A Clear Conscience

PROVERBS  THREE…. (v.1-10)

     Solomon is again telling his son to take notice of what he is saying, so he can enjoy a long and peaceful life.

The first thing is to be 100% truthful and honest before God and before man……there is nothing more peaceful than a clear conscience! To experience  the mercy of God, one must be merciful to others and not judgmental. Paul goes into great detail    how a believer must act towards others, and we are left in no doubt as to what the Lord expects. We might think this is hard to do, but Solomon gives us the key…..”trust in the Lord,” he says, “Don’t follow your first reaction to circumstances, ask what God would have you to do! If you do this, you will KNOW the right thing to do”

Paul goes on to say that we will then have God’s peace ruling in our heart with our minds and consciences at rest. We will be thankful for what we HAVE got, and be able to count our blessings. God’s peace helps our state of health…..our stress levels are lower, our stomach stops churning, and we sleep better; “health to our navel” as Solomon says! What better advice could we have than this!

God wants His people to be honest and true,                                                      Be kind-hearted and helpful all their days through;                                         To trust in the Lord and His leading each day,                                                   As  He constantly keeps you along Life’s way!

Parable of the Rose


Gran and Bobby were walking around Gran’s garden one afternoon, and they came to the patch where the roses were growing. Gran loved her carpet roses which are the sort that naturally sprawl all over the ground, making a great thick tangled “carpet” on the ground if they are left. They are a very tough rose and very seldom get diseases like black spot on their leaves, and Gran really loved them.

“Gran”, Bobby said, “How do you get them to stand up straight and tall with those mop tops?”

“Well, you see”, said Gran, “If I left them to grow how they want to grow, they would just be a tangled mess on the ground, so that’s why I trim them up to keep them tidy.”

She pointed to the tallest ones at the back of the patch, “Those are the first ones I trained like that Bobby,” she said, “And you can see they are now standing tall and slim with a “mop top” that gets covered with flowers”.

Then she pointed to the ones in front. “Those are the young plants that grew from cuttings last year. Every year, after the hot summer sun has finished, the rose plants sprout their new growth from the bottom of their main stem…see these ones here”, and Gran got down beside the front ones. “See these lovely long shoots, looking so healthy and strong. But they can’t be left there because then they will make the “carpet” on the ground and lose their “standard” look”.

Gran pulled the long new shoots off at the base of the roses, saying “I know this is going to hurt them but it has to be done to keep their beautiful shape. Each year the main stem is getting stronger and stronger, and keeping its shape so the flowers can be seen up high instead of dragging on the ground!”

Bobby watched as Gran snipped off a few more. “What are you going to do with those ones you’ve cut off?” he asked.

“I’ll keep the best ones. “ Gran said, “and put them in fresh soil to become the new cuttings for the next year. The ones from the year before that have taken root and are now growing on their own, and I’ve staked and tied them up. Then in another year or so, they will stand tall and straight with their “mop tops” like the main ones at the back.”

“Wow!” said Bobby, “There’s a lot more to growing roses than I thought!”

They slowly walked back to the house.

“What does all this mean?” Bobby asked, “You always seem to know what things mean!”

“Well,” said Gran, “It reminds me how God has a garden with all sorts of plants growing in it. We are all different just as the flowers are all different, and they all need different ways of being looked after. Some of us are like the roses we’ve just been looking at. If we’re left to ourselves, we sprawl all over the ground, getting tangled up with each other, and having disagreements, each wanting to go our own way. But as God, our Master Gardener, trims us up, He takes off the unwanted stalks and shoots, and helps us to stand tall and straight for Him. He doesn’t leave us to wave around in the wind any old way, but He ties us firmly to a stake so we can grow tall and straight for Him.

“ Yes, it does hurt at times, and other times we can’t see why a perfectly strong healthy shoot has to be taken off, but He knows that it will spoil the picture He has in His mind for us. The plant will sometimes put all its energy into that new growth, rather than into bearing the flowers that He wants to see in us.”

“Oh, I never thought of anything like that, Gran,” Bobby said, “That’s really neat!”

