Blessings and Woes.

PEFAM039   The fire was roaring up the chimney making a nice  cosy  glow in the room. The family had had a good meal of the fish that Uncle Jeff had caught and everyone was busy in the living room doing different things. Dad was reading the newspaper in his favourite chair , Mum was doing some ironing near the table, Bobby and Betty were lounging on the couch and Sarah was back there  in her favourite position.

Uncle Jeff sat down on the floor beside her and said, “We didn’t quite finish that part of the book you were reading before did we. What was the next bit about?”

“The next part would be so hard to do,” Sarah said, “It says that you will be happy when people laugh at you for what you believe and say nasty things about you. I don’t think I could be happy if that happened!”

“Well,” said Uncle Jeff thoughtfully, “I think that means that you have to make up your mind right at the very beginning that whatever happens you will stand firm for what you know is right. Remember the story of Daniel and how it says that he made up his mind that he wouldn’t eat food that had been offered to idols, even though he was in a strange country. God honoured him for that, and God will honour us too. Look at what it says a bit further down….’love your enemies and pray for those who are mean and nasty to you’. That is not easy to do, but it DOES help you to feel better, rather than think nasty thoughts back about them! I know it isn’t easy, but then we are told that the Christian life is a battle ground you know.”

“Yes, I know”, Sarah said, “Our youth Pastor was telling us about some of those people in Africa that were taken hostage by the terrorists, and what awful things they had done to them. It would be awfully hard for them to be forgiving.”

“Yes, it would be,” Uncle Jeff agreed, “But you know, the Bible says that God can’t do anything with someone who won’t forgive another person. It also tells us that God has given us armour to put on for times like this that will help us….like the breastplate of righteousness which means we guard our hearts and thoughts, and the shield of faith which we can hold up when Satan is throwing his darts of bad thoughts at us.”

“Oh,” said Sarah getting up off the couch, “I never thought of it like that before! Shall I make a cup of tea for you Uncle Jeff?”

“That would be very nice thank you”, Uncle Jeff said, “Does that make it easier for you to understand it all now?”

“Yes, it sure does”, Sarah said as she went out into the kitchen.

True Blessings!

PETEE015  Uncle Jeff came into the room where Sarah was curled up on the couch reading.

“Oh, hullo Uncle Jeff” said Sarah uncurling herself, “where have you come from?”

“I’ve just been out fishing”, said Uncle Jeff, “And I’ve brought some fish for your mother. And what are you reading there?”

“This is a book that our Youth Pastor gave us all to read,” Sarah said, “But it’s a bit hard to understand. Or per’aps I’d better say, it would be awfully hard to do!”

“Well, tell me about it”, said Uncle Jeff, “And we’ll see if we can sort it out for you a bit better….tell me what the hard bits are….”

“Well”, said Sarah, “It’s all about the things that Jesus said when He was here on earth, and it’s starting off with what is called ‘The Sermon on the Mount’. The first one says, ‘You are happy  if you are poor’. I don’t think I’d be happy if I was poor!”

“Well, the first thing we have to understand is that the word ‘happy’ here really means that things will work out for the best”, said Uncle Jeff, “and that if we are poor it is referring to realising that we are not good enough to face God  without confessing our sins to Him first. People who think they are good enough on their own to be in God’s kingdom can never get there. It is only through what the Lord Jesus did for us….He said He is the way you know”.

“Yes, I remember that verse”, Sarah said. “Well, what about the next part when it says you are happy when you are hungry? All I think about when I’m hungry is what I’m having for dinner!”

“Yes, but see that it says that if you are hungry you will be filled, and that is referring to spiritual food, not food on the table!”

“Oh, I see,” said Sarah, “That means when we read the Bible we will feel satisfied inside. But you know Uncle Jeff, I sometimes think I never remember anything I read!”

“Well, it’s like this,” Uncle Jeff said, “When you put a sieve under the tap, it doesn’t hold any water, but it does stay clean! So even if you don’t remember much, reading the Bible helps your thoughts to stay clean.”

“Well, what about the next part that says you are happy when you weep? How does that make sense?”

“This simply means that unless we weep over the bad things we have done, we will never ask God’s forgiveness for them. It is only when we do this that we will be truly happy deep down inside us”.

“That’s right” Sarah said, “I can remember when I did that, it felt like a big burden was lifted off my back, and I felt so happy”.

“That’s great”, said Uncle Jeff, “Does that help you to understand what your book was getting at now?”

“Yes, it helps me see that it DOES make sense after all”, Sarah said.

“Well, how about we go and make a start on cleaning that fish for tea then”, Uncle Jeff said, “And we can leave any other questions until afterwards!”


