Things that God Hates!

Proverbs 6:16-19….Solomon here lists seven  things that God hates…..let’s look at each one and then evaluate our own selves….

  1. A PROUD LOOK….. God can do nothing with a person who is too proud to come to Him with their problems. The “I’m good enough” syndrome can’t be fixed by God… can only be dealt with severely.
  2. A LYING TONGUE…. There is not a person alive who is not guilty of telling a lie at some stage, or of stretching the truth. God hates this. He is all truth Himself, and anything less in others is abhorrent to Him.
  3. HANDS THAT KILL…. Anyone who has thoughts of hatred is the same as a murderer as far as God is concerned.
  4. A HEART THAT IMAGINES WICKED THINGS….. what do we feed our minds on in our leisure time, in our reading or what we watch on TV?
  5. GETTING INTO MISCHIEF…. Where do our feet take us? Where do our fingers take us on the web? To places where it would be better if we weren’t there?
  6. We can lump six and seven together under the title of GOSSIP….a “false witness and making trouble”. We must be very careful in what we repeat and the way we repeat it.

Let us always remember to only do what will bring glory to God!

God hates these seven horrid things,                                                                         That no glory to Him  ever brings;                                                                                   Pride and lies, and hands that kill,                                                                                    Feet, mind and tongues with mischief filled.                                                  These things to God no glories give,                                                                       Remember this while here we live.


A Bend in the Road

The big dog was curled up on the front deck of the house. He looked an absolute picture of misery, with no life or interest in anything. He knew that his family had gone away and left him, and he was going to guard things until they got back. He knew the day before they had left that something was in the wind by the way the missus was packing things up….there was just a general feeling of unrest around the place. And then those other people were back. He wasn’t too sure of them, even though they had been coming and going to their caravan that was parked up the back by the workshop over the last few weeks.

All day he lay there with his head on his paws, and one ear cocked just in case his family came back. He barked all night almost without stopping, at least the people in the caravan thought so. They said to each other, “He’s going to be a little horse (hoarse) in the morning”, and then laughed at their little joke.

Needless to say he was very tired the next day, and slept until mid afternoon. Then he got up and trotted down the track to the caravan with his ears up. He looked like a different dog. He was alert and back to his old happy self. He even smelt the new missus all over when she talked to him.

It was almost as though he had said to himself, “Well, it’s no use moping here by myself, I might as well make the best of it!”

From then on, he guarded the caravan and kept the people there company.  As we watched him lying there with one eye cocked on the goings on (not that there were many!) we couldn’t help thinking how like life this is.  We come to a bend in the road and all seems dark and miserable. We think that things are never going to be the same again, and maybe they won’t be. But there is no use moping about it. The dog couldn’t bring his people back by moping, and neither can we. We may as well get up and go on straight away instead of remaining miserable and making others miserable in the process.

There is a passage in the Bible that says …..            God’s way is perfect! The promise of the LORD has proven to be true. He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.                Who is God but the LORD? Who is a rock except our God? God arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like those of a deer and gives me sure footing on high places. He trains my hands for battle so that my arms can bend an [archer’s] bow of bronze.           (Psalm 18:31-34)

We all have enemies at times….enemies of doubts, fears and disappointments. When they seem about to engulf us, we can call on God for His help. He promises this to everyone who will take His salvation as the next verses go on to say….. You have given me the shield of your salvation. Your right hand supports me. Your gentleness makes me great. You make a wide path for me to walk on so that my feet do not slip. I chased my enemies and caught up with them. I did not return until I had ended their lives. I wounded them so badly that they were unable to get up. They fell under my feet. You armed me with strength for battle. You made my opponents bow at my feet. You made my enemies turn their backs to me, and I destroyed those who hated me.  (Psalm 18:35-39)

So when all seems dark and hopeless, let’s remember the dog that found that moping did no good at all, and carry on around the bend in the road not looking back!

What’s it all About?

  Uncle Jeff was driving back from the camp complex where the meetings had been held, with Sarah, Bobby, and Betty.                                                                                                                               “What did you do for your activities, Betty?” Sarah asked her little sister.                                                                                                                                    “Oh we all coloured a paper Noah’s Ark, then cut it out and made it up,” said Betty. “It wasn’t all that easy either.”                                                 “I don’t suppose it was easy for Noah either, to make the ark,” said Bobby.                                                                                                                                “No, I guess it wasn’t,” Sarah said, “Can you  imagine what it was like to get all the animals into the ark? Just think of hauling an elephant inside!”                                                                                                                          “Haha,” said Bobby, “Imagine getting giraffes in too!”

“Well, can either of you older ones remember what the main speaker was talking about this morning?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Yes, it was about the lamp that Moses had made in the wilderness, that was to go in God’s tent,‘ said Bobby, “The tent was called the tabernacle.”.