“So the next time we have disappointments, let’s ask ourselves what we can learn from them, and straighten ourselves up to bear flowers for our Gardener to see  and enjoy,” said Gran, “and do you know what Bobby? I’m discovering that the older I get, I’m like that first rose plant I put in the ground, with its main stalk all gnarled and wrinkled.  But there are still unwanted shoots coming out of me that have to be taken off so I can bear flowers for God to enjoy.”

“Oh,” said Bobby slowly as they reached the house, “So that means that it doesn’t matter how old or how young we are, we still have to have those straggly shoots taken off us?”

“Yes,” said Gran, “But it’s not all too hard, Bobby. We still have God’s stick  beside us to hold us up and stand straight and strong for Him! Anyway, let’s go inside  and put the jug on and have a nice hot drink!”

God’s Wisdom for Us

PROVERBS  TWO…. (v.7-22)

Verses 7-22

Other blessings of wisdom come flowing in its wake. The Lord can lead and guide a wise person because their ear is open to his voice.

God gives understanding and discernment to those who ask, and shows the way to walk in life. How many tears,  (and how much trouble!)  we would save ourselves if only we would heed and obey God’s Word!!

It is all written there; the Guide Book is complete……if the way still seems to be uncertain, remember the old saying,  “if it’s doubtful, it’s dirty!” Wait for God’s confirmation, and it will be given.

You will have peace of mind and will be kept from making many mistakes and wrong friendships. We read how the wrong friendships will lead us into trouble! If we keep to the company of believers, we will be able  to live in the land of God’s blessings and promises!

God’s wisdom always gives perfect peace,                                                           And a heavenly joy that will never cease,                                                         There are many blessings so rich to be found,                                                Pleasures and delighting in Him will abound.

Why Pray?

Uncle Jeff was driving back from church this particular Sunday morning and Bobby and Sarah had climbed in beside him.

“What was the preacher talking about this morning?” Uncle Jeff asked after they had gone past the first set of traffic lights. Sarah was quiet.    “He was talking about why we should pray”, Bobby said, “But I didn’t really get what he meant.”

“Did you know what he meant, Sarah?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “He was saying that just as Jesus prayed to God, so that is why we should pray too.”

“That’s right,” said Uncle Jeff. “Do you remember what some of the reasons Jesus prayed were?”

“Well, sometimes He prayed all night”, Bobby piped up.

“That’s right Bobby,” said Uncle Jeff, “But can you remember what some of the things He prayed about were?”

“Well, before He chose His twelve disciples, He prayed for God to show Him which ones to choose”, Sarah said.

“Yes, He did,” Uncle Jeff said, “Why do you think that He chose Judas then, when he was the one who would tell on Him?”

“It was part of God’s plan for one of them to do it, and Judas was the one,” Sarah said.

“That’s exactly it,” Uncle Jeff said as he turned into the road that led to their street.  “What else did Jesus pray for Bobby?”

“Well, He always gave thanks for the food before He ate it,” Sarah said,

“Oh, is that why we always say grace before we start eating?” Bobby asked.

“It sure is”, said Uncle Jeff as he pulled into their driveway, “And that makes me feel hungry! Let’s go inside!”

    Later on, after lunch, Sarah said, “Is it important how we sit to pray, Uncle Jeff?”

“Let’s have a look how Jesus did it,” he said, “Get your Bible and turn to Matthew chapter twenty-six and verse thirty-nine….what does that say?”

“He got down with His face on the ground to pray”, Bobby said after reading it.  “So what does that tell us?” Uncle Jeff said.

“It tells us that He was very serious about what He was praying for”, Sarah said, “It must be showing us that we must really mean what we are saying, and not just gabbling something off.”

“There is something else too,” Uncle Jeff said, “There are some people in the world that are so serious about their religion that they all get down on their knees with their faces on the ground and their hands spread out in front of them, and pray like that five times a day!”

“Wow!” said Bobby, “I guess that if they do that, we should do the same thing when we pray to God because He is the one true God isn’t He Uncle Jeff?”

“Yes,” said Uncle Jeff, “And at least we know that our God hears our prayers because He has told us to pray for each other. If He has told us that, He must be glad to hear our prayers, eh?”

“I guess so,” Sarah said slowly, “But I  sometimes think that my prayers don’t get far.”

