All Set to Win!

The Commonwealth Games of 2018 are nearly over. All the efforts of training, the expectation of the competition, the joys of winning and disappointments of missing out, are all over for this time. We watched some of the competitions, and felt the disappointment of seeing one poor competitor in the marathon race get so near the finishing line in the winning place, only to collapse just short of getting there. He had made such a good start, and kept his pace and place until nearly the end, only to miss out.

I couldn’t help thinking of those verses that Paul wrote to Timothy reminding him that it is only those who get crowned  who get to the end having gone all the way according to the rules. It didn’t matter that this poor competitor had collapsed due to dehydration and subsequent weakness, he had failed to keep to the rules, so he missed out. We too, have rules to keep to in our lives….not only in our physical lives, but also in our spiritual lives.

You didn’t know there was a spiritual life that we each one have? What does it matter you might ask? It makes all the difference between eternal life  in peace and joy and eternal life in misery and torment. The young man competing in the games sincerely thought he had done sufficient training, but he had forgotten one fact….he would be running in a heat and climate very different to what he was used to, and that he would need to keep his supply of drinking water up. He couldn’t make it.

So many people say they don’t believe in all that stuff, but what a person believes doesn’t alter the facts that God lays down. I was in an airport waiting for my flight one time and heard of an American lady who thought she was going Oakland in California, but due to the difference in accents, she was in fact getting on a plane to Auckland, New Zealand. She sincerely thought she was on the right plane, but she was sincerely wrong. Sincerity isn’t always what gets us to the right destination, it must be sincerity coupled with facts.

So even if you sincerely believe that there is nothing after death, that your life will just be snuffed out into oblivion, you had better make sure that your sincerity is coupled with facts. Where are the facts about a spiritual life found? In the Book written by the author of spiritual life, our handbook for life, the Bible. This is the only place we can find out the facts to base our choices and decisions on. So find the facts and then make a sincere and informed choice!

The Travellers’ Bags….

     Gran was visiting at Bobby’s  place one day, and the young ones were dying to see her and  hear about her adventures. Gran had just arrived back from an overseas trip and they all wanted to hear about it and to see if she had brought any presents with her. She usually picked up small things that she knew the children would like.

After all the “hellos” had been said and she had relaxed with a cup of tea, they gathered around her, and she said “Oh, it IS good to be back home. But before we look in my bag to see what I’ve brought you, I want to tell you a story I thought of while I was waiting for my flight this morning…..

“I was watching the people all coming in to the airport lounge to sit down and wait for their flights. They were all going somewhere and were all carrying different sorts of bags….some  were big and floppy and others were proper small suitcases with wheels. Others were back packs. As more people came in, they were getting more squashed up together, sitting closer as the seats were being filled up.

The bags were sitting on the floor, by people’s feet, and I imagined they were talking to each other. There was the smart blue bag on wheels with a matching handbag beside it. “Oh!”, it thought to itself, “What a lot of other tatty bags there are here! I’m so glad I don’t look like them! Why, I’ve even got a matching handbag. I’d move further along if I could!” and it gave a bit of a sniff.

Right next to it was a big floppy orange bag. It looked quite old and as though it had once carried baby’s bottles and nappies. It had a warm comfortable look about it. It was thinking to itself, “I wonder where my missus is going with me today. I DO hope there are some children there so I can carry things for them!”

Further along was a large backpack. It had quite an adventurous look about it. It had seen many different places, and had actually got badges from these places stuck on its sides. It looked around and thought to itself, “I’m glad I’ve been around a bit and seen more than these other bags! Look at those two blue bags over there, they look so new that they haven’t had time to see anything yet!”

Next to it was a large business case. It had been to the office all week and was going back to its home. It thought to itself, “Oh dear, I’ve had such a busy week. But I know a lot of important business has been done and I’ve been able to carry all the papers and the laptop to help get these things done. If I hadn’t been doing this the business meetings wouldn’t have been able to be held. But I WILL be glad to get home for the weekend!”

There was one last bag I could see. It was an ordinary looking bag, neither too big nor too small, not too new nor too old. It looked as though it belonged to someone very organised. I imagined it was thinking to itself, “I’m so glad I know where I’m going. I’ve got the passport ready and the plane ticket is tucked into my inside pocket along with the boarding pass, and my owner knows where it all is!”

