Why Do Bad things Happen to Good People?

pefam022                               (Read Luke 7:11-29)

“Well”, said Dad as the family sat down around the lunch table, “What did you learn at church today?”

“The preacher told us about John the Baptist being in prison”, Bobby said munching his lettuce and ham.

“Yes, and it was all because he told the king he shouldn’t be doing wrong things”, said Sarah, “Everyone knew about it so I don’t see why John should have been put in prison.”

“That’s right”, said Bobby, “Why DO bad things happen to good people anyway? Can’t God stop them happening?””.

“What do you think Uncle Jeff?” Sarah said, turning to him.

“Well, it’s like this”, Uncle Jeff said, “John was given a special job to do by God….can you remember what it was?”

“I remember”, Betty piped up, “Our teacher told us about John. It was his job to tell people that Jesus was coming wasn’t it?”

“That’s right” said Uncle Jeff, “And now that job was finished. Jesus was there, going around teaching the people and doing miracles for them, and they could see and hear Him for themselves”.

“I know that”, Bobby said, “But it still doesn’t seem fair for John to be put in prison”.

“John was a strong man”, Dad said, “And God knew He could depend on him, even in prison”.

“Yes, but he did wonder what had gone wrong”, Sarah said thoughtfully, “Because he sent that message to Jesus asking if he had been mistaken.”

“Can you remember what happened to the messengers then?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Yes, Jesus didn’t answer them straight away. Instead He took them with Him while He was healing the sick people, and making blind people see and deaf people hear. And all the time He was preaching to people around Him”, said Bobby.

“Then He told them to go back to John and tell him what they had seen Him doing. He specially said to not be offended by Jesus because he was in prison…he wasn’t to blame God for what had happened”, said Sarah. “I DID notice one thing though”, she carried on, “Jesus didn’t growl at him for wondering these things.”

“No, that’s right” Dad said, “What do you think that shows us about Jesus?”

“How understanding He is”, Sarah said.

“Yes, and then He went on to tell the people what a great man John was and how strong he was for God”, Bobby said.

“I heard that too”, said Betty, “John did what God told him to”.

“That’s right Betty”, said Uncle Jeff, “Jesus told the people that John had been a special announcer telling people that God’s Messenger was right there with them. John was a tough man, one who wouldn’t change his mind, and he never did. But he DID want to make sure he was right. Once his friends returned and told him what Jesus had been doing, he knew for sure that Jesus was the real Messiah”.

“Yes,” said Bobby, “But you still haven’t said why God allowed all this to happen and then didn’t the king chop his head off in the end?”

“Well, like I said before, John’s job was done. He had done all that God asked him to do, and now God was ready to take him to be with Him. We can’t argue with God….when it is His time to take us, it will happen. John was obedient to what God had asked him to do and we must be the same, and then we will be ready to meet Him, no matter when”.

“Mmmm”, said Bobby thoughtfully, “That’s a hard ask.”

“It sure is”, agreed Sarah, “But after all God has the last say for all of us doesn’t He?”

“I want to be ready”, said Betty as she reached for a piece of apple pie.

“Now, now”, said Mum, “That’s the second piece you’ve had Betty!”

Betty quickly began to eat it.

“I guess that life isn’t always about being fair”, Sarah said thoughtfully.

“That’s right”, said Dad, “That is what makes us strong Christians and better for God rather than being bitter against Him. Big  winds make plants grow stronger. Without that they stay soft and weak”.

“I don’t want to be soft and weak”, Betty said.

Mum looked across at Dad and smiled. She knew only too well  how little anyone knows about what lies ahead in life’s journey.

One Stick at a Time

100_4921                                              I was visiting a friend the other day and watched a house below her place.  A starling was carrying sticks of straw into the corner of the roof. It seemed a laborious task, just one straw at a time. But it would eventually build a nest there to lay its eggs in and hatch the next generation of starlings.

I thought of a book I read recently that told the story of a young girl who had always had the desire to go to India as a missionary. She was neither a nurse or a teacher, just an ordinary girl with a strong  sense of duty to her fellow man. She had no encouragement from her mother who was opposed to her going, and the older lady missionary she approached who was already working there didn’t exactly encourage her either.

But she continued with her ideas and set about preparing herself. She was always strongly attracted to the Indian people, and her feelings of compassion grew immensely when she got there. These people were so poor! Especially the Anglo-Indian people who didn’t seem to fit in anywhere properly. These were the people that the young missionary began working amongst.

From there, her work began and in time it became a large organization which today comprises medical clinics, soup kitchens feeding hundred of people each day, and an orphanage looking after unwanted children. Several churches have been formed and a group of responsible Indian men have become her main support. She has seen many children grow up, and become self sufficient adults with good jobs, all because she obeyed the call of God in her life. She could have thought the task was too great.

But the little we have, with God, is much in His hands. One step of obedience at a time was all it took. One stick at a time is all it takes to build a nest. Let’s make sure we never say “Never, not for me!” God can do wonders with an obedient person resting in His will.

