-18),

    It reminds me of a story told to me years ago by an older friend. She said that she had had to go into hospital to have an operation for cancer, and was very apprehensive about the whole thing. But as she remembered these verses and others that she knew, she felt the peace of God surround her mind and soul, and was able to relax knowing that He was in control. After a few days when it was all over, somehow this sense of peace left her, and this bothered her very much.

 “Where are you Lord?” she asked, “Why have You left me?”

Almost immediately the answer came into her mind…. “I haven’t left you, I will always be with you. But you don’t need Me the same now it’s all over, and  you have walk by faith again”.

    So it will be for us…when we need God’s strength in difficult situations, it will be there for us if we ask Him. Until that time comes, we need to live in faith, and learn to depend on Him more and more as we see the clouds darken around us.

Is it Really Dirty?

    We had come back from a trip in the motor home where some of the way was down a dusty, rough gravel road. You might wonder why we put up with the jiggles and rattles of that road, but the end result was well worth it….a beautiful, mostly deserted sandy beach, where the fishing was remarkably good!

   We stayed there for several days before rattling our way back to the tarsealed main highway. As usual after several days away, and having unpacked all the perishables, the next job was to wash the bus down. As hubby went around with the long handled broom, I asked if the front had been washed to which he replied yes. So I then asked if the back had needed doing, as it look alright from a distance.

“You’d be surprised how dirty it was,”  he said. “When I put the hose on it, the dust just poured off it!”

“Oh,” I said, “It didn’t look too bad to me!”

“Well, it was, “ he replied, “It certainly needed doing!”

       This just reminded me of how we view ourselves, We look at others and think that we are doing quite a good job of things, that we aren’t as bad as So and So down the street or our neighbours next door. But if we put ourselves under the spotlight of God’s Word, it is surprising how much dirt we find is lurking in the hidden corners or above the window ledges of our minds. It is no use measuring ourselves against others, thinking that you are better than they are. The only measuring stick that is valid for us to see ourselves as we really are, is the measuring stick of Jesus Christ. He is the only perfect human being to ever walk this planet….the rest of us have all been born with the taint of sin on us. This is what has to be dealt with and cleansed out of our lives.

Even if we didn’t do anything really very “wrong”, there is still the fact that we were born with that stigma on us! That is what has to be got rid of, and there is only one way to do that, through humbling ourselves to call out to God, “Be merciful to me, a sinner!”

What’s a Word?

PROVERBS  Ten…. (v. 18-22)

Verses 18-22                                                                       James 3:5-6

This passage begins and ends with the wisdom of holding one’s tongue! It contrasts those who talk sensibly and wisely with those who just talk rubbish! We all know the person who thinks they are smart, and makes senseless jokes at others’ expense.  The trouble is that it tends to make us try to match comment for comment, with us overdoing it!

     It is well if we remember the advice of the old timers…..  “is it true? Is it kind? Do you HAVE  to repeat it?” before passing on gossip or news. So many times we get carried away with what we hear and then speak without thinking! James tells us that what is said can never be retracted.….great fires are started from a small match!   Do we want our  speech to build up or to tear down? To feed others or leave them  feeling empty? To be like choice silver or of little worth? To tease others or to make them feel good? It is very true that those who make others feel good are remembered long after others are forgotten!

     Let us take notice of verse 22….God’s blessings make us rich and keep us from sorrow….and then try to follow this in our contacts and speech with other people!

To always say things that make others feel good, Are our speech and actions be all that they should? To show our love and concern for each other, In loving our God, our sister and brother!

***                             ***                             ***                     

Useless Bits of Junk!

       I went into the kitchen and turned the electric jug on to make morning tea. Nothing happened. The jug stayed dead. “Bother!” I said, and turned to try the light switch. Nothing there either. “That’s funny!” I thought and then went into where the computer was. Well, that was going.