“I think we all feel like that at times, Sarah”, Uncle Jeff said, “But we are to remember that God loves to hear His children talking to Him, just as much as your Mum and Dad love to hear you telling them about all the things that have happened each day. So  because of that reason on its own, surely we must take time to talk to God every day! “

“That’s something we can make for this new year’s resolution, isn’t it Uncle Jeff?” Bobby said.

“It surely is, let’s all make up our minds to do it better than we have before”, he said.

“Doesn’t the Bible tell us to pray for each other too?” Sarah asked, “I guess that is a good enough reason to pray too….I never thought about it like that before. So it doesn’t really matter how we pray as long as we DO it!”

“That’s it, my girl,” Uncle Jeff said, “It’s no use just talking about what we should do or might do…..we have to get to work and DO it!”

Wisdom for the New Year

PROVERBS  TWO…. (v.1-6)

Verses:1-6          John 15:7;  16:23-24                    James 4:2c

Solomon is begging his son here  to listen and take notice. A person with a bit of age and experience behind him, can see the pitfalls that a headstrong youngster can never see.

“Listen to me”, Solomon says, “Seek and apply yourselves,  ask  and seek earnestly for wisdom!” Do we do this?

God has all these blessings in Christ Jesus waiting for us, but we must put effort into getting them. James tells us that we don’t have the enjoyment of them because we don’t  ask for them and apply ourselves to getting them. It is like a student once who needed finance to get through his course and asked the Lord to provide it. He did, but not in the way she expected it…. God provided a job for her to earn her own money!

Those who earnestly and prayerfully seek, WILL find…..this is one of the prayers that God has unconditionally promised He will grant!

Seek wisdom from the Lord above,  Who gives all things richly in                                                                            love;                                                                                   But we must search and seek this for,  It to be giv’n  from God’s rich                                                                      store.

Why did Jesus Come to Earth?

    Matthew 1:18-25

   Matthew tells us of his understanding of the birth of Jesus Christ….he simply says that Mary as a virgin, was found to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit . Luke (being a doctor) gives us more details and tells of the angel’s visit to her and their conversation  (Luke 1: 26-28).

Matthew tells of Joseph’s fears and concerns and of the angel’s visit to him, telling him that this was all happening in fulfillment of Scripture and instructing him on what to call this Baby. He was to be called “Jesus” meaning Saviour. This then, was to be the Child’s purpose, to bring salvation to the human race.

It is amazing that this child’s birth still affects the human race today, and is still vitally relevant to each human being alive. Without Him, man would never be able to have a relationship with the Almighty God of Heaven. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” He said, “No-one can come to the Father but by Me.”

Peter could say in his preaching, “There is no other Name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved.”   (Acts 4:12) This child would reveal God to us and bring us back to God.

We see then, that Jesus had to come to earth to be born and live a sinless, perfect life to be fitted for bringing salvation from sin to mankind. No mere man was good enough, and God knew that only His own Son could do it. He loved the world so much that He was prepared to give His best for the worst. Let us give him thanks and praise His Name!

God in Christ came down to earth,                                                                                  How great this truth of matchless worth!                                                     Without this child on earth being born,                                                                         Man could not know eternity’s morn.

Why Bother?

                                                   Why Bother?

Uncle Jeff came into the room where Sarah was curled up on the couch doing what she liked best….reading a book.

She uncurled herself, and said, “Where have you come from just now Uncle Jeff?” she asked.

“I’ve been helping out at a working bee at the church” he said, “the place needed a good wash down and there were some other odd jobs that needed doing around the place”.

Bobby came rushing in to the room bouncing a ball as he came. “Oh hullo Uncle Jeff”, he said stopping the bouncing. “Do you have any stories to tell us today?”

“My word, you DO like your stories don’t you?”  Uncle Jeff said as he sat down in the easy chair. “Well, as a matter of fact, I don’t have any stories off the top of my head, but I have been thinking about a good way to read the Bible stories for yourself now you are getting older. DO you read it at all Bobby?” he asked looking sharply a him.

Bobby looked a bit ashamed of himself. “Aw, no, not really”, he said, “It’s so hard to find where the stories are, and then I forget where I’m up to so I don’t bother….much”.

“Oh come now,” said Uncle Jeff, “It’s not that bad. What about you Sarah?” looking across at her.