“He said lots of things about the lamp,” Sarah said thoughtfully, “I never knew it meant so many things.”

“That’s why it’s important to think about them,” Uncle Jeff said, :”Everything in the Old Testament part of the Bible has a matching part in the New Testament.”                                                                                “Really?” said Sarah, “I didn’t know that!”                                                          “Yes,” said Uncle Jeff, ”That’s why God told Moses to make it exactly to the pattern He gave him, because it was all a picture of something in heaven”.

“Ooh,” said Betty, “Was Noah’s Ark a picture of something too, Uncle Jeff ?”

“Sure was,” he said, “What do you think it might have been a picture of Bobby?”

“Well, it saved Noah and his family and all the animals in it from being drowned,” Bobby said after thinking for a while, “ So I guess it was a picture of how the Lord Jesus saves us.”

“That’s right,” Uncle Jeff agreed, “But let’s get back to the lamp. It had seven branches all decorated up beautifully. Why do you think there was one tall one in the middle with six others around it?”

“Well, the Lord Jesus is in the middle of His people,” Sarah said.

“That’s right,” Uncle Jeff agreed, “What does a light do?”

“It chases the dark away,” piped up Betty.

“How does Jesus chase the dark away from us then?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“He said He was the light of the world, “ said Sarah, “There is no darkness in Him at all anywhere, and He never stops shining.”

“Yes, that’s true. He said too that we must be lights in this world showing others how to live right. What makes those old fashioned lamps keep burning brightly?”

“I know!” Bobby said, “They’ve got a wick down in some oil inside them and the wick has to be kept trimmed all the time or else the light gets dull”.

“So what do you think that means?” said Uncle Jeff, changing gear as they came to a hill.

“I guess it means that we are like the wick that needs to be trimmed too,” Sarah said, “When we get into bad habits, God needs to trim us up.”

“Do you think it would be pleasant for the wick to be trimmed?” asked  Uncle Jeff.

“I wouldn’t like to be trimmed,” said Betty.

“Ho ho, you sure don’t like it when you have to go to your room for being naughty!” Bobby chortled.

“You too!” and Betty gave him a poke.

“OK, OK,” said Uncle Jeff, “What was the lampstand made out of?”

“Pure gold”, Bobby said.

“What did the preacher say that was a picture of?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“It was a picture of how the Lord Jesus was God’s Son and just like Him,” Sarah said.

“Yes, and what else does it show us about the Lord Jesus?”

“He was beautiful,” Bobby said.

“Yes, and He lasts for ever.” Sarah added.

“Then gold costs a lot of money,’ Bobby said, “And I guess it means that Jesus is just the bestest person there has ever been!”

“Well done!” Uncle Jeff said as he turned into their street, “What was one last thing the preacher said about the lamp?”

“It kept burning all night till the morning!” Betty said.

“I was going to say that!” Bobby said.

“What does the morning mean then?”

“Well, the morning is like when Jesus comes back again, and the night has gone” Sarah said, “And we have to keep shining for Him until He comes back again!”

“That’s dead right,” Uncle Jeff  said as he turned into their driveway, and pulled up, “Now it’s up to us to remember all these things and all be little lights for Jesus. .Let’s go inside now and find something to eat!”

Happy New Year!

   The year 2018 has gone for ever, and on everyone’s lips this  first morning of 2019, are the words, “Happy New Year!” This may be the wish of each one of us, but for many it is only an empty hope. Some already know that this year will be one of the saddest one in their lives…. those who have loved ones  with a terminal disease can only look forwards with dread for the immediate future.

    Others of course, look forwards with high expectations…..a forthcoming wedding, a new baby to come into the world, a big trip already booked….and rightly so, but are we guarded against the unexpected shocks ahead? A broken marriage in the family? A tragic car accident? The disappointment of broken friendships? A bad report from the doctor?

    No-one is immune from these things, as they are all part of normal life. Not only those things that are unexpected, the normal downhill spiral in age and health that all come our way with time.

   For those who know the Lord, we have the added assurance that He will be with us through all these experiences, both good and bad. It is no use blaming God for the bad things that happen to us. Of course He could have averted them in our path, and how many times He has! But how else would we learn if we did not have to depend more heavily on Him at these times?

   Remember the time that Jesus told His disciples to go across the lake ahead of Him? He knew that they would meet this tremendous storm half way across. He also knew how He would cope with it for them and show His power to them. How else would they have seen that without this difficulty?

   It is just the same for us today. So let’s look forwards to this year of 2019 with whatever the Lord has in store for us with confidence and assurance, knowing that whatever happens can be for our best as we trust in Him.


Have you ever thought about the word “wait” and all that it means?  How the word “wait” is actually a double sided word? When we go into a restaurant, the “waiter” comes to us for our order, and then we have to “wait” while it is being put together. The waiter brings it to us and then “waits” on our needs while we enjoy the meal.

