Differences !

   This children’s story illustrates very important points that adults would do well to follow. When we think of all the bickering and fighting that goes on between the nations today, we should remember that we are all part of the human family, and all need each other with our differences and abilities. It is only as we do this that there will be peace in the world.…….

Boy with CarJack and his sister Sue were squabbling out in the yard. Jack was playing with his new toy car, and Sue wanted to have a turn. She got very cross when Jack picked it up and ran inside. She followed him and tried to take it from him.

“Leave it alone”, Jack shouted, “It’s a boy’s toy! Girls don’t play with trucks! They’re too dumb! They play with silly dolls and things!”

“Mum!” Sue wailed, “I’m  not dumb, am I?”

Mum tried to keep the peace. “Of course not,” she said, “But you ARE different to Jack just the same, not silly or dumb, just different! You are both part of our family and we love you both the same. We need you both”.

Sue quietened down and left Jack to his truck while she ran to get her doll.

“Not silly”, she thought, “My dolly is the best after all!”

Jack made loud engine noises, and ran his  car around among the cushions on the floor.

“Silly girls!” he muttered.

That night, after Jack had got into bed, he started thinking about what he would do with his truck the next day. His thoughts got fainter and fainter as he drifted into sleep.

Suddenly he heard voices. Somehow he knew it was his head talking. It was saying to his feet….. “I don’t need you! I’m the important one! I’m at the top and you are only at the bottom end of Jack!”      “Don’t be silly”, said the feet, “Where would you go without me? But I’m a lot better than the hands, they are only halfway down Jack!”   The hands answered in a high crabby voice, “And what would put the socks and shoes on you if it weren’t for me? Besides, my fingers are a lot longer than your toes!!”      “My toes might be short, but they are just as important as your silly fingers! Remember when my little toe was sore last week? I had to hobble around to save it getting hurt worse!”

“Be quiet!” the head commanded in a loud voice, “I’m getting tired of listening to you fighting! You ALL need each other. And I need you all too. Who would put the food in my mouth if the hands didn’t work? And where would we all go if  the feet didn’t take us? It’s quite true that when one thing hurts, we all hurt with it. Why, I felt that sore toe too when it got hurt. So be quiet, and be satisfied with what you are. We are ALL important, we are just different, that’s all.  And we are all part of Jack!”

Jack woke up with a start. It had all seemed so real. His different parts all arguing with each other? How silly could they be! As he snuggled down under the blankets again, he thought how glad he was that he had all those parts and that they all did different things for him.

He still remembered that dream the next morning, and then thought how he and Sue had been fighting the day before. Of course they were different! She was a girl and he was a boy. But they were all part of the same family. Perhaps he could let Sue have a turn with his truck  today after all.

   The Bible says:-

Don’t forget to do good things and to share with each other….God is very pleased when when we do this!     Hebrews 13: 16




Bob’s Challenge

 “If only”…. 

As Bob came to in the darkness, he wondered where he was. There were unfamiliar sounds going on around him, and a distinct disinfectant smell. He  realised he was in a bed, but he was sure it wasn’t his own. He tried to turn over and nothing seemed to be working. Whatever had happened to him?

Ah, he remembered now. He had left the local pub at closing time and found his way to his car. He remembered driving towards home and over the bridge that spanned quite a sizeable river on the way, but nothing more after that.

Bob had indeed driven over the bridge, but he had failed to see the corner immediately after it, and continued straight ahead up the bank where the car had flipped over. Bob had not been wearing his seat belt and he was thrown out. As a result his spinal cord was badly damaged leaving him a paraplegic. He was in hospital for a long time, and it took him several months before he admitted that his situation was actually his own fault.

First of all he railed against the fact that his seat belt wasn’t on, but he was the one who had not buckled up. It never occurred to him that if he hadn’t been drinking until closing time, he would have been capable of driving safely, so that was another nail in his coffin of blame, as it were.

No-one knew when it finally dawned on him that perhaps God was speaking to him through this accident. It wasn‘t that he was a stranger to the things of God. There had been a time when he had made his decision to follow the Lord, and was enthusiastic in his attendance at his small local church. But the older men tended to curb his youthful enthusiasm and he became discouraged. There came a day when he heard some more criticism, and that was it as far as he was concerned. He had had enough, he said. If that was how they felt, then he was finished.

Bob never attended a church service on a regular basis again, and in time, no-one would have recognized him as being a Christian. Years passed by, and his family arrived and grew up. In his time of reflection now in his hospital bed, he remembered different times when he felt that God was perhaps speaking to him.