“Well, I know I ought to”, Sarah said, “and honestly I DO try. But like Bobby said, I make a start and then I get too busy or too tired, and don’t carry on with it.”

“Well”, said Uncle Jeff, “I’m sure you would never be too busy or too tired to eat your tea each night. That feeds your body and gives you energy, and reading the Bible is what feeds your soul, and helps you do the right things.

“I’ll tell you a good way to do it so you won’t forget where you are up to….but you have to make up you mind to do it every night before you go to sleep. Or if you are a morning person, and wake up feeling great, do it then before you get up. But you need a couple of things to help you. Get an exercise book and pencil, and decide where you are going to read.

“ There are lots of places where there are very exciting stories. In fact, a good place to start would be right at the very beginning in the book of Genesis as this explains how everything began in the first place. There is no need to read a whole lot at once. Maybe just ten verses or a few more if it looks interesting.

Then follow the ABC method of making notes”.

“What do you mean by that Uncle Jeff?” Sarah asked.

“It’s quite simple really,” said Uncle Jeff, “ ‘A’ stands for A Good Title. So you think of a good name for the part you are reading and write that down.

Then ‘B’ stands for Best Verse. You look for the verse you like the best and write that down, or just the number of it.”

“Does  ‘C’ come next Uncle Jeff” Sarah asked, “what does that stand for?”

“Yes, ‘C’ stands for Challenge. Find something there that makes you stop and think that maybe you didn’t know that before or perhaps you should be doing that. Or maybe it is something that the person in the story should have done instead of what they did do!”

“Sounds like a lot of work”,  Bobby said dubiously. He didn’t like writing much.

“Well, I suppose it is a bit of work, but it is worth it in the long run”, said Uncle Jeff, “And you won’t forget where you get up to or what you’ve read about!”

“That sounds like a good idea”, said Sarah, “I’ll go and see if I can find a spare exercise book right now!”

“It’s alright for you Sarah,”  Bobby said a bit grumbly, “you like writing!”

“Well, perhaps we could do it together then” Sarah said, “You do the reading out loud and we’ll ask each other the questions and I’ll do the writing!”

“That sounds like a jolly good idea” said Uncle Jeff, “ and now how about putting the kettle on. I’m feeling thirsty!”

“Was there a ‘D’ Uncle Jeff?” Sarah asked as she got up.

“Well, if you really wanted to find one, you could look for a ‘Difficulty’….. something that you find hard to understand or something that the person in the story found hard to do. I’m sure it won’t be hard to find one of those!”

“No”, said Bobby, “All that writing is my big difficulty!!!”

“Oh come on Bobby, Sarah will do the hard bits. I’ll look forwards to hearing how you are getting on the next time I come round!”



Story of Queen Esther, Part Thirteen

                                                 Challenges from Esther (13).

Esther    10:1-3 

    From being a despised and endangered people, the Jews were now protected and provided for, as well as being assured of their future. Mordecai was promoted next to the king, as his own people the Jews respected and looked up to him in this position…..

The hinge of it all was an obedient and godly woman, Esther. As Mordecai reminded her when the trouble first began,  “Don’t think that you will escape! If you keep quiet at this time, then deliverance will arise from some other source and you will be killed yourself. Who knows whether this isn’t why you have come to the throne for such a time as this?”   (chapter 4:13-14)

None of us can see into the future, and we will never know why some things have happened in our lives. But rest assured, there is One Who knows the end from the beginning. We just have to rest in Him Who holds us in His hand. What safer place could we be in?

Lessons to Learn…..

  1. Take opportunities when they present themselves. Esther took the opportunity to be one of the king’s women, and she did her very best even if she was taken against her will. We are told that whatever we do, we are to do it heartily as to the Lord.
  2. Be obedient to God’s Word…. Esther was obedient to what Mordecai told her to do.
  3. Be prepared to risk everything to do what is right. Esther was prepared to risk her life to save her people.
  4. If you have to go into desperate situations, make sure you go surrounded by prayer….yours and others with you.
  5. Do things correctly and don’t bend the rules. Esther made the best of herself by approaching the king in the correct way and he was won by her manner and appearance. (Colossians 3:23)

Esther did the best she could, To follow this is what we should,

Do what’s right and leave the rest, To Him Who knows what is the best!

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See what God has to say to YOU.