One of the hardest things in the world is to wait for something. In this modern world, everything is expected to be instant….everything is faster and smaller and more disposable as the next model comes along.

We read in the Bible that before the Lord can bless a person, He has to “wait” on them. He waits for them to turn and call on Him so He can be gracious to them and bless them. This is the way He waits on His people, by giving them His blessings and all that they need as they ask Him.

On the other hand, as we wait on Him for the answers to our prayers, we are blessed as we see how He works in our lives to give us the answer that we need. Those who do not turn to Him, can never know His blessings, any more than a person can expect a meal at a restaurant without paying for it.

Isaiah 30, verse 18…..    And thus will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.


The Unexpected

The summer holidays are looming around the corner. Whether we like it or not, there are some people who will go away from home and not return.  We do not know who it will be; we certainly do not think it will be ourselves! But no matter how careful we are on the roads, the unexpected can happen at any time.

We have had two unexpected deaths in the last two weeks in our small community, and neither were due to a car crash. Both people were in younger age brackets, and both were accidental, sudden tragedies.

One was a fit man in his late forties, who was taking his young son to the local BMX circuit for an afternoon of fun and exercise. He sent his boy ahead of him and then set off behind him. As he went over one of the jumps, something went wrong and he flipped off his bike landing on his head, and breaking his neck. The doctors said that if he had survived, he would have had no quality of life at all. Small comfort to his family.

Then a woman in her thirties was walking down the street towards the local park. As she was going down the slope, she noticed a car seemed to be stuck on the verge and was revving its motor up trying to get out. She skirted around the back of it and at the very moment she was directly behind it, the driver’s foot slipped and with a jolt the car reversed into her, squashing her against a brick wall  behind her. She didn’t stand a chance and died at the scene before the ambulance could get to her.

Neither of these people knew when they left home that they wouldn’t be returning that day, or ever again. These incidents show us how uncertain life is. We aren’t promised tomorrow. We aren’t even promised the end of the current day. The only moment we have is NOW.

The only certain thing about life is that it is going to end one day. Whenever there is a birth, there will be a death. But no-one knows when.

There is a verse in the Bible that says, “Teach me to number my days (consider my mortality); so that I may live wisely” (Psalm 90:12) 

   Let’s make sure that we consider these things and be ready to meet our Maker, no matter how suddenly or unexpectedly it may happen.


Choices, Choices

    We all have to make choices in life; whether it is business, family life or just in playing games. Our choice today, determines our destiny tomorrow.  I was reading recently, “Enter through the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the way is spacious that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. But the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

As I read these verses from Matthew 7:13-14, it made me realise that every person is confronted with the gates of choices in their life. One gate is wide and the way looks easy with crowds of people going along in a downward direction, while the other gate is small, with a narrow path beyond leading upwards and not many people going that way. But what a difference the end result is! One leads to destruction and the other one leads to life.

Our Lord tells people to seek to enter the narrow gate leading to life but this gate is too narrow to allow any baggage through. There is no room for the suitcase of possessions or the bag of good works. There is not even space to squeeze through with the backpack of pride, to say nothing of towing in the trolley of sinful ways and habits! All these have to be left on the outside of the narrow gate….there is only room for the under clothing of contrition and a broken spirit with confession of our need. All our good deeds and self righteousnesses are nothing more than filthy rags in God’s sight!

Once through the gate, the Lord provides clothes of righteousness and a robe of salvation. He gives us new songs to sing, and peace of mind with a light and joyful heart to travel up the path of life. When trials and difficulties come (and they will) He is there to help and to take us by the hand, telling us that His grace is more than enough to see us through. There really is no option as to which choice is the better one of the two….let’s make sure we all find this way that leads to unending life and peace with the Maker of the Universe.

Don’t Get Scammed!

PROVERBS  Six…. (v.1-15)

DON’T GET SCAMMED!!!! Solomon here is warning his sons to not stand as guarantor for anyone…..friend or stranger! How many times have people got caught out doing just this!!

This warning stands good for every single person….. it is better to give straight out, rather than to lend hoping to get it back one day. People’s word of mouth is not enough……how many friendships have gone sour because of broken promises! Don’t feel sorry for the other person, or you will end up feeling  sorrier for yourself in the long run.

This seems to be hard advice, but often people get themselves into a mess because of their own foolishness, and the only way they will learn is the hard way. Paul too, expands this thought when he definitely says to keep away from being tied to an unbeliever in any way, shape or form! This rule is for our own good and peace of mind.

Often the other person is in trouble because of their own laziness or carelessness…..take a lesson from an ant! It is busy and forward looking, preparing for the future. Keep away from those who try to sponge on you……they are only there for what they can get out of you !!

Give, don’t lend,  is good advice, To keep one’s friend is better;            Don’t let yourself then get  enticed, Or you’ll be tied, by  lawyer’s letters!!!


See what God has to say to YOU.