There was that time that he had been feeding hay out to his cattle and carelessly thrown the loose bailing twine into the cab of his ute. As he drove onto the road, he got out to shut the gate behind him, and as his feet became tangled in the twine he fell onto the road. A car came around the corner and nearly caught him before he got up. Bob wondered at the time if the Lord was speaking to him, but he mentally shrugged it off as coincidence, and let the opportunity go by.

Then there was another time not long before this, when a visiting evangelist had come to the district. Bob attended one of the meetings, and was strongly moved to respond to the appeal when it was given at the end, but he thought of his drinking mates and what they would say to him. Just the same, he had to hold tightly to his seat with both hands to keep from making the move along the aisle when others were going down to the front.

“There’s still plenty of time”, he told himself.

Now he wondered if things would have been different if he had made that move back then. It began to dawn on him that perhaps all this was his own fault, and all because he kept shutting the thought of God out of his mind.

“Perhaps God IS speaking me” he said to himself, “If I had taken the step when that preacher was asking people to come forward, perhaps none of this would have happened!”

How right he was! He wouldn’t have been at the pub this particular night if he had done that!

By the time Bob was discharged from the hospital and able to go home, he had confessed his willfulness  and disobedience to the Lord and received full forgiveness for it all. Bob was full of joy in his mind and heart now….not for the position he found himself in, but in the fact that now he had made his peace with God once more.  He was able to pray again, picking up where he had left off when a young man. But in spite of that, nothing could give back the years he had wasted, and this was a constant regret to him.

He enjoyed the visits he had from other Christians who knew him, and to talk about the things of God was one of his greatest joys.

He now spent his days in his wheelchair looking out of the large windows of his living room across the town to the harbour in the distance. He had once served on the local harbour board, and was particularly interested in watching the container ships and tankers moving in and out of the harbour.

He lived for a few more years, and told one of his visitors not long before he passed into the Lord’s presence, “You know, I would sooner be like I am now, and able to enjoy these times with the Lord, than to be what I was once, able to walk but still running away from God. It doesn’t pay!”

The Little Red Boat.

Sally had just come in from school and was munching an apple that Mum had given her. The kitchen was lovely and warm and had the wonderful smell of cooking Christmas cakes.

“How did the Kid’s Club after school go today?” Mum asked.

“It was really cool” said Sally as she took another bite.

“What was the lesson about?” asked Mum.

“It was all about ..re..redemshun, I think the word was”, Sally said.

“Oh, you mean redemption”, Mum said, “That’s a really important word to know. How did your teacher explain it to you?”

“Well, she told us a story about a boy who had a little red sailing boat. He took it down to the river to play with and the string broke and it  went off down the stream and he couldn’t get it back”.Little red boat        “Oh,” said Mum, “and what happened next?”

“Well, after a long time, he went down town past the second-hand shop, and saw his red boat in the window for sale. He went inside and told the man it was his. He was sure because it had a little scratch mark near the front of it where it had scraped past the rocks when it got loose from its string.”

“Really,” said Mum, “What did the man say to him?”

Sally took another bite of her apple, and said, “The man said it was too bad because he had just paid good money for it and if the boy wanted it back he would have to pay the price on the ticket.”

“Well, that was bad luck”, Mum said, “What did the boy do then?”

“He wanted it really badly, so he went home and emptied his money box out, but it wasn’t enough, so he got extra jobs after school and saved every cent he could get”, said Sally. “After a while, when he had saved enough money, he went back to the shop to get the boat. It was still in the window so he paid for it, and took it home. He was so pleased, he said it was twice his now. It was his because it was given to him in the first place, and it was his the second time because he had worked hard to pay for it all over again.”

“Well, that’s a neat story,” said Mum, “Where does the word redemption come into it?”

“Our teacher explained that it means to buy back something that once belonged to you and then got lost. The boy had to buy back his little boat, and then it was really his all over again. That’s what re…redemption means.”

“That’s right,” said Mum, “but there must have been more to the lesson than that. What else did the teacher say?”

Sally threw the core of the apple into the rubbish bin. “She explained that is what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. When Adam sinned, people became lost to God like the little boat going down stream, and that is why the Lord Jesus came to earth to pay for people’s sin. God had always said that those people who sin will have to die to pay for it. He knew they would never be able to be good enough on their own. And Jesus was the only person who never sinned, so He was able to pay for everyone’s sin if they ask Him to. I wonder why people wanted to kill Him when He only ever wanted to do good things for them?”