PEMEN029                          The speaker at our church this morning was talking on Psalm 133 which starts off with “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity”. Then he went on to point out how important it is to learn to forgive each other, because as the Lord’s Prayer says, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”, and if we refuse to forgive others God cannot forgive us of these hard thoughts.

It reminded me of Job in the Old Testament part of the Bible. This man lost all he had within a week…his fortune, his family and his health. His three friends came to see him and to commiserate with him over his misfortune. But without exception, all they could say was that he must have sinned in some way and that all this was God’s punishment on him. It stood to reason, they said, that this must be so!

Job lost patience with them in the end and said, “You are a miserable lot of comforters!”

God’s time for healing finally came, but before Job’s fortunes could turn, God told him he had to pray for his three friends who had said such hard things about him. Can you imagine how difficult  this must have been for him?

But he put his pride in his pocket and did as God asked him to. Once he did this, his three friends were forgiven for their hard words, and Job was blessed with twice as much as he had lost. Truly a classic example of forgiving, before God could bless!

So it truly is a great congregation that can all get on together in total unity without any wrangling over minor things. What do these things really matter in the long run? One disgruntled unforgiving person can hinder God’s work in a way we cannot imagine….let’s make sure that we are not that person. Forgive others so God can forgive you!


“I Wish I hadn’t Done it!”

     CRYWOMAN                                      The old lady and her daughter sat in my study looking a little uncertain. “What can you tell me about my mother’s family?” the older lady asked, “I know a bit but not back to my grandparents or where they came from”.

It seemed a strange request, but as it happened, I had done quite a bit of research on the background of this family as we shared a common ancestor. We’ll call this lady Ellie for the sake of this story, and her mother Essie.

Ellie had been adopted by her parents  from birth, but never knew this. Living as they did in a small country district where everyone knew everyone else, it was inevitable that the other children at school knew that she was different. Ellie wasn’t even sure what being adopted meant, all she knew was that she was different to the other children, and she had to endure many taunts in the playground because of it. Not only that, she was an only child in a day where large families were the norm, and this too made her stand out as “different” to the  other children at school.

When Ellie grew up, she left the district to get work in the same city she had been born in, and here she met and married her husband. They eventually had five daughters and one son. As a young mother, she missed her real mother so much that she made up her mind to find her. She eventually tracked Essie down. She too, had married and had other children, but had never told any of them about her “disgraceful” youth. Neither her husband, nor her other children knew of the existence of Ellie.

When she knocked on their door and Essie opened it, Ellie told her who she was, and that Essie was her birth mother. Essie was so horrified at the ramifications of this spectre from the past, that she slammed the door shut in Ellie’s face, and refused to acknowledge her. All Ellie’s dreams of a tender reunion with her real mother dissolved in a moment, and the realisation that she was nothing more than an unwelcome embarrassment to her overcame her as she stumbled away down the path and back to her home. When she got there, she tore the only photo she had of Essie into small pieces, and threw them into the rubbish bin.  She felt that life indeed had dealt her a raw deal, and the seeds of bitterness and resentment grew and festered in her mind.

Many years passed by, and Ellie’s daughters grew up and married themselves. Her youngest daughter married and went off to the States to live, and her brother followed her never coming back to New Zealand. Ellie felt as though they had deserted her, and it was just one more nail in her coffin of resentment.

Her eldest daughter married and moved right away from the city, and then one of the other two girls was diagnosed as having cancer. She didn’t survive this, and once more Ellie felt bereft. Then to her horror, she heard that her eldest daughter who lived many miles away up north, had also been diagnosed with cancer. So Ellie lost this daughter also, and although the baby survived and was brought up by his father and new wife, Ellie never saw anything of him. She often thought sadly of how he was her last link with her eldest daughter.

More years passed by. One day there was a knock at Ellie’s door. She opened it to see an old lady standing there (it was Essie).

“I’ve come to see you before I die”, she quavered.

Ellie was so angry…who does she think she is, after the way she  treated me? she thought. It gave her great pleasure to slam the door in her mother’s face, and watch her go down the path.

She heard a short while later that her mother had died, and there had never been any reconciliation between them.

Now here she was sitting before me wanting to know more about her real family. I was able to fill her in on her real mother’s side, who they were and where they fitted into the jigsaw of genealogy.

I had seen this lady periodically coming to the ladies outreach meetings at our church without knowing anything of her background. She had always looked so sad and miserable. Although there were many times when the topic of God’s love and forgiveness were spoken of, she never approached anyone to ask how this might help her even though the invitation to do so was frequently given.