The call came to board the plane, and the people all picked up their bags and moved  towards the boarding lanes.

The two blue bags said to each other, “I DO hope we aren’t piled into the cabin ports too close to these other bags, they might scratch our nice new shiny look!”

The big orange floppy bag with the comfortable look thought to itself, “Oh, it’s going to be such fun when the little ones see the presents I’m bringing for them, I can’t wait to get there!”

The backpack was anxious to get on its way and thought to itself, “I wonder what adventures I’ll have tomorrow! I don’t mind if I get squished into the overhead compartment, so long as I can get going!”

The business case thought, “I’m so glad I was able to be part of that big business deal we did this week, what a big improvement it’s going to make for everyone!”

The last case thought, “I’m so glad I’m not a great big bag that will have to be stowed in the overhead compartment. I’m all ready to go and I know where I’m going!”

I couldn’t help thinking these bags are just like we are sometimes. We feel so pleased with ourselves, and think we are smarter and more classy than other people (the blue bags). Or are we just happy to be able to help people and to take things that will give them pleasure? (the floppy orange bag)  Or are we too busy doing our own thing and wanting to go places to be able to help others?  Maybe we might want to do or see something new too badly  to think about helping other people. Especially when they have been away on holiday, do we take the time to ask them what it was like and what they did? (the backpack)

We could be thinking about other people and what they’ve been doing and not just thinking what WE’VE been doing! This was what the business bag was like. Even though he often felt tired, he knew that what he was doing was good for others.

But the last bag had the best place of all. It knew where it was going and it was all ready for the trip with its ticket and boarding pass right at hand”

“What a neat story!” Sarah said, “I don’t know how you think of all these things, Gran!”.

“Is that all there is?” asked Betty who had been listening with her mouth open, “I want to be like the last bag!!”

“Well,” said Gran, “All those bags sitting by their owners’ feet just reminded that it’s always good to put others first because this is what pleases God. But the best of all is to know where we are going when we die and to know that we are ready for this trip. So many people trust in their good looks and their good deeds, or in being kind. Others are just too busy and have too much to do and see to think about God. Still others are too busy working in their offices and making money to have time for God’s things. So I just want you to make sure that you are like the sensible bag and know where we are going at the end of our life and that we are ready for the trip!”

“Sure will!” said Bobby, “What did you bring us in your bag Gran?”

“Let’s have a look,” said Gran, “and every time you see these things just remember the story about the bags and the sort of people they are like!”

 What WAS God’s Plan?

                   Genesis One….                 Verse 1….

   We have seen that God had a plan BEFORE He began His creation work (and is still working to it). From God’s viewpoint, the whole plan was as good as accomplished….now He is just waiting for it to work itself out. After all, He created TIME….ETERNITY is timeless, without time! Time didn’t come into being until the sun, moon and stars were created for without them, there is no measuring rule…..

God knew before He began, how He would bring salvation to man….that His only beloved Son (part of Himself) would go to earth to live a sinless life and then be qualified to die to pay the penalty of sin…a Person with no sin of His own (1 Peter 1:20).

He knew BEFORE time began, all those who would come to Him in repentance, and wrote their names in the Book of Life (Revelation 17:8b.) He had even prepared a kingdom for them all BEFORE the foundation of the earth was laid  (Matthew 25:34).

But all these things were kept a secret from angels and principalities until AFTER Jesus Christ had died and brought salvation to mankind. (Matthew 13:35). It was then that God’s Holy Spirit revealed these truths to His Apostles who wrote them down for us to read today in the Holy Bible. Let’s make sure that we not only read all about these things for ourselves, but that we make sure that our name is in the Book of Life!

God’s plan was written and early made,                                                                    Before the world’s foundation laid;                                                                            Before the sun e’er showed its face,                                                                        Or time began, God made our space.

                          ***   ***   ***

Proverbs, Chapter Three.

                                                                                                                                                          PROVERBS  THREE….

Verses 27-35

When a young lady has the wisdom of the Lord, and is not fearful of the future, then she can be generous to her neighbours  and show  this confidence by her actions.

