Pictures of God’s Word.

FRBW0108     I was reading the verse from Hebrews 4:12 where it describes God’s Word as being   “ quick (living) , and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.

There is nothing so convicting and convincing as God’s Word if we allow it to sink into our minds. It IS possible to shut one’s mind to it, but if we do that, it won’t be long before its influence on our ways and thinking will disappear and we will become hard and unyielding.

This verse shows that it is like an extremely sharp two edged sword, cutting both ways, as it goes in and as it comes out…here is a story that illustrates this point perfectly….

There was a man once who had didn’t believe in all this God rubbish (as he put it). One of the old time evangelists came to his district and was holding meetings several times a week. One of our man’s friends persuaded him to go to one of these meetings.

“You know I don’t believe in all that stuff”, he said complainingly to his friend, “I’ll go just the once, but no more, mind!”

He sat through the meeting, working out all his arguments against the preacher in his mind. His chance came when the preacher offered to take him home.

“Well, Sir,” our man said, “I don’t believe all that stuff you told us tonight. What about…..?” and he presented his first argument.

The preacher was silent a moment and then he said, “I don’t know about that, all I know is that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin.”

Our friend was a bit taken aback. He hadn’t expected a reply like that. But he rallied and then put out his next argument which was guaranteed (he thought) to get the preacher’s hackles up.

Again the preacher was silent a moment, and then he said, “Well, I haven’t heard that one before either, but all I know is that the blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin.”

Our friend wasn’t going to be deterred, and he thought of several more arguments that he felt sure the preacher had no answers for.

But each time the preacher just quietly said, “Well, I don’t know about that…..all I know is that the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin!”

By this time they had reached our friend’s house and the preacher pulled up to let him out. Our friend gave one more parting shot as he left the car…”Well, I’m not coming back any more to hear that stuff!”

“That’s fine friend,” the preacher said, “But just remember,” as our friend went off into the darkness, “the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleans us from all sin!”

The preacher went home, prayed for our friend and didn’t expect to see him again. But God’s Word which had been used as a sword, and as a strong hammer which can break rocks began to work in his mind. A couple of nights later, the preacher heard a knock on his door just he had gone to bed. He opened the door, and there stood our friend looking rather distraught and haggard.

“I haven’t been able to sleep a wink since that meeting the other night,”  he said, “All I can hear in my mind are those words, the blood of Jesus Christ cleans us from all sin….I can’t get rid of them. What do I have to do to put my mind at rest?”

“Come on in,”  the preacher said, “It’s never too late to talk about the things of God”. He was able to explain to our friend that the way to have peace in his mind, was simply to tell the Lord that he realised he was a sinner and needed to be made clean from all the bad thoughts and habits he had formed over the years.

He gladly did this and became a different man as a result. He had different aims now, and went to different places. The old ways didn’t attract him any more. Now he could say, and mean it with all his heart….. “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleans me from ALL sin!”


Fit for the Master’s Use.

CARAFE   We had some visitors from another area, and were taking them around the local  sights. One of these was a glass blower at  work behind the gallery that was selling his work. There were some beautiful pieces on display, all brightly coloured and different shapes. The man was in his workshop at the back of the gallery which was open for people to watch him at work.

We went in and up the stairs to the observation platform where we could look down on him plying his art. The furnace was heated up and the tongs he was using were red hot. As he pulled the shaped vase out of the heat, he pulled and twisted at the neck of it to form a shapely edge. But time and time again, he had to put it back into the heat because he wasn’t satisfied with how it looked.

It reminded me of the Master Glass Blower at work in our lives, as He moulds and perfects His people to make them become what He wants them to be. We may not like the heat of the fire we have to go through, or the pulling and twisting that we are subject to, but when it is all over, we are more like the finished article that He wants us to be….a thing of beauty and fit for His use.


We Shall be Like Him.

McI, Dennis and Marj - CopyMy father was very fond of quoting this poem in his older age…I have no idea where it came from, but thought it was worthwhile posting here for others to enjoy….

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is……….. (1 John 3:2) 

With Him in glory, oh wonderful word,

Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard;

Mind has not fathomed the future in store,

Reserved for the children of God evermore.

Suffering over, failure and sin,

Like Him without, like Him within;

Bodies made perfect and spirits set free,

We’ll share in His glory, whose glory we’ll see;

With Him in glory, beholding His face

With him in glory, oh marvellous grace;

Holy and happy, radiant in bliss,

Can there be anything greater than this?


What is Heaven REALLY like?

