When Ignorance is NOT Bliss!

Ignorance is bliss so they say. But this is no excuse as far as the law is concerned! One day a new “Stop” sign was erected on a road I didn’t use much, and I slid over it as usual after checking that no cars were coming. Alas for me, a traffic officer confronted me around the corner where he had been waiting to catch the unwary offenders. My ignorance was no excuse for getting out of the ensuing fine, and it was large enough to hurt my pocket. I ruefully thought of the shoes or whatever else that I could have bought with that amount!

It made me realise that just as the law accepts no excuses for being broken, that God’s law is just as inflexible. He says, “The soul that sins, shall die!”

On the other hand is the verse that says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).


Where Would YOU Be?

       A very dear friend of ours went to be with the Lord last Sunday. It was most unexpected although we had seen that he was gradually losing weight and getting more feeble as the months went by. We can’t always choose the way we go, but we CAN choose where we go! You might ask how a person can be so sure of this.

Bill had lived a hard life, and was a real he-man. He had gone in for chopping competitions in his younger years and had worked his way up to being the New Zealand champion for some years….a fact that he very rarely talked about in later years. “That belongs to the old life”, he would say with a wry grin, and go on to talk of other things.

He had put everything he had into his axe chopping training and other things, including his family, had taken second place. It wasn’t until his wife nearly died after the birth of their youngest child, that he stopped to think about what would happen if he died. But like so many people, he brushed the thought aside.

He came across a young man in the course of his work, who would periodically sidle up to him and talk about the Bible. After some months of this, Bill began to wonder if there was really something in all of this. Around the same time, a Christian worker began to visit them in their home, and Bill became convicted of his need to do something about all this talk.

Meantime, his wife had turned to the Lord and was quietly, in her own way, showing him the difference in her life. One day, he was out in the bush in the course of his work, and really felt that God was with him there. He remembered a Bible story he had heard about a woman who obeyed what God told her and as a result she was able to save all her family from a  sure disaster. He knew then that he could run away from God no longer, and so there in the bush, he confessed that he needed God in his life.

From then on, Bill was a different man. He showed love to his family in a way that he hadn’t before, and all his friends could see the difference in him. He left his job as he had a strong urge to devote himself to working with disadvantaged children and so they moved north to another area and took over running a children’s home for some years. After he retired, he then took up delivering Sunday School lessons to children in out of the way places.

As he grew older, a lot of Bill’s friends and relations started dying off, and at the funeral services, Bill was often asked to speak. Being rather shy, he started learning devotional  poems, and he would stand up and with a smile would recite these off. He had such a great manner with him, that no-one could take offence, and he got his message across in a way that others couldn’t have done.

Now he has gone. What a way he went! As usual, last Sunday he drove to the chapel he attended, a twenty minute drive through the town, went inside and greeted everyone. He sat down and commented that his hands were very cold. Then he gave a little gasp, and his head fell backwards, and he was gone. Just like that! Quietly, with no fuss, just as he had lived.

We know for sure that he is with his Lord….his life showed it in everything that he did. Will our family be able to know for sure where  we are when we have gone? Because when this life is finished, our spirits and souls are still well alive, and it is up to us to leave our loved ones in no doubt where we are!



The Peaceful Man

       Psalm Four

                    Hear my call, O My Lord, and have mercy on me,                                                 I know You will hear  my cry unto Thee,                                                                      I will stand still in awe, and not commit sin,                                                      I will lie on my  bed, and commune within;                                                      I will offer  the sacrifice of praises and sing,                                                          And my trust to the Lord, I’ll continually bring,                                                   You put joy in my heart which will only increase,                                                  And I’ll lie down and sleep, in peace perfect peace.

Notice how the Psalmist here makes his call to the Lord for help, and then affirms his belief that God HAS heard his cry. He thinks of any sin he might have done and confesses it, then gets into bed still thinking of the things of the Lord. What a pattern for us to follow! There is nothing like a good rousing hymn for raising the spirits, and we can think of the words of many of these as we lie in bed, and then drop off into a peaceful sleep. This pattern is better than any sleeping pill and brings glory to God, even in a small way.                                                                                                                                                                                          ***   ***   ***

Whining or Shining?