“That’s what sin does to us,” Mum said, “It makes us all bitter and twisted inside. So what was the point of the lesson?”

“Just as the boy had to pay redemption money for his little boat, so Jesus had to pay for our redemption by dying on the cross, and if we come to Him, He will have bought us back from being lost.”

“That IS a neat story,” said Mum, “And you’ve learnt it really well. Now it’s time for chores so off you go and do them”. She watched as Sally skipped away from the room and smiled to herself. She was so glad that she had learnt this lesson herself when she was a little girl; now she was a Mum and she knew this was the best thing she could have done.



Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

    People often ask this question….it just seems that life isn’t fair!! We do the best we can and then things go wrong for us!

The Bible tells us about a man like this, a good man who did the best he could and then he lost everything. It also gives us a picture of why this happened which will help us to see things differently when things go wrong for us too.

If we turn to the Bible and look at Job chapter one, verse one, we read….”there was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was perfect and upright, one who feared (respected and reverenced) God and who hated evil.”

So we see that Job always did his best and as we read down the chapter, we see the things that he did for himself and for his family. Let’s turn it into a story……

One day, God’s team of angels came to report to Him. God noticed a shiny, glistening, sneaky looking one among them who  didn’t usually come, and recognised him instantly.

“Where have you come from, Satan?” He asked.

“I’ve been walking up and down all over the place,” Satan replied shiftily.

“Have you seen any person as good as My servant Job is?”, God asked, “No-one else is as good in the whole world as he is….he loves Me and hates everything evil! He makes me an offering every day, not only for himself but also for his family.”

“Ho”, sneered Satan looking at God, ” No wonder he is so good! You look after him on every side, and have given him all he’s got! I bet if you took it all away from him it’d be a different story! He would curse You to Your face if that happened!!”

God knew His man, and He knew He could trust Job to do the right thing.

“OK,” He said to Satan, “We’ll see. I’m allowing you to take away everything that he has. I know he will stand firm for Me.”

Satan chuckled gleefully. ” I’ll make him sorry for following God’s ways. I can beat him!”

So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD.

The next day, Job got up early as he usually did, and made the morning sacrifice for himself and his wife. Then he made another sacrifice to cover each of his children. As he did this, he prayed for each of them, as he did every day. “Lord”, he said, “Please help the boys to stand firm for you; help them to resist temptations, and always be helpful  to their mother and sisters. I pray for the girls, Lord that they will not be vain with how they look, but that they will try their best to be beautiful with their minds and their speech.”

Job knew that his eldest son was putting on a party that day for his brothers and sisters, and he hoped that everything would go well for them all. While he was sitting there after breakfast thinking about them, he saw one of his servants rushing up the path. He could tell something was wrong.

“What’s the matter?” he called out as the man got close enough to hear.

“We were out in the field ploughing with the bullocks and the donkeys were there beside them when a marauding tribe from over the hill came and rounded them up, killing all the herdsmen, and I’m the only one who got away!”

With that, he fell down on the ground panting with the run, and fright at what he had seen.

The man had hardly finished telling Job this when another servant came panting up. “Oh!,” he said, “There was a massive lightning storm over the paddock where the sheep were, and they have all been struck dead as well as the other servants there. I’m the only one who managed to get away to tell you!”

A third servant came panting in from another direction and said, “The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yes, and killed the servants with swords; and I only am escaped alone to tell you.”

Job hardly had time to take all this in when another servant came rushing in from the direction of the oldest boy’s house.

“Oh, oh,” he wailed when he saw Job, “Your sons and your daughters were eating their meal and drinking wine in their eldest brother’s house when there was a terrific gust of wind rushing in from the desert like a tornado, and the roof was lifted off and the whole thing collapsed on everyone else in the house, and they are all dead! I’m the only one to  escape and tell you!”

Job had been sitting down all this time, and now he stood up and tore his long robe off his shoulders. He went inside and shaved the hair all off his head to show how upset he was.

His wife and servants wondered how he would cope with all this bad news and the disasters that had happened. But he didn’t curse or swear, or even complain. It didn’t even enter his head to ask God why this had all happened.

Instead, he got down on his knees and prayed in front of everyone left in his house, and said, ” I was born naked with nothing, and I will go back to God the same way, with nothing. The LORD gave me these things, and the LORD has taken them away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”

In all these disasters Job didn’t sin or complain and blame God foolishly.