What is heaven really like? The trouble is that no-one has ever gone right there and then come back to tell us. Some people have gone right to the door and peeped in, and come back to tell us how bright and full of light it is. There is a wonderful feeling of love, and then they have woken up in their hospital bed and realised they are back in this world again. Some have heard beautiful music such as has never been heard on earth, and others have had a sensation of everything being so spotless and clean that this earth seems very grubby compared to it.

So what does the Bible tell us about heaven? Paul told us in one of his letters how he had seen heaven, and that he couldn’t begin to describe it, words wouldn’t do it justice! Besides he didn’t know how to begin telling the things that he saw. He wasn’t sure whether he had really gone  there or just had a vision of it all.

It left him with the feeling that he just wanted to go and be there NOW. But he knew that he hadn’t finished the work that God had for him to do on earth, so he would be content to wait for God’s time. He knew that life with the Lord Jesus was going to be far better than anything he had ever known before.

Jesus is the only person on earth who knew what heaven was like because He had come from Heaven and was going to go back there. But He too didn’t tell us very much about it, because He knew we couldn’t understand it while we live on earth. He told us that there is plenty of room for everyone who wants to come to Him, but that there is only one way to get there. He said the gate to heaven is very narrow and quite hard to find; in fact He is the only way to get there. Some people think they can get there by their own good works, but that road is a dead end and will never get them there.

People don’t want to humble themselves to walk with God, and they think that their way is good enough. What a dreadful shock to go through death’s door and find God isn’t there!

Sometimes when people are right at death’s door they seem to see heaven open up before them, just enough to give those beside them a faint idea of what they can see. In the book of The Acts, we read how Stephen saw heaven open up before him and the Lord Jesus standing beside His Father God just before he was killed  by the Pharisees.

One time, a lady’s daughter who was with her mother as she died, heard her say with wonder in her voice, ”Oh! I had no idea it was like this!”

King David could say,  You will show me the path of life: in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore  (Psalm 16,v 11). And As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness. (Psalm 17:15)

One thing we need to realise is that no person on earth can go through the door to heaven with us. The only person we can call on is the Lord Jesus, and He has promised to always be with those who have come to know Him on earth. In fact, He is calling everyone to come to Him right now. He says, ”Look, come to Me NOW! I am coming unexpectedly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according to what he has done”.

God has told us that heaven is a place where there are no more sins or horrid things; people won’t get sick or be sad, and we can’t even begin to imagine the things that He has ready and waiting to show us. If we think that life here is great, it is going to be far more exciting than we can imagine in heaven!


Smart Phone Frustrations!

I bought one of these new smart phones the other day and am finding it very hard to get used to what it can do. There just seems no end to the things that it CAN do, but how can I find  out how to make it do these things? I came to the conclusion that it is only practice…..hours of practice, turning it on every day and using it!

After all, that is how a person learns to play the piano if they can’t do it by ear. Practice. Hours of it. I know, because I had to do it all those years ago. But it pays off in the long run.

It just reminded me how so many people say they can’t understand the Bible. They say it is too hard and uses outdated language. But that is because they don’t use it and become familiar with it!

If we feel like this, perhaps we have never given it a fair go. Sure, there are some parts that are more difficult than others to understand, but if we persevere, God will give us the understanding that we need. After all, it is His book that He has given to the human race, and it is now translated into so many languages, that He intends for us to read it and become familiar with it. So let’s give it a go, and one day it will all become clear just as this smart phone will start to make sense for me as I use it!


Was this an Angel in Disguise?

Arriving in London!

For two middle aged people who had only been overseas a couple of  times to  Australia,  this  trip  to  England was indeed the adventure of a life time. We knew no-one there and were landing cold  turkey  as  it  were, having to find our way around from scratch. But we were well armed with maps, pre-paid tickets and a wealth  of advice from those in the know.

From leaving New Zealand in autumn, it was a sudden jolt to be catapulted  into  spring  with  no winter! The blossoms were all out on the trees, and spring bulbs flowering in the gardens.

We arrived  at Victoria Street  station after flying all night from Singapore and then catching this bus into central London. We got  out,  collecting  our luggage  around  us, looking  and feeling  totally  bewildered and confused, to  say  nothing of tired and jet lagged! The map we had didn’t seem to make sense…there were so many  streets  going  off at  all  angles, and  we didn’t  know  which  side of  the station  we  were standing  at!

Just then a bespectacled, top hatted, long black-coated and obviously very English looking   gentleman came up and asked if he could help us. We showed him the map and asked in which direction the street we  were  looking for was. We must have shown every appearance of abject bewilderment because  he  took  pity on  us and  said  he would take us there in his car! Well! We were more confused than ever….people  just   didn’t  do that to perfect strangers….was he really being helpful or was he going to hi-jack and rob us?