I heard a pastor speaking on TV the other day and he asked a question that made me stop and think.

“Do you whine or do you shine?” was the question. You may smile at this, but it  brought me up with a round turn. How many times do I complain about the weather being too hot, being too wet, or too cold? We have no control over the weather, but we DO have control over our attitude to it!

 How do we react when we don’t feel well? Do we take some pain killers and get on with things cheerfully, or do we put up with the aches and pains and make sure everyone around us knows how we are feeling? 

What about when we are standing in a queue waiting to be served at the supermarket check-out  and there is some trouble at the counter and the line  slows down…do we wait patiently or do our fingers start to tap, and our blood pressure rise? (I might add that nearly every line I get in seems to be the slowest one there!)  so this is a good challenge to me! So now I will stop and think….”will I shine or will I whine?” and hopefully choose the right one!

The right choice will make me feel better, those around me feel better, and most of all will please the Lord!

Paul’s CV.

The Apostle Paul was a unusual character, yet God had His hand on him right from birth (Galatians 1:15).  Even though he didn’t know it at first, God had chosen him for a special purpose.

When we first meet Paul, he is described as a “young man” known by the name of  Saul.  (Acts  7:58).   He was a Roman citizen by birth (Acts 22:27-28),  having been born in the town of Tarsus in Asia Minor  and very well educated. He had finished his learning under the tutelage of Gamaliel , one of the highest teachers in  the Jewish faith at that time, in the city of Jerusalem.    (Acts 22:3)

Young Saul felt it was his vocation, indeed his bounden duty, to eradicate all those who were following this new faith called “The Way”. He went all through Jerusalem,  hauling both men and women off to prison.     (Acts 8:1, 3)

    Later, his intention was to follow these people to the ends of the earth if necessary, to shut them up. He felt this was his calling that God wanted him to do. It was for this reason that he set off for Damascus to do this very thing, but he never got there….God stopped him in his tracks and spoke to him in a blinding light that left him without sight for three days. The men with him saw the light and heard a voice (without recognizing the words spoken). Saul knew it was indeed the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ and he responded immediately.   (You can read about this in Acts 9: 1-9 and 22: 4-23)

After his eye sight was restored to him, he immediately began to preach that Jesus Christ was the Son of God who had come into the world to save sinners. People couldn’t believe their ears….this was the man who had been throwing people into prison for doing this, and now he was doing it himself!

Paul went off into the desert for a period of time after his initial preaching, and tells what happened to him there in  Galatians 1:11-24. He also explained that what he was preaching and teaching was not a man’s idea or his idea, but that God Himself had shown him these things and told him what he was to preach.

At one stage he felt that his handicap was hindering his work for the Lord, and he begged Him three times to be healed. He must have wondered why the Lord didn’t regard his request, and then the Lord spoke to him clearly, “My grace is sufficient for you!”

It was then that he understood that God could still work through his physical weakness. Any “success” he saw from his labors would then certainly only be the work of the Lord, and not his work!

These letters that he wrote to the different churches were borne out of his great concern and love for the people he was writing to. We might wonder why, since he was doing such a great preaching work, the Lord allowed him to be shut up in prison so much, but it was during these times that he wrote these letters which indeed are God’s instructions to His people for that time right down to the present time. The young Christians had much to learn, and he wrote of God’s order in the churches, and the mysteries of God’s intentions for His people (Christ in you). He also straightened the people up when they took on board the wrong ideas concerning the old law’s rules, and showed that Christ had died once and for all time for man’s sins when people turned and confessed it to God.

We have much to be thankful to Paul for, and indeed are indebted to his writings which have been preserved for us. Let us each one make sure that we acknowledge that what he has written is surely the Word of God in truth.  If any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write to you are the commandments of the Lord, he wrote    (1 Corinthians 14:37).

    Let’s begin to take a closer look at these things that he wrote down and take heed to them for they are indeed the words of the Lord to us for today!

