The Runaway Car.

VW Van - Copy      We were still on our trip around England and had got as far as Scotland. We had wanted to go to the Isle of Skye the previous trip we went to UK, but circumstances had prevented us from getting there. So we safely made the trip to the island this time, taking the vehicle ferry across the narrow passage of water from the seaside village of Mallaig.

We found the Isle of Sky a fascinating place and felt that we had gone back a hundred years until we met other vehicles on the narrow one way roads. Small stone crofts dotted the landscape, with the rugged hills making the backdrop. There were no fences to keep the animals off the road, and one had to be careful of not collecting a sheep or two as one went around a corner. The main town of Portree was a fascinating collection of stone houses all jumbled around the small harbour that was ringed with hills. There was no flat land….it was all sloping at different degrees.

We found the public campground a little further along the road and pulled in there, trying to find the most level bit of ground we could find. There was usual collection of tents, vans and caravans that one finds in such places and it soon began to fill up even more for the night.

The camp ground was on the sloping side of a hill, and right at the top against the fence, we noticed a tent with a car parked just below it. We didn’t see the occupants as they zipped themselves up fairly early in the evening. Other people went off down to the village below, while yet  others were preparing their evening meals.

Being summer time as it was, and so far north, it was still quite daylight at ten pm in the evening , and we were preparing for the night.  I looked up from the table where I was writing up the day’s events, and could hardly believe what I was seeing.

“Look out”, I cried, “That car at the top of the hill is running down among the tents and there is no-one in it!”

Keith looked up in disbelief, and watched the car run over one of the small domed tents, then veer towards our camper van. There was nothing we could do. The car turned slightly more, and ran between us and neighbouring caravan, just clipping its back side as it went past. It was slowing down by this time, and ended up its mad career by sitting on top of another tent beside the bottom fence.

People were scurrying around watching in horror, and checking that no-one was badly hurt. The girl in the first tent that was run over had been hurt, but she was still alive. It was only a matter of minutes and we heard the wail of the ambulance and police sirens coming. There was no-one in the second tent that still had the car sitting on top of it…..they were out on an evening walk.

As for the occupants of the zipped up tent at the top of the hill, they didn’t know anything until the police woke them up to ask why their car had run away! They were a couple of French lads and must have felt totally bewildered by the turn of the evening’s events!

How thankful we were that our van had been untouched by the runaway car that zipped so close by, and as far as we were concerned it was truly a miracle from the Lord to keep us on track for our trip. What could have happened, gave us the shivers just to think about it all!

Truth is Stranger than Fiction!

We had finished our tour of England and were about to leave for home via America. We had made our bookings to stay in New   York for three days before carrying on by the ordinary Greyhound bus line (this was in 1988) across the States.  We had a month’s open ticket from the time it was first used, and we could get on and off as many times as we liked during that month.

We enjoyed our few days in New York, staying in a budget hostel near the centre of the city, and our time there warrants a story of its own!

We soon found that things travelling by bus were very different to what we had expected. The first thing we noticed was that the buses (which were not tour buses) didn’t have wide panorama windows with a good view, but were fairly high with very little view to be seen from them. The second thing we found out was that no bookings needed to be made ahead, one just arrived at the bus depot and stood in line. It was a case of first come, first served! The third thing was that the main Greyhound bus depots were always in the centre of the down-town areas, and there was very little information to be had….no information help desk or kiosk to help ignorant tourists travelling alone in this big country for the first time. Not only that, but the bus depots were the haven for many beggars who looked as though they lived there, with their few belongings clustered around them. Then there were the taxi drivers all jostling you to take your bags to goodness knows where, so if you weren’t quick keeping them with you, you had to helplessly follow them and hope for the best.

Many of our fellow-travellers were young back-packers, while others were a collection of all different types of people. We felt quite vulnerable with all our worldly possessions for the trip in a couple of suitcases, and our money, passports and other documents about our persons. When one is travelling like that, it makes one realise that all the paraphernalia that one accumulates in life is really quite unnecessary for the moment! Another thing that we felt quite strongly was that even though we weren’t sure what we were going to find at the end of the day, yet we could confidently commit our day’s travel to the Lord each morning. Then just trust that He would direct us to find a bed somewhere to lay our heads on that night!

We managed to get the front seat for the first day of our journey, and this gave a good view of the road ahead. This inspired us to be bold enough to pray that night that we might be able  to have the front seat for the whole trip as we had come to America to see the country. Were we being cheeky to ask such a thing?  We didn’t know, but we remembered the verse that says, “You don’t have, because you don’t ask” and so we asked and then did our part by always being early in line at the bus depot each morning.