We are told in this passage to make no plots, to not strive (argue) with others for no reason and to not envy those who leave God out of their lives. The end result for unbelievers, successful or not, is not good….. God will turn away from them for all eternity. Those who humble themselves to walk with God here and now, will  have His grace and glory for ever.

David has already given us this advice when he says not to fret or be envious of  successful, ruthless men. Their success is very brief, whereas those who trust in God have all His blessings for ever. The advice he gives is positive…..don’t fret, but trust; delight, commit and rest in the Lord who will give immeasurable riches, all spiritual blessings and God’s delightful peace. What more does a girl need to be fulfilled in this life and in the one to come?!!

God’s wisdom gives peace, and positive rest,                                                       To His people He only bestows His best;                                                                    If we fret and strive, like others to be,                                                                      God’s wonderful blessings, we’ll never once see.


Devotional from Proverbs


Verses 1-2         

How many times have you heard people say “I’m not having anyone tell ME what to do!” The people of Israel came to a stage where everyone was doing exactly as they pleased without regard to any law, either of God or man.

      We see here that people excuse their actions and think they are right in doing so…. In other words they make God fit into their specifications of what THEY think! How ridiculous this is! Especially when the next sentence tells us that God weighs up our thoughts against His!

      See what He says in Isaiah 55:7-9…. My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor My ways your ways….it is only as we put our own ideas to one side and leave them to see what God has to say, that we will be pardoned. After all, it is God who has the last say and we do well to find out His thoughts on the subject!

       Even when we have done this, God has still ordained other ways for us to follow if we want to please Him ….how true those words are that “ no man is an island”.  We are all accountable to someone!!

   To listen to God’s thoughts and rules,                               Keeps us from being the biggest fools;                                            Like those who think they have the last say,                              They forget God’s way,  is the only way!!!

Why Bread and Wine?

    Bobby and Sarah were riding home from church with Uncle Jeff one Sunday after the morning church service,  as he was coming to their place for lunch.  Both of the young people were more silent than usual, and in the end Uncle Jeff said, “Is something bothering you Bobby?”

“Well, not exactly,” Bobby said, “But I’d like to know a few things”.

“Like what?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Well,” said Bobby slowly, “What I’d like to know is about this bread and wine stuff they have during the service”.

“What do you know about it Sarah?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Well, I know it comes from the Bible, it’s not just a thing that people have made up to look good”, she replied.

“I guess it must mean something,” Bobby said, “But I’ve never heard anyone really explain it”.

“Perhaps you weren’t really listening”, Uncle Jeff said, “Haven’t you noticed what sort of prayers are said just before the bread is given out? What about you Sarah?”

“It’s usually a thank-you prayer”, she said, “Thanking the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins.”

“That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff, “But there is a lot more to it all than just that. How do you think the bread is made?”

“It’s made out of flour”, Bobby said.

“And how does flour get to be made?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Well, it gets ground up out of the grains of wheat or whatever other grain is used”, Sarah said.

“If the wheat grains had feelings, do you think it would have been hurt in the grinding process?” Uncle Jeff went on to say.

“Oh,” said Sarah slowly, “So you are saying that the bread is like the Lord Jesus being hurt so badly when He died on the cross”.

“That’s right, Sarah, ” said Uncle Jeff, “What is the next process in making bread?”

“It gets mixed up with other things and then it’s baked in the oven,” Bobby said, “I DO like new bread!”

“What do you think the meaning of that is as far as the Lord Jesus was concerned?” Uncle Jeff asked getting back to the point.

“Being in the oven is very hot”, Sarah said, “I guess it was like that for Him when God turned away from Him when he took our sins on Himself.”

“Yes, that is quite true,” Uncle Jeff continued, ” and what’s more what is the bread like when it comes out of the oven?”

“Yum, yum,” said Bobby, “I LIKE new bread!”

“Did you know that the Lord Jesus could say that He was the bread of life? That was all because He died to save us from our sins! ”

“So that is what it is all about?” Sarah said, “Thanks so much for explaining that. What about the wine then? Is that something the same? ”

“Yes, the picture is the same”, Uncle Jeff said, “ The grapes have to be crushed first to get the juice out of them, and then there is a further process the juice goes through before it will keep. How do you think this is a picture of the Lord Jesus?”