Opinions versus Facts.

busin231     We all have opinions about things….very strong opinions in some cases. But we have to make sure that our opinions are based on facts, and not just on our feelings! I’ve noticed that some journalists reporting on the radio, keep passing their opinions on certain news items….we aren’t interested in what they think or feel, we want to know the news! Facts, not opinions!

Opinions can very easily become convictions, and if they aren’t based on the truth, and  are wrong, then all our talk is worth nothing.  People aren’t prepared to die for an opinion, but they WILL die for a conviction….we see this continually today in the people who become suicide bombers to promote their beliefs.

Too Hard?

“Oh, it’s too hard!” Sarah cried out in disgust, and threw her study

petee015    book down. Uncle Jeff was there having a cup of tea with the grown-ups in the other room, and he came in just in time to hear Sarah say this.                                                                                        “Is that your study  for this week Sarah?” he asked, “What is it about, that you think is too hard?”

“Well, it’s that part that talks about doing what God wants us to do,  and then we find we can’t manage it”, Sarah said, “And that’s exactly what I’m finding! I tell God I’m sorry for the mean things I’ve done and said, and promise I won’t do it again, and then by the time next week comes, I’m right back to square one!”

“What sort of things do you want to do, Sarah?” Uncle Jeff asked.

“Well, I want to do what God wants me to, but when someone does something mean to me then I fly off at them, and I know that’s not right and not pleasing God”.

“You know”, Uncle Jeff said thoughtfully, “I used to be like that too. I always desperately wanted to do what God wanted me to and then I would fail and feel miserable. But one day I realised that I was putting things the wrong way around. I saw that it didn’t depend on me doing anything at all!”

“Really?” said Sarah, “Well, what DOES it depend on then?”

“I heard a preacher that said it is three “D”s …we have to DEPEND on God, DIE to   ourselves, and do it DAILY, and I realised that it isn’t what I do, it is what God does for me!”

“Really?” Sarah said again, “What exactly does all that mean Uncle Jeff?”

“It’s not a question of US hanging onto God, it’s a question of us letting God hang onto us. It is HIS work IN us, not our work FOR Him that matters.”

”Does that mean we don’t do anything then?” asked Bobby who had been sitting there quietly all through this conversation and suddenly piped up, “That’s good, then I don’t have to try to be good!”

“It’s not quite like that”, Uncle Jeff said, “It means we have to ask God to help us because we can’t do it ourselves, and we have to ask that every day!”

“Oh, I see what you mean”, Sarah said, “It means that we die to things we want to do, and then depend on God to help us do this every single day!”

“Yes”, said Bobby with a grin, “That means you don’t grumble about doing the dishes and other things when Mum asks you to help!”

“Mmmm yes,” said Sarah slowly, “And it isn’t going to be easy either but I’ll try my best!”

“That’s right, my girl!” said Uncle Jeff, “Remember, we have to let go, and let God do it in us!”

(Romans 7:14-25)

Who’s Going to Listen to Him?

girls-huggingTwo men were talking together about the state of the world, the state of the country and even the individual’s state, on talk back radio. Everything was doom and gloom, with no real solution in sight. One man said (as though it was a last resort),  “Well, I suppose you could always listen to Jesus, but no-one takes any notice of Him!”

The other one brushed that comment aside, and said “There’s always music that could enthuse people I suppose, what about Stevie Wonder?”

They didn’t realise how much their comments held! What if everyone in the world DID follow the teachings of Jesus… “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind and with all your soul, and your neighbour as yourself!”

There would be no more war and no need for armies, no need for police, no need for Children’s Services to supervise homes for child abuse, no need for courts to operate, no need for anywhere the amount of hospital emergencies that deal with domestic disputes and fights!

We DO have the answer, but it must start from within, for the heart of man to be renewed by our Man of Wonder, the Lord Jesus Christ! But how true the second man’s comment was….  “No-one listens to Him!”

WHY? Why won’t men listen to the One Who created them and Who has all the answers? The One Who has never done them any harm, and yet they shut their ears to His words and advice! He has even given us His book, the Maker’s Handbook, to tell us how to overcome the problems we find in life….let’s make sure we read it and do as He says!

What do you put First?

fbgrlkck“What church are you going to now Stephen?”

“Aw well, I’m not going anywhere. Got to take the boys to football on Sundays, you know!”

My heart sank. This man had been one of the most promising boys in our Bible Class fifteen years earlier. Now when he had a family of his own that he should have been bringing up in Biblical knowledge and standards, all he could think about was teaching them football!

He was allowing the world’s standards to mould his thinking by putting sport first and church last. What a missed opportunity to teach his family by example, of the things of God!

We need to stop and think of where we put the things of God on our own life….do we allow other things and interests to crowd out meeting with God’s people? Do we only go to church when there is nothing better on? Are we teaching our children that church is only an option?

Let’s make sure we put first things first in our lives remembering the verse in the Bible that says, “Blessed (or happy) is the person who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law he meditates day and night”  (Psalm 1:1-2).

How Would We React?

FIG01_F - Copy Devotional Thoughts  from Mark 3:1-6……                          

The Pharisees watched the Lord on Sabbath days like a hawk watching its prey. This man at the synagogue who had the useless hand was quite obvious and they wondered what He would do with him….