Where is the miracle in all this?  What we couldn’t do, God did for us. Each day, we managed to have the front seat. Sometimes we would travel during the night on the bus, and views didn’t count then. The bus would pull in to various depots on the way, and people would get on and off. Sometimes as people were travelling long distances, we found our seat had been warmed by someone who had just left the bus. Other times if people had just got off for a comfort stop, they would board the bus back to their previous seat, completely bypassing the empty front seat which was waiting for us. Twice when boarding the bus late in the day, we had to start off by sitting further back. People were getting off at various stops along the way during the night and each time if  we could edge our way further forward, we would. By the time daylight had come, we were back into the front seat again!

Another time, we found a real crowd waiting for the bus when we arrived at the depot, and we were fairly well down the line.

I gave my mate a poke in the back and said, “I don’t think we’ll get the front seat this time!” The bus pulled in with a hiss of its brakes, and people started to climb aboard. I could see the front seat was filled fairly early on this time. The bus was full by the time the last person in front of us got on board. A barrier was put across the line, and another bus pulled in as the first one left. We were the first ones to board this bus, and were able to sink thankfully into the front seat again! Truly, God was marvellously good to us!

We had a wonderful month, seeing much of the countryside and meeting some wonderful people who we have since kept in touch with for nearly thirty years!

The Backpacker’s Miracle.


The young man got off the plane in Auckland with his back-pack, not knowing which way to turn. He only had five days in New Zealand and all he knew was that he would like to see the Bay of Islands and have a day or so on a farm.

So he turned to the north, and caught a bus to Kerikeri. Whether he made his travels a matter of prayer or not, I don’t know, and some would call this a mere coincidence, but we prefer to call it a miracle, or perhaps even more so, a matter of the Lord honouring those who honour Him.  After all,  how many young back-packers carry a large Bible around with them and take the time out of a tight schedule to go to church in a strange country?

It was the summer holidays at this time and as we usually did, we were spending the time on our yacht (sail boat)  in the Bay of Islands. We always made a point of attending a small church fellowship in Kerikeri while on holiday and this particular Sunday morning we went there as usual. We saw this tall young man sitting at the back of the church carrying a large Bible with him…by the look of his clothes we guessed he was an American, and when we heard him speak all doubt was removed!

Our friends invited him as well as ourselves home for lunch, and we had a lively discussion over the meal. When he told us about the two things he wanted to see while in New Zealand, we looked at each other and then told him that we could probably point him in the direction of both of them at no cost if he liked.

He did like, and so he came back with us to the yacht and stayed a couple of days with us. We were able to take him to all the popular tourist spots, and my, how we did talk! We talked well into the night about Christian things.

Dave Nissan     Dave at the wheel of the yacht.

There were many things he wanted to know that we were able to tell him and we all had a thoroughly enjoyable time.

When he left us, we got in touch with our brother on his dairy farm and sent him there for another day or so. So this was a case of the Lord granting him his desire in a way that could not have been engineered in any other manner! He came as a stranger and left as a  brother. As far as he was concerned his whole visit to New Zealand was one big miracle!

We kept in touch for many years and the spin-off was that we were able to pay a visit to the town in Oregon where he had a tourist business, and he gave us a wonderful and memorable trip on one of the lakes in his area.


Angel Unawares.

Charlatan“Quick”, I cried to Howard, “Bring me a pillow!”

I put it under my moaning husband’s head. He was bleeding profusely from a cut in his head and in a lot of pain, although still coherent.

We had been  with Howard and Jill who were on holiday from London, taking them  around the Bay of Islands in Northern New Zealand in our sailing yacht. On the trip back to the mooring  Keith let Howard steer  the yacht while sailing.

Heading up the channel, the wind was coming directly behind us. The sails were set to the  “goose-winging” position with both sails on different sides of the yacht. It was tricky keeping the wind full in the sails while doing this and Howard accidentally let the wind out of one of the sails. It then swung sharply across  the cockpit track taking the halyard with it. This caught Keith on the side of the head throwing him sharply onto the  gunwales .

Jill and I were inside packing things ready to go ashore, and  didn’t see what happened. Hearing Howard call out, I rushed outside thinking that the boom had caught Keith on the head, which is always a danger. But Keith was able to tell me what had happened and then said to  pull the sails down, and motor in to the mooring. I did this while Howard kept steering towards the mooring. My mind was racing ahead. What should we do first?