Before we knew it, we were being bundled into an old fashioned black car (the description of automobile suited it better!) and driven down one of the streets which went out like spokes from the station. It wasn’t very far before he pulled up at a wrought iron fence and gate outside one of the tall buildings. These buildings were  all  joined  together to all the  others  in  the  street, and very different to what we were used to. He unloaded our bags, refused  to  take anything  for his trouble and left us standing there. We looked at each other….was he an angel in disguise,  we wondered out loud!

We found ourselves  in  a  very  narrow  lobby  of  the   boarding  house,   and  checked  ourselves in.  We  were  given the key  and instructions  to get up to  our  room. It was quite difficult to navigate the narrow and windy stairs, but  after a  struggle  we  finally made it, and threw ourselves down on the bed to relax at last! We couldn’t help  wondering  if we had  indeed been entertained by an angel unawares!

After a good rest and a short sleep, we ventured out and made our way back to Victoria station to look around, making sure this time that we had our bearings correct. Was this REALLY London? Were we really here at last? It all seemed so much like a dream, we could hardly believe that our big adventure of discovering England was about to begin! Little did we know that there were more miracles and angels unawares to come in the days ahead!

***                  ***                  ***

Girls versus Boys.


         It was Girls’ Camp at Cooper’s Beach Youth Camp  time again, and as usual, I was one of the leaders along with Carole. For most of the Girls’ Camps we had no problem with boys pestering the girls at all, but the occasional one  with a group of stroppy older girls could cause a problem or two if they tried to get down to the beach on their own.

This particular camp was like this. Where the problem lay was in the fact that there was a group of boys from the Motor Camp opposite who either knew some of them or else just thought they would be fair game for a bit of fun. The girls played up to them and we began to wonder just what we were going to do.

The boys would stand on the bridge and jeer and make cat calls to them and then the girls would go all silly  and squeal and laugh in reply. Anyone would think that none of them had ever seen a boy before!!!

At our morning prayer time, one of the younger leaders prayed that the problem would cease. With my usual lack of faith, I couldn’t see how it would.  But we prayed, and then rang our husbands and asked them to make it a matter of prayer at the Assembly prayer meeting that night.

The day passed reasonably quietly and then the girls began to pester for a walk along the beach after tea. I felt we were asking for trouble but Carole agreed as long as they stayed in a group together. The boys saw us head down the track under the bridge, and made their plans accordingly. When we came back, there they were all lined up on the bridge, waving sticks and making rude remarks  as we passed underneath. (This was probably at the very time the Prayer meeting was going on).

But those girls just carried on quite oblivious to their presence above them, chattering and laughing among themselves and totally ignoring those cheeky boys.  It was amazing! The boys’ fun went completely flat!

We couldn’t help agreeing that those boys were completely invisible to the girls…. the Lord had shut their eyes and they didn’t even see them! In fact, we asked one of them later about the incident and they said, ”What boys?”

    Another incident that happened at a Girls’ Camp  was that some  boys were snooping around outside  the dormitories as the girls were going to bed. The leaders would  check the grounds but never actually caught them. One night, the lights had gone out and the girls were settled down for the night, when there was  the crash of breaking glass. Someone had thrown a rock through one of the windows!

Normally it didn’t take much to make the girls all react to a noise  after dark like a mob of frightened cattle, but this time no-one woke up but Carole’s daughter.  Carole was able to shush her up while we were cleaning the bits of glass up.

We felt that this too was a miracle. What stories would have gone home to the parents if the girls had woken up!! We felt that we should report the matter to the Police so it didn’t seem that we were being negligent of the girls’ welfare, so we did this. They came and took statements from us, but as far as the girls were concerned, they weren’t  aware of a thing.


Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out!

You all know what it is to have a birthday, when father and mother and sisters and cousins give you  presents and perhaps you have a party. It’s not nearly as much fun if you have to share your birthday with a twin, but this is a story about twins, a boy and a girl named Robbie and Rosy. Their family wasn’t  very well off and they often had to make do with things that their mother and father made for them. It was  no different this year that we are going to hear about.

The week before their birthday, Father Ross said to Mother Ross, “The children will have to go without any birthday presents this year; we just can’t afford any.”

Mother Ross said, “They won’t think it’s a  birthday without a present”.

Father Ross shook his head, for there was hardly enough money coming in to get the necessary food  and clothes.  Where  was money for birthday presents to come from?