Peace of Mind

As a wise man was once walking from one town to another with a friend, they passed a small lake.. They stopped there and the wise man said, “I’m thirsty, please  get me some water from that lake there”.

The friend walked to the lake, but  noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, then a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy and dirty. The friend thought, “How can I give this muddy water to my friend to drink!” So he came back and told him that the water  was too muddy and not fit to drink. A little later,  the wise man asked his friend to go back to the lake again and get him some water to drink. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above was fit to drink, so he collected some and brought it to the wise man.

The wise man looked at the water, and said, “See what you did to make the water clean? You let it be … and the mud settled down on its own – and you got clear water!”

Our minds are like this too. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless.

What did the wise man say? He said that it was effortless. Having ‘peace of mind’ is not a strenuous job; it is an effortless process. When there is peace inside you, that peace permeates to the outside. To have the peace OF God, we must have peace WITH God. This makes all the difference. Then the peace OF God will spread around you and in this environment, other people around will start feeling that peace and grace.

     I was visiting a friend in a rest home recently, and she said that different ones had asked her how she could bear to be cooped up in her bedroom day by day. She said it was all in her attitude. For her, she had no choice. But she DID have a choice whether she was going to accept it gracefully and gratefully with a smile , or resentfully with a bad attitude. Her prayer is that her room will be noticed by the staff as a room of peace and joy, and already some have mentioned that they notice this. She regards these confining conditions as another mission field for her…one which able-bodied older people do not have in the same way.

    What a lesson to us all! If we take all our situations to the Lord and thank Him for the answer BEFORE we get it, His peace will envelop us and will be seen by those around us!   (Philippians 4:6-7)


The Ideal Parent!

        Proverbs 4: Verses 1-10         

Solomon paints a wonderful picture of a godly home here, filled with love and life, and I’m sure one where laughter prevailed as well!

It is the place of fathers to set the tone of the home with the children and the mother will gladly follow his lead if both base their lives on God’s Word. This need not be all gloom and doom as some people imagine, after all God is the author of laughter and fun  too. This should be based on  wisdom, and parents should be sensitive to the needs of the children as each one is different. The main thing is to not be too tired to have fun times with the little ones or to be interested in what the older children are into.

James tells us that if we feel we lack wisdom to be a good parent, we are to ask God for  guidance and wisdom, and then God will show us what to do. The main thing is to take the time to concentrate on the family  and their needs while you have them, as there will be plenty of time for one’s own interests when the birds have flown the nest!

                                        To get the wisdom that parents  need,                                                                     Just ask the Lord when his Word you  read,                                                                  Ask in faith, and the answer will be giv’n,                                            By the Maker of all, the Earth and Heav’n.

Cutting Out the Deadwood.

I’ve been trimming our hedge today, and it reminded me how we have to be trimmed by the Heavenly Gardener also. It’s hard work to do this and to get the hedge back to looking good again….no doubt it also hurts the hedge trees! Certainly trimming us of our bad habits and thoughts takes time and effort on our part and often hurts us in the process. Nor is this a one-off process…the hedge  needs to be done continually, and so it is with us.

Just as the trimming neatens and tidies up the hedge, and makes it good to look at and enhances the general garden appearance, so the trimming that God gives us does the same in our lives….in fact we are told in the Bible that  “No chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who are exercised by it. So therefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed (Hebrews 12:11-13 KJV).

Not only does this pruning tidy things up, but in fruit trees, it also helps to the trees to bear fruit. In exactly the same way, we cannot bear fruit for God until we are trimmed up with all the rough branches and dead twigs in our lives cut off. This is truly just dead wood. So much that we get involved in seems good at the time, but in the end it is only dead wood, and has no fruit for the Master Gardener. This is where we have to be alert and cut out spending our time fruitlessly (in every sense of the word!)

John tells us that the only way we can bear fruit for the Lord is to abide in Him; that is, to do His will and ask Him what we should do (John 15:1-6). Unless we do this we cannot abide in Him…..there is no room for Him when our will is taking over. We must bow to His will in all that we do, so we can bear fruit for Him..

Let’s take these thoughts to heart, clean our act up and get going again!

See what God has to say to YOU.