The radio wasn’t working, so there was no point in wasting time there. Completely forgetting that it was a Friday and a working day, I sent Howard ashore to the end house in the bay with a message to ring Colin who lived up the hill. The time was 4.30 p.m. He would have been home on a Saturday (which I thought it was), but the man in the house knew quite well that it was Friday and that Colin would be at work.  So he sent Howard back to tell me this.

Just as Howard turned to go down the path a car pulled up at the gate, and there was Colin!  What a miracle this was! He was the only one in the area who we knew could help us, and he hurriedly came out to the yacht with Howard to see what the problem was. By this time, Keith wasn’t with it and the pillow was saturated with blood. Colin grasped the situation immediately and called the coastguard from his own yacht , asking that an ambulance be sent  to the bay straight away.

The ambulance finally arrived, with two women manning it. My heart sank. How ever would we get Keith ashore and into it like he was? The tide was now high, and Colin took our yacht in closer to the ramp, with only a short distance to row ashore. Somehow we manhandled Keith’s limp body into the dinghy and then ashore into the ambulance .  I went with Keith while Colin put the yacht away.

I wasn’t sure whether Keith would come through or not. A doctor to met us on the road, and put some plasma into him to keep him going. This helped somewhat, and he started talking a lot of nonsense! At the hospital, nurses met us at the door and gave Keith a blood transfusion, which revived him immediately. He couldn’t see why he shouldn’t be able to go home with the rest of us!!  Howard had followed the ambulance to the hospital in our car, and we drove home marvelling at the way things had worked out.

Later we asked Colin why he had been at the bay when we needed him. He said it had been a slack day at the office and he thought he would go home early and take some money he owed to the man at the end house. He would have left the office at the very time that Keith had been hit! It amazed us how God used  circumstances so that even a non-Christian man  worked His purposes for us. Colin was truly an angel in disguise whether he knew it or not!!

***                    ***                    ***

Honouring God.

Bobby came running up the steps onto the front deck and in the ranch-slider throwing his bag down in the corner on his way to the kitchen.

“Wow”, he exclaimed, ”it’s been a busy day! I never had time to stop and think. Our team has been chosen to represent the school in the inter school sports next month”.

“That’s great Bobby,” Mum said,” I suppose that will mean Saturday training each weekend”.

“Yes,” Bobby said sitting on the stool and taking the drink Mum had passed him. “It’s going to be a busy term”.

So it proved to be. Bobby found the training sessions very strenuous, but he enjoyed every bit of it.

As the family got ready to go to church the next morning, Bobby thought wistfully of his bed as he got dressed. Wouldn’t it be good to have a break from church just this once? he thought as he dragged his jersey on. But he knew it was no use to even suggest it. Going to church wasn’t an option in their household, there was never any question of what they would be doing on Sunday mornings!

Bobby mostly enjoyed going to church. The singing was rather cool, and their class leader was really neat. But he found his mind starting to wander this particular Sunday, and he visualised some of the passes he was to make in his next game. Slowly he pulled his mind back to the story the leader was telling. He was saying, “and so the prophet said to Eli the priest, ‘Those who honour God, God will honour’, and that is just the same for us today.”

Bobby stirred himself, and listened to the rest of the lesson.

That evening, Bobby picked up his school books and went out into the dining-room to do some home work that he needed to finish.

“I guess I should ask you to pray for me Dad,” Bobby said, “This work is really hard!”

“You know Bobby,” Dad said thoughtfully, “I don’t think I could pray this for you. You could have done that homework last evening instead of watching TV”.

“Aw, Dad, I was tired last night after all that football practice”, Bobby said.

“You know Bobby, if you put God’s day ahead of things you want to do, God will honour you for it”, Dad said.

“Funny you should say that Dad,” Bobby said, “Our leader said something the same this morning in class”.

“Yes, well this is one of the principles that always stands,” Dad replied, “If you make time to do your home-work ahead of things like TV, and keep God’s day special for Him, He will help you to get through your lessons and tests far better than if you spent time on Sunday for your homework! “

You can read about this in the Bible in 1 Samuel 2: 29-30…..

Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering, which I have commanded in my habitation; and honourest thy sons above me, to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my people?  30     Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

Doing Things MY Way!

Christine came in at the end of breakfast looking rather sulky. “Nobody is going to tell me what to do!” she declared, “I’ll do what I like!”

The   family sat there taken aback at this outburst. After all, Father had only said it would be a good idea for everyone to eat their breakfast together before going off to work.   Christine may have been only boarding there, but she knew what was expected of   her.