“We’ll have to make the presents,” said Mother Ross.

“Out of what?” said Father Ross, looking around the tiny two-room farm house where everything of the  little they had was being used for some  purpose. But mothers are great inventers, and Mother Ross  was the best of them all.

  “Here’s Rosy’s present,” she said that night.  “Now you’ll have to make something for Robbie”.

Father laughed..,.what did Mother think she was going to make with that old curtain she had found in a cupboard?

“Rosy won’t thank you for that,” he said.

But it was no longer a curtain when Mother Ross got through with it. She had made the cutest doll you could see with a round head, and drawn in a face  and curly hair. A visit to the barn where the oats were stored, and  Dolly came back looking ever so plump. She now had  insides, and when she was dressed in other scraps of  material that Mother had found,  there was a doll any little girl might have been glad to have.

When Father  Ross saw what Mother had made out of  nothing much,  he set his mind to work, and pretty soon, out of a bit of wood, he had made  a bow and arrow for Robbie with a target board to fire at.

   So when the birthday of the twins came round, there was a  present for each of them. Rosy loved that doll made out of the  window curtain. It became as dear to her as a baby after a little while. At night she took it to bed with her, and at meal times, it

always sat on a chair at the table beside her. It took days to think up a name good enough, but finally she decided on Rosalie Gwendoline.

One day a sad thing happened. The twins had a bad quarrel. Robbie called Rosy names; Rosy went and told her mother, and Robbie got a scolding. That didn’t make him feel any more pleasant toward his sister.

“Old tattletale,” he said to himself, “I’ll make her sorry that she told on me.”

But how? That was the question. In what way could he get back at Rosy?  While he was thinking about it, his eye lit on Rosalie Gwendoline . There she lay on the table; Rosy and his father and mother were out in the garden. It didn’t  take a minute to stuff the precious doll inside his sweater. Robbie looked like a stuffed pig, but there was no one there to see him. Out of the back door he slipped, while Father and Mother and Rosy were busy in the front yard.

“I’ll show her, the mean tattletale,” he said, as he crossed the yard to back of the barn. When Rosy came hack to the house a little later, the first thing she did was to look for her beloved doll. There were not many places where a doll could hide in a two-room house, so it didn’t take very long to show  her that Rosalie Gwendoljne was not there.

“Robbie, have you hidden your sister’s doll?” Mother asked.

And Robbie said, “No.”

“Well, a doll couldn’t run off by itself, and you were the only one in the house,” said his father. He looked so cross that Robbie was scared.  He said, “The dog was in the house.”

That’s the way when you do anything wrong; you have to keep covering it over and over—first one lie, then  another. Robbie may have covered himself with his lies, but it didn’t make him feel any better.

Since no amount of searching produced Rosalie Gwendoline, they agreed that Prince, the dog, must have carried her off in his mouth and  perhaps chewed her to pieces outside. Robbie’s conscience smote him, but he tried to smother it, saying to himself, “No one can possibly find out.”

After a while he almost forgot about his misdeed, until one Sunday the minister preached on the text, “Be sure your sin will find you out,” and again he felt a prick of conscience, but he reassured himself by thinking, “The old doll’s deep in the ground; no one will ever find her.”

How Rosy missed her beloved doll, especially as  a season of wet  weather set in and she couldn’t get out to play. But the sun shone again it always does, no matter how long the rain lasts.  Then one day Mr. Adams, who had the next farm to the Ross’, came into the house at dinner time.

“Well, what’s that you’ve been planting behind the barn?” he asked. “You’ve got it set out the strangest looking way I ever did see.”

Now Mr. and Mrs. Ross knew they hadn’t been planting anything there, and everyone was curious; so they got up from the dinner table and went out behind the barn. Sure enough, there was soft green peeping up from the earth, and it was an odd shape.

Father and Mother Ross, Mr. Adams, and Rosy all looked at it with curious, puzzled faces, all except for  Robbie. Oh, his face grew pale, and on it came a look of terror, sheer terror , for there, outlined in the earth in living green, he saw the form of Rosalie Gwendoljne. There was no doubt about it, the head, body, arms, legs, could be seen as plain as could be. He didn’t know his mother had stuffed the doll with  oats; he didn’t realise that the continued rains had rotted the old  curtain that made the body of Rosalie Gwendoline….all he knew was that in some strange way his sin had found him out and was exposed to all eyes.

We must remember that God sees and knows everything we do….it is no use trying to hide anything from God. If we don’t own up now, one day we will have to face God with it still on our conscience, and that will be the most shameful and terrifying  moment of our life.


See what God has to say to YOU.