As she told her sad story, it impressed itself on me what a difference it would have made to her if she had only done this! As far as I knew, she never did forgive her mother, and died still in her sadness and regrets of what might have been.

I include this story here as a warning of what bitterness and resentment can do to a person when it is not dealt with promptly. It is only natural to feel these things in the face of disappointments and hurts, but never let it stay and fester. The Bible tells us that these things have roots, and we are to get rid of them before they grow…

         Watch carefully in case any person fails to show the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springs up and troubles you.    (Hebrews 12:15)

What Would You Do?

BUSIN177    The old lady’s eyes grew misty as she went back in time to many years before.

“Come on Gran ” Sarah said, “What exactly happened when you thought God hadn’t answered your prayers how you wanted?”

“Well, it was like this,” Gran said, “It was way back when our money was in pounds shillings and pence, not dollars like it is now, and a few shillings went a long way. We were quite hard up, and on Sunday morning sitting in church, I felt quite grumpy that I had to put my half crown in the  bag as it went round. In fact, I grumbled to myself and to God that I had to part with this bit of money and I put it in with rather a bad grace I’m afraid.”

“What does that mean Gran?” Bobby said.

“Shhh”, said Sarah, “It means she was feeling grumpy and only did it because she had to!”

“Oh”, said Bobby, “Go on Gran!”

“I feel ashamed of myself when I remember that”, said Gran, “Because I know now that God loves a cheerful giver, and I certainly wasn’t a cheerful giver that day. In fact, God was just going to show me a lesson that I have never forgotten.”

“Oh, what was that?” Sarah asked.

“I was going home after church still feeling grumpy, and as I walked along the footpath I saw something glinting on the pavement. I scuffed it with my foot, and there was a half crown piece half under the grassy edge.”

“Ooh, what did you do Gran?” asked Bobby.

“Well, I picked it up and thought, ‘That’s the exact same amount that I put in the money bag this morning!’ I looked around and there was no-one anywhere near. Then along a bit further, I saw another coin on the ground, and it was a second half crown piece, so I picked it up too.  Then I suddenly thought, ‘I wonder if God is trying to tell me something?’  You know I had been grumpy about giving my money to God and it was just as if He was saying to me now, ‘Do you think I needed your money? Here it is back again, and there is another one to go with it!! If you can’t give it to me cheerfully, I don’t want it at all, you can have it back!!’ Oh, I tell you I felt so small and mean.”

“Well, I took it home”, said Gran, “but I didn’t really enjoy it at all. Here was God telling me He didn’t want my money after all if I couldn’t give it cheerfully. And it is a lesson I have never forgotten. In fact it reminds me of a story in the Bible how Peter had fished all night and caught nothing, and he was feeling grumpy about it. He knew that Jesus had called him to leave his fishing and follow Him but he wasn’t too sure about it. Maybe he was wondering how he was going to pay his bills if he left everything to follow Jesus. This particular morning they had been working hard at fishing all night for nothing and then come in to shore. There was Jesus with the usual crowds all pushing around Him, so Jesus got into Peter’s boat and taught the people out of it. Perhaps Peter was feeling a bit grumpy with them all and tired as well.

So when Jesus had finished talking to the people and they had all gone away, Jesus would have known how Peter was feeling, and He said to him, “Go on out where it is deeper and put your nets over the side”.

Peter said, “Look, Master, we’ve been fishing all night and caught nothing. But seeing You say so, I’ll do it!”

You can just about hear the grumpiness in Peter’s voice! But he did as Jesus said, probably thinking it was all a waste of time. He let the net all out, and then began to pull it in. He could hardly believe what he was feeling! There were fish in it. So many fish that he could hardly pull it in. In fact he called out to James and John to come in their boat to give a hand, as his boat was so full it was nearly sinking! He had never seen anything like it. It suddenly dawned on him that if Jesus could do this with fish, He could certainly look after all Peter’s other worries about how his bills could be paid.

It seems that Jesus was still in the boat while all this was going on, and as Peter was thinking this, he fell down on his knees with the fish all around him, and said, “Oh Lord, I don’t know how you can be bothered with me! I shouldn’t be anywhere near You at all!!!”

He knew how grumpy he had been, and how worried he was, and it was all for nothing! Jesus was with Him and could take care of everything!”

“Wow!”, said Bobby as Gran paused for a moment, “I guess that IS a good lesson for us to learn!”

“Yes”, said Sarah half to herself, “There is no need to worry about things if Jesus asks us to  do anything for Him. It will all turn out right in the end! I won’t forget either of those stories Gran!”