Soon after Job had had all these dreadful tragedies in his house and  on the farm, God’s  team came together once more. As God looked around them all, He saw that Satan was there among them again.

God looked straight at him, and said, “And where have you come from this time?”

“From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.” Satan replied loftily.

       “Have you seen my servant Job lately, that there is no-one like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one who fears Me and hates everything that is evil? In spite of all you’ve done to him, he still stays following Me even though you’ve done your best to destroy him for no reason.”

And Satan answered the LORD, and said, ” Skin for skin, yes, all that a man has will he give for his life. If you put your hand on him now and touch his bone and his flesh, he will curse You to Your face!”

God knew that Job wouldn’t let Him down in this test either and He said to Satan, “Look, he is in your hand; do what you like to him, but save his life.”

Satan grinned evilly as he went out from the presence of the LORD, and thought to himself, “I’ll fix Job this time! I’ll make him curse God yet!”

As Job went to bed that night, he was still very sad thinking about his family who had died. Somehow, his back didn’t feel too good. He rubbed it carefully, and then felt his legs hurting a bit too. When he got up in the morning, his feet were so sore he could hardly walk. His arms were hurting too and as he looked at them when he was getting dressed, he could see that they were covered with boils coming up all over them. So that was why his back and feet and legs were all hurting! He had boils all over him, even on his face and in his hair!

He was so sore that he didn’t know what to do with himself. He sat down by the fire that had gone out, and picked up the ashes and put them over his bare skin each morning. He sat there during the day moaning to himself with the pain. He couldn’t bear to get up and walk around, he was so sore.

  His boils were oozing with pus, and he rubbed more ash onto them, and scraped the tops off the boils with a piece of a broken jar that was lying on the ground. His wife was at her wits end to know what to do. Here she had lost her three beautiful daughters who had helped her with the housework, and her seven sons had all died in the tornado. Now Job was covered with these revolting boils and sores and in terrible pain with it all. Where was God now? she wondered, why had He let all these dreadful things happen in their family?    

 “How can you sit there like that Job?” she asked, “I can’t understand how God could let all these dreadful things happen to us! Why don’t you curse Him and die?”

“Come, come, my dear, ” he said, “You are talking like one of the foolish women. What? Don’t you realise that as we receive good at the hand of God, He can also send us bad things? ”

And in spite of all this, Job did not sin by complaining .

Day after day went by, and Job didn’t seem to get any better. His friends and relations heard about his troubles, and three of them came to see him. They were horrified when they saw how bad he was. They sat down with him by the fire and said nothing to him for several days. They really didn’t  know what TO say.

At last Job spoke and said, “I wish I’d never been born! It would have been better for me to have never lived than to come to this day!”

Eliphaz, the eldest one of his friends said, “You must have done something dreadful Job, for God to allow these things to happen to you! He must be wanting to teach you a lesson about something. Bad things don’t happen to good people, so you’ll just have to make the best of a bad job. God must be trying to teach you a lesson!”

Job said again, “My life isn’t worth living like this! You’re not helping me at all with what you are saying. What have I been doing wrong that you have seen?”

Bildad piped up next and said, “Look Job, you know that God doesn’t punish people unless they’ve done something wrong. Rushes can’t grow without water, and God doesn’t throw away people who are good!”

“I know that God is the Mighty Creator,” said Job, “He has made all the stars and given them names. Oh! If only I could talk to Him face to face, I would ask why this is all happening to me! I would ask Him to show me my sin!”

“You MUST have done something bad Job!” Zophar was the next to speak. “You think you are right! If only God would tell you so you could put it right!”

“You guys all think you’ve got all the answers!” Job said, “I just wish you would all keep quiet! I know what I’m thinking, and I tell you this…even if God were to kill me, I would still trust in Him. I know He is my salvation in spite of everything!”

Job’s three friends had no answers left, and they just started saying the same things all over again.

“I’ve heard all this before”, Job said in the end, “You’re a miserable lot of comforters! I’m ready to die, I don’t know why God doesn’t take me away!”

The other two said some more things along the same lines and Job said, “Well, I don’t know why this is all happening, but one thing I DO know, I know that one day I will see God with my eyes, and that He will come to this earth. Even though I can’t find Him now, I know He can see me!”

Job’s friends had come to an end of talking, and Bildad made a short speech saying, “Well, how CAN a person be made clean before God? We’re all just like worms anyway!”