Jesus knew this, and He didn’t hide what He was going to do. He told the man to stand up in full view of everyone and then asked if it was lawful to do a good deed on the Sabbath Day or not . They refused to answer His question, and it pained Him immensely to see how hard they were.

This is one of the occasions when we read that our Lord was angry with people and grieved with their refusal of His blessings. But in spite of this He told the man to stretch out his useless hand, and immediately it was healed and became like the other one. How glad this man must have been! What a difference it made to his whole life and livelihood!

The Pharisees were not pleased at all. They immediately began to plot how they could get rid of Him. The challenge for us is…do we rejoice at others’ good fortune or do we remain sour faced and hard?

The man stood there with hand so dead,                                                                     “Stretch it  out” the Saviour said,                                                                              As he obeyed it became whole, Healed and useful, a different soul!

***             ***             ***

Love Your Enemies!

BUSIN053“Oh, this is too hard!” Sarah exclaimed throwing the book she was reading down.

“What’s that?” Uncle Jeff exclaimed as he walked into the room, “What do you mean it’s too hard? Is that your Bible Study book you are reading again?”

“Yes, it is,” Sarah replied, “and just listen to what it is saying now….’Love your enemies, and do good to those who hate you!’ How can we do that Uncle Jeff? All I want to do is to sock them one and pay them back!”

“Well, I can understand that”, said Uncle Jeff, “But what chance would we have if God had done that to us? The Bible says that He gives the sun and the rain to ALL people, both the good and the bad!”

“Yes, and then it goes on to say if someone borrows something from you and doesn’t give it back we aren’t to ask for it back, and if someone picks on you, you are to be nice to them. All I want to do is the do the same to them!”

“Well,” Uncle Jeff said slowly, “I know what you mean, but I can tell you this, that if you pray for someone who has been mean to you instead of paying them back, it mightn’t change them, but it WILL change you and how you feel towards them! I’ll tell you a story about this sort of thing….”

“This is a true story and happened about a hundred years ago to my mother’s aunt and uncle.  Aunt and Uncle were good church going people and never missed going to Sunday services. Next door changed hands and the new people didn’t like Christians at all, and were really nasty to them, calling them names as Aunt and Uncle drove past in their buggy to church, and throwing rubbish over the fence into their garden.

It really got to Aunt, and one day she said to Uncle, ‘What are we going to do about these horrid neighbours?’

‘Well,’ he said, ‘There’s only one thing we can do and that is to pray for them!’

“I don’t feel a bit like it’, Aunt said.

So they made a point of praying for them every morning at the breakfast table. But the neighbours still went on being horrid and nasty. Then Aunt discovered she was having a new baby, and so was the other lady next door. When the babies were born, Aunt found she had a lot of milk to feed her baby on, but the neighbour lady couldn’t seem to make milk. You must remember this was in the days before you could go to the shop and buy baby foods. Aunt’s baby was growing and happy, but the other one was getting thinner and thinner and was always crying and fretful.

In the end, the husband came across to Uncle looking a bit shamefaced, and said, ‘Is there some way you can help us? Our baby is not growing at all and I’m afraid it might get sick and die.’

Aunt and Uncle talked it over, and then Uncle went next door and said, ’We’ve decided  that since Mum has plenty of milk for our little one, she will feed your baby for you on one condition.’

‘What’s that?’ the neighbour said.

‘You must come and live with us and have your meals with us and listen while we read the Bible after we’ve eaten dinner at night, and breakfast in the morning, and Mum will feed your little one for you.’

The neighbour man didn’t like this idea much, but they were desperate about the condition of their baby, so they agreed, and then moved in.”

“Wow!” said Sarah, “That wouldn’t have been easy!”

“No, it wasn’t, Uncle and Aunt were still praying for these neighbours, and this helped them to be kind and put up with the grumpiness of the husband.”

“So what happened?” Sarah asked.

“The neighbours’ baby soon stopped being cross and it started to grow and become a happy little thing. Aunt got quite fond of it as she fed it every meal time. The babies grew together and soon began to talk baby talk to each other. After a couple of months of Aunt and Uncle being kind and helpful to these people, the neighbours began to ask questions about the Bible stories that Uncle was reading to them. Over the next few months, the ladies became fond of each other too, and one day both the neighbours became Christians and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for themselves. Wasn’t that wonderful? And all because Aunt and Uncle did what Jesus was talking about in this passage that you said was too hard to do!”

“What happened in the end?” Sarah asked.

“Well, the babies were both able to start eating mashed vegetables, and didn’t need mother’s milk the same way, so the neighbours moved back to their own house. Now, instead of being mean and nasty to Aunt and Uncle, they became the best of friends and all went off to church together each Sunday. So you see Sarah, it DOES pay to pray for your enemies and you will find it easier to do kind things for them,” said Uncle Jeff.

“Did you ever know this Uncle and Aunt, Uncle Jeff?” Sarah asked.

“No, I didn’t meet them, it was before my time,” Uncle Jeff said, “But my mother often talked about them and reminded us to be nice to those who are nasty to us, because you never know what God will do for them!”




See what God has to say to YOU.