What Are Your Seven Most Important Things?

        waterfall5                  This story came through my mail box the other day, and it is too good to keep there……think carefully about what it says…..

A teacher once asked his class to write down the seven wonders of the world. After some thought, they came up with these answers….

  1. Taj Mahal; 2. Egypt’s Great Pyramids; 3. Grand Canyon; 4. Panama Canal; 5. Empire State Building; 6. St. Peters in Rome; 7. China’s Great Wall.

As the teacher was picking the papers up he noticed that one girl was still writing and asked why she wasn’t finished yet. She replied that there were so many she was having trouble choosing the top seven. He picked up her paper, and read out the top seven she had written …

” 1. To See; 2. To Hear; 3. To Touch; 4. To Taste; 5. To Smell; 6. To Laugh; 7. To Love.”

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. The things we overlook as too simple and ordinary to mention, and take for granted every day, are truly wondrous!

The most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.


What does Redeem Mean?

CHLD155     Bobby came into the kitchen whistling tunelessly as he threw his jacket on the floor. Mum gave him a look at this, and he hastily picked it up again and put it where it belonged.

“How did the Bible Class go this afternoon?” Mum asked.

“Aw, all right I guess”, said Bobby, “But Mr. Brooks uses too many long words and I didn’t know what they meant”.

“Well, I know what you mean”, Mum said as she put the kettle on to boil, “What was one that really got you puzzled today?”

“It was the word ‘redeemed’ ” , Bobby said, “I know I’ve heard it before but it didn’t make sense. What DOES it mean anyway?”

“Well, it’s like this”, Mum said as she got the cups out and put them on the kitchen bench, “I remember once when I was little, my brother Jimmy made a little boat. He was so proud of it, and took it down to the river every chance he got to play with it. One day he came home rather sad and upset, and said that he’d let the string go and it had floated off down stream in the current. It was too deep for him to go out and get it”.

“Oh”, said Bobby, “What happened then?”

“Well, about a week went by and he came home one day from school and said he had seen his boat in the second-hand shop for sale. He had gone in and told the man in the shop that it was his boat, and the man said no it wasn’t because he had bought it, and if he wanted it he would have to buy it from him.”

Sarah had come into the kitchen and was listening to the story too.

“Ooh, that was mean of him”, she said, “What did Grand-dad say about that?”

“He told Jimmy he had better empty his money box out and see if there was enough money there to do that. So that is exactly what Jimmy did. He went down to the shop and bought his little boat back again”.

“I bet he was pleased to get it back”, said Bobby.

Mum smiled. “I will never forget the look on Jimmy’s face when he came back holding that little boat in his arms. He was saying to anyone who would listen….’this is my little boat twice….it’s mine because I made it and it’s mine because I bought it back!’ ”

Bobby had forgotten his question to Mum that reminded her of this story until she said, “So that is what ‘redeemed’ means Bobby. Jimmy had bought back his own little boat, and the Lord Jesus had to buy each one of us back because we had got lost until we wanted to come back to Him”.

“That’s a neat story”, said Sarah.

“Oh, I see”, said Bobby, “That means that we belong to Jesus twice then….we’re His because He made us and we’re His because He bought us when He died on the cross! That makes sense now Mum, and I won’t forget. Thanks. Come on Sarah, let’s go outside and have a practice with that ball!”

Psalm Forty-Nine

The book of Psalms consists of a series of conversations between God and man. This one is concerned with the fate of those who refuse God’s call…..                      

DOLLR3_FThe Rich  Man.

Hear this you people living here, All people in the world give ear,

I’m telling you with all my heart, To  trust in God and take a part;

For those who trust in only wealth, Will find their soul soon has no health;

They cannot save their brother’s soul, They cannot make him to be whole.

No matter who, we all must die, And meet our Maker up on high,

Our wealth is left with what we’ve gained, And others waste all that remained.

People think to leave their name, On their estates will keep their fame,

Riches cannot take their soul, To the One who makes them whole.

Tis only God who can redeem, Who takes us into heaven’s gleam.

Do not fret o’er those made rich, They cannot take with them  one stitch!

Their glory fades and fame will pale, For in their death all else will fail.

They are no better than a beast, That perishes with all that’s least.

How true this psalm is! Those who never give God a thought during their life time have nothing to look forwards to in the next life. Some say boastfully that they have lived without God and they will die without Him, while the best that others can look forwards to is being reincarnated as a donkey or some other animal! But when they come to the point of no return, they cry out in horror at what they can see ahead of them. There is nothing sadder than the cry of “Too late!”

See what God has to say to YOU.