“He lost a lot of His blood while He was on the cross”, Sarah said thoughtfully, “Almost as though it was crushed out of Him!”

“Yes, and some people drink wine to make them feel happy, and when they have something to celebrate; another thing about wine is that it is a healer if you put it on sores, and then it stops you feeling thirsty as well,” Uncle Jeff said, “And what’s more it lasts without going rotten. The Lord Jesus does all these things for people when they trust Him…that’s why it is a picture of Him.  Does all this make sense to you Bobby?”

“Ye-e-es, I guess so”, Bobby said. “So it’s all a picture of what  Jesus has done for us. It won’t seem so boring now in church, now that I know what it all means. But why is it only big young people who take it and grown ups? Why can’t I do it?”

Uncle Jeff had been expecting this question, and he said, “I know that a lot of young children have given their hearts to Jesus, and they would love to do this, but you know people do change their minds as time goes by. Remember the time when you thought you would like to milk cows when you grew up?”

“Yes”, said Sarah nudging Bobby, “And remember how you used to say you were going to marry Jenny when you grew up?”

“Yuk!”, said Bobby, “I’ve changed my mind, that’s all!”

“Well, you see we have to make sure that you are grown up enough to understand what it is all about and you want to do it to please the Lord Jesus Himself, not just because Jack in the next seat takes it!”

“Oh!” said Bobby, “Well, I don’t think I’m going to change my mind about this, but I only  want to do it to please God and because it says so in the Bible!”

“That’s great!” said Uncle Jeff as he turned in to their driveway, “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling hungry. Let’s go inside and see what Mum has ready for us for lunch!”

The Lord’s Prayer (Part One)

The Lord’s Prayer  (Part 1) ….                                    

Matthew 6:9-13

    This is probably one of the better known passages in the New Testament, and although it is commonly know as “The Lord’s Prayer”, it is in fact a pattern prayer that Jesus gave to His disciples. “You don’t need to beg and plead for God to hear you,” He said, “That is how those who don’t know God pray….. but you should say, ‘Our Father which is in Heaven’ .”

No-one at that time had ever called God “Our Father”. They all thought that God was far away and distant. Now, here was Jesus telling them to call Him “Our Father” ! This was not to be done glibly or in a familiar manner, and we are reminded immediately of this by His next statement.

“Hallowed be Your Name”, he said. This simply means that God’s Name is holy and above all else. People sometimes say they can’t believe in a God they can’t see. But if we could see God, He wouldn’t be God!

There are a couple of accounts in the Bible of people who did see God physically….there was the prophet Isaiah who saw the glory of God, and he fell down in worship before it, unable to look at the splendour and brilliance of it all. “Woe is me, for I am undone!” he cried out, “I am a man of unclean lips!” He felt his unworthiness and sinfulness as God appeared in the brilliant light of heaven before him (Isaiah 6:5).   The Apostle Paul also saw Him and it left him blind for three days (Acts 9:3-9).

We have to acknowledge that God is a Holy God before we can make our requests to Him….the point is, do we KNOW  this One who we are addressing? Can we truly call Him “Our Father” ?

Trials and Troubles.

PROVERBS  THREE…. (v.11-18)

Do you think it sounds strange to be immediately told after all the  wonderful promises of peace and prosperity, that some unpleasant experiences may come upon you?

What is the purpose of trials and tests? Do you notice what the Lord Jesus said to His disciples immediately after His promises of asking and receiving? They would be granted what they asked for, but would not be exempt from experiencing trials and tribulations!

What did Paul say about the problem he asked to have taken away from him? God allowed it to stay so he could experience God’s grace and strength in his time of weakness.  We are also told later on  that the results of chastening (or correction) teach us to put into practice God’s righteousness and to learn His peace.

Solomon tells us  here that the lessons we learn from God’s chastening gives even more wisdom, and that these experiences are worth far more than silver or gold. We can rejoice in them after they are over and profit from them by knowing God better.

Troubles and trials are sent to us all,                                                                        For our Lord is beside us and won’t let us fall;                                                   He’ll carry us through, and give us more grace,                                                     As we look in His Word, and seek His pure face.

See what God has to say to YOU.