Job seemed to gather strength, and he started to talk about how great God was and about all the wonderful things He had made like the stars and the animals, and all the gold and silver that were in the earth.

“The most important thing of the lot,” he went on to say, “is to fear the Lord and follow Him, THAT is the true wisdom!”

While all this conversation was going on between them, another man had come along and sat down with them. When he could see that Job’s three friends had finished talking, then he started. “Look here Job,” he said, “You want God to talk to you. Well, I’LL talk to you and tell you where you’ve gone wrong. I’m a lot younger than the rest of you, but I know a few things. Look how God orders the weather that we get! He brings the rain and the snow, and He spreads out the clouds in the sky. He is awesome, and no-one else is as great as He is!”

While he was talking, the sky got darker and darker. Enormous clouds began to form, and they could see the clouds were bringing a tornado. As the wind picked up and began to whirl around, they all heard this Voice seeming to come out of the wind.

“None of you know what you’ve been talking about! Where were you all when I made the earth, the moon and the stars? When I told the tides to go in and out, and stopped the waves going any further than the beaches?”

They were all afraid as the Voice went on. Somehow, they knew that it was God Who was talking to them. “Have you made the hawks fly high in the sky? The peacocks with their beautiful feathers? And made the ostriches have no brains when it comes to laying its eggs in the sand and leaving them?”

Then God spoke directly to Job. “You didn’t know what you were talking about! Can you make the great whales in the sea, and the sea monsters?”

“Oh,” said Job, “I see now that I didn’t know what I as talking about! I wish I’d kept my mouth shut!” and he put his face down towards the ground.

God spoke to the others there next, and told them that they were quite wrong to have blamed Job for his troubles. None of them knew the real reason for them. It was nothing to do with Job being good or bad; it was to prove to Satan that Job would stand firm for God. Even though he wished he had never been born, yet he had never blamed God for his trouble.

“Now you others are to get an animal sacrifice each, and get Job to pray for you,” God said to them, “None of you have spoken right about Me like Job has. When Job does this, I will forgive you your foolishness.”

Job prayed for his friends in spite of the horrid things they had said to him….what a lesson this is to us! God forgave them, and then all Job’s other friends and relations came around and brought him presents to make up for the things he had lost.

The Bible tells us this about the end of Job…..

So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. He had also seven sons and three daughters.

       And he called the name of the first, Jemima; and the name of the second, Kezia; and the name of the third, Keren-happuch. And in all the land were no women found so fair and beautiful as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brothers. 

So the next time we see bad things happening to good people, we know that perhaps it is so God can point to them and say to Satan, “Look at My servant there, I know that he (or she) will stand firm for Me no matter what happens!” Let’s make sure that we never let God down by complaining and moaning when things go wrong, but hold our head high and say like Job did, ” Even if God were to kill me, I would still trust in Him. I KNOW He is my salvation in spite of everything!”
















Letting Go !

CharlatanWe were taking some friends out in our yacht for the weekend.  We had to take them out in the dinghy (small boat) to get to where the yacht was anchored. They weren’t used to getting into a small dinghy, and went down the steps of the jetty very gingerly, getting into the dinghy  awkwardly and hanging on to the steps of the jetty once they were in. This caused the dinghy to lean over precariously.

“Let go of the jetty!” we called out.

As soon as they did that, the dinghy righted itself with the water balancing the boat.

This reminded us of how tightly we hang onto our problems even after handing them over to the Lord in prayer. Our boat won’t come right until we let go, and let God handle them for us. Just as they had to trust themselves to the boat in the water, so we have to trust the Lord with all our problems, whether big or small. Let’s make sure we do this!

The Importance of Bible Study

Harold was an officer in the prison who was in charge of the prisoners as they came in to the prison. He had been a Christian for many years and saw his job as a chance to speak to the inmates as opportunities presented themselves.

As new prisoners came into the system, Harold always had an introductory chat with them, finding out why they were there and filling in forms. He wasn’t always able to introduce the matter of spiritual topics at the beginning of their time in prison, but did it whenever there was an opportunity.

This particular man was in for child abuse, and as the conversation moved along, Harold was able to bring it around to spiritual things. The man was convicted while Harold was talking with him and admitted that what he had done was sin in the sight of God, and he realised that he had to do something about it. Harold was able to tell him how to pray and confess his deeds as a sin against God, and when he did this he became born again.

The next day, Harold saw him again and asked how he had slept now that he had made his peace with God.