 “That’s even more funny,” I said out loud this time. “Hubby,”  I called out, “Some of the power plugs aren’t working, “We’ll have to see if a fuse is blown!”

 So we went around all of the power plugs, one by one, and checked them all out. Nothing stopped the main switch flicking up each time it was pushed down. We got in touch with son-in-law and told him what was happening.

“Hmm,” he said, “It could be out on the pole if you have three phase power. You’d better ring the power company.”

So we did this, and got a very obliging man on the other end. “No,” he said, “If that were the case, nothing would be going anywhere, and  yet you say half the house is going. Go through everything again, and pull the plug of each appliance right out of the socket, and see what happens.”

By this time we were getting quite weary, but thought we had better do what we were told. We were standing out in the garage at the time, so we started there, and pulled the plug of the freezer out of the wall socket, and hubby flicked the main switch down. Cheers! It stayed down this time.

“Well, that might have solved the problem,” he said. And so it proved to be. All the power plugs were going again and the lights that wouldn’t go before were now all on. So the problem was in the freezer.

    We didn’t bother to try it again as it was obvious to us that was where the problem was. Fortunately we had a smaller spare freezer, so we pulled it around and swapped the frozen goods into it, taking the other one to the back wall. Problem solved!

    I couldn’t help thinking what a lot of useless junk our appliances were without the power to make them go. The washing machine had no life in it, either did the drier. The microwave wasn’t any good for anything at all without the power going, and the frig was just getting warmer by the minute, and not doing its job. It didn’t bear thinking about having no lights in half the house when it got dark!

   It reminded me of what we as people are like if we don’t have the power of God connected to us. We aren’t capable of having fellowship with Him, in fact we don’t WANT to have fellowship with Him as we were made to do. An iron won’t work unless it is connected to the power, and a toaster won’t go at all but remains dead. That is how the Bible describes people who don’t know God as being dead in trespasses and sins, and it is only Jesus Christ who can give us life and connect us to the power of God to bring the light on in our lives. What a difference it makes in every way!

    It pays to think seriously about these things. After all, if this way of looking at things is wrong, then we have nothing to lose, but if it is right, we have everything to lose, and that is very sad indeed!

Near Enough!!

    We were working on a project together, and I was thinking it  was time we were finished. “Well, that’s near enough”, I said as I put my gear down. My brother looked at it, and said, “Near enough is not good enough, Gwenyth, you’ll have to spend a bit more time on it!” Those words have stuck with me for over forty years, and whenever I am tempted to think “Near enough”, they come back to haunt me.

    King Solomon was one who chose what was good, but it was not the best. We would normally think that the fact that he asked for wisdom to rule his people well was a good thing to ask for, but in spite of that, in his older age he stopped trusting the Lord for safety, and used his human reasoning instead. He figured that if he married princesses from the surrounding nations, that their fathers would not attack the land their daughter was in! He trusted these ideas more than he trusted God to keep him safe from an enemy attack.

But there seemed to be more and more of these princesses, and he ended up with “seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. And likewise did he for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods. (1 Kings 11:3,4,8)”.

    What a warning this is for us! No-one could have had a better start than Solomon did and yet he allowed himself to be swayed by the opinions of others rather than what God had told him. We have to be so careful that we continue to read what God’s Word has to say to us, and to follow what it tells us rather than what others tell us. Those who we associate with closely, have a greater influence over us than we think.

    We all know the dangers there are in our teenagers keeping company with the wrong crowd, but here was a mature man, and supposedly a very wise man, being swayed by the opinions of his many wives. Instead of him being the leader of his household, he was being led by the women of his household. He could have said his thoughts and actions were “near enough” as far as God was concerned, but they weren’t enough to keep him safe from turning away from the things of God. So you can see that we need to be so awake to the dangers around us and not allow ourselves to be swayed by anything that will take all our thoughts….any game, club, or interest that takes all our time or thoughts needs to be pruned out of our minds!

See what God has to say to YOU.