“You know Boss”, he said, “It’s fascinating! I woke up as usual and lit up a cigarette like I always do, and it tasted terrible! I threw it away and haven’t wanted one since!”

Harold was so pleased to hear this, and encouraged him further.

Not every one who turned to the Lord had such an immediate deliverance from this debilitating habit…..some men indeed, had quite a struggle to give up smoking.

But Harold kept in contact with him and was able to encourage him to continue reading his Bible and doing the Bible Study Courses he was able to get for him.

The prison population was around 400, and over time, Harold was able to see forty men do the Bible Courses. Other than that, there wasn’t much follow-up work done with the men, especially when they were transferred elsewhere or moved out of the prison system altogether. When he could, Harold would contact the local minister where they were going and hope they would follow them up, but there was no guarantee that this would happen.

Those who were able to, would find a church they could go to, and continue with their daily readings of the Bible. This continued to feed them spiritually, and they  grew in their faith as a result.

Busy Little Ants

As I was sweeping out the front porch this morning, I noticed a long narrow line of ants scuttling back and forth. Even though I don’t like ants around the house, I couldn’t help but marvel at how these little creatures kept even rank, each one seeming to know exactly where it was going and what it was about. They are such an amazing little creature, that they are held up as an example to lazy human beings in the Bible……”Go to the ant you sluggard! Learn her ways and be wise!” we are told in Proverbs 6:6-9. These verses tell us to be like the ant and not to be lazy but to get up and get going off to our own work.

It is the same in our spiritual life as well….we only get out of it, what we put into it. True, there ARE some hard parts to understand when reading the Bible, but it’s just like having a meal of fish. We eat the meat and leave the bones; so we don’t have to worry about the things we don’t understand, but just take and enjoy the bits that make sense to us. The main thing to do, is to READ it!

Honouring God.

KIDS062Bobby came running up the steps onto the front deck and in the ranch-slider throwing his bag down in the corner on his way to the kitchen.

“Wow”, he exclaimed, ”it’s been a busy day! I never had time to stop and think. Our team has been chosen to represent the school in the inter school sports next month”.

“That’s great Bobby,” Mum said,” I suppose that will mean Saturday training each weekend”.

“Yes,” Bobby said sitting on the stool and taking the drink Mum had passed him. “It’s going to be a busy term”.

So it proved to be. Bobby found the training sessions very strenuous, but he enjoyed every bit of it.

As the family got ready to go to church the next morning, Bobby thought wistfully of his bed as he got dressed. Wouldn’t it be good to have a break from church just this once? he thought as he dragged his jersey on. But he knew it was no use to even suggest it. Going to church wasn’t an option in their household, there was never any question of what they would be doing on Sunday mornings!

Bobby mostly enjoyed going to church. The singing was rather cool, and their class leader was really neat. But he found his mind starting to wander this particular Sunday, and he visualised some of the passes he was to make in his next game. Slowly he pulled his mind back to the story the leader was telling. He was saying, “and so the prophet said to Eli the priest, ‘Those who honour God, God will honour’, and that is just the same for us today.”

Bobby stirred himself, and listened to the rest of the lesson.

That evening, Bobby picked up his school books and went out into the dining-room to do some home work that he needed to finish.

“I guess I should ask you to pray for me Dad,” Bobby said, “This work is really hard!”

“You know Bobby,” Dad said thoughtfully, “I don’t think I could pray this for you. You could have done that homework last evening instead of watching TV”.

“Aw, Dad, I was tired last night after all that football practice”, Bobby said.

“You know Bobby, if you put God’s day ahead of things you want to do, God will honour you for it”, Dad said.

“Funny you should say that Dad,” Bobby said, “Our leader said something the same this morning in class”.

“Yes, well this is one of the principles that always stands,” Dad replied, “If you make time to do your home-work ahead of things like TV, and keep God’s day special for Him, He will help you to get through your lessons and tests far better than if you spent time on Sunday for your homework! “

Go still means what He said to the priest Eli…you can read it for yourself in the Bible…

Why are you scorning my sacrifice and my offering that I commanded for my dwelling place? You have honoured your sons more than you have me by having made yourselves fat from the best parts of all the offerings of my people Israel.’ Therefore the LORD, the God of Israel, says, ‘I really did say you’re your house and your ancestor’s house would serve me forever.’ But now the LORD says, ‘May it never be! For I will honour those who honour me, but those who despise me will be cursed!                                                                                                                                (1 Samuel 2:29-30)

See what God has to say to YOU.