This is just like Cain that we read about in the Bible. Cain was the  eldest son of Adam and Eve. He had been brought up knowing the story of the Garden of Eden and how his parents had   disobeyed God. He knew that disobedience had planted the seeds of death in every person born since then, including himself.

Lamb 2Cain knew very well what sort of sacrifice God  wanted. He had been told many times that sin brings death, and that a lamb had to be killed as a sacrifice. But Cain was rebellious. He didn’t like animals; his forte was gardening. So he brought his best vegetables and fruit . Surely this would please God! Yes, he wanted  to offer God a sacrifice, but he was going to do it his way. No-one was going to   tell  him any different!

But Abel who loved his flock, was prepared to offer one of his best lambs as his sacrifice. It was a beautiful little lamb and Abel wanted to give God his very best. The Bible tells us that God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice, but he was not pleased   with Cain’s.

Somehow   the boys knew God’s feelings in this matter, and Cain was very sulky. Why was  God not pleased with his sacrifice?  His vegetables  were just as good as Abel’s lamb, they were beautiful!

But Cain had clean missed the point. Later in the Bible, we are told that to obey God is better  than all the sacrifices offered our way!

You can read about these things in the Bible in Genesis 4:1-7; 1 Samuel  15:22-23

Are You Ready?

And the Lord saw that the sin of man was great on the earth, and that all the thoughts of his heart were  evil. And the Lord had sorrow because he had made man on the earth, and grief was in his heart.

And the Lord said, I will take away man, whom I have made, from the face of the earth, even man and beast and that which goes on the earth and every bird of the air; for I have sorrow for having made them. Genesis 6:5-7

Noah was hammering away at the last few boards to go on the large boat he was building. Some of his neighbours walked by and said sarcastically, “Well Noah, still waiting for this stuff you call rain?”

Noah straightened up and said,  “It’s going to come, and I don’t know what it will be like, all I know God has told me to get this boat ready and there will be enough room in it for anyone else who wants to get on board”.

“Aw poof!” said the man again, “I’m not going to make a fool of myself like that!”

The time came when Noah and his sons hammered the last nail in place.

The Bible  tells us that two of all the different sorts of animals came along to Noah and went quietly into the boat. Birds too, came flying along and went into the departments that Noah had built especially for them. Noah and his sons had gathered a lot of straw  and other dried food and stored them in the special bins that God had told him to build. At last all was ready.

People were gathering around at the sight of these animals all so docile and tame, even the lions and tigers were just like big cats and were so quiet as they filed inside the boat.

“Ho, ho”, the people laughed, “That won’t last! Noah will have some fun in there after a few days!”

The last animals and birds had gone on board. Noah felt God telling him it was time for him and his family to go in behind them. He turned around as he went up the ramp and spoke to the people watching. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in too?” he asked, “God says there is going to be a dreadful flood and you won’t have any chance”.

But they wouldn’t listen.

Soon the people heard a clang as the door swung shut on its hinges. The sky had been getting darker and darker as storm clouds rolled across it. The people began to wonder what was going to happen.

Then the rain started. They had never seen rain before. At first they thought it was fun, but then the water started to rise as well. It came higher and higher. People started to hammer on the sides of Noah’s boat. “Let us in!” they cried, “Keep us safe!” But there was no reply. God had shut the door and Noah couldn’t open it. They weren’t ready and it was  too late.

And on the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was dry. God said to Noah, Go out of the ark, you and your family and take out with you every living thing which is with you, birds and cattle and everything which goes on the earth, so that they may have offspring and be fertile and be increased on the earth.

And God said, This is the sign of the agreement which I make between me and you and every living thing with you, for all future generations … I will put my bow in the cloud and it will be for a sign of the agreement between me and the earth.

And whenever I make a cloud come over the earth, the bow will be seen in the cloud, and I will keep in mind the agreement between me and you and every living thing; and never again will there be a great flow of waters causing destruction to all flesh.

                                        You can read this full story in the Bible in  Genesis 8:15-17;  9:12-15

Are You Feeling Down?

“I need encouragement, you need encouragement, we ALL need encouragement!”

The words of the speaker wafted on. I little dreamed how  these  introductory words would stick in my mind for over fifty years.

I can see now after a span of years, that to encourage  others is one of the best gifts that God has given to each one of us. No matter how old or how young we are, we can all say nice things to others, especially those in our own family.

David, in spite of knowing God so well, is a classic example of one who needed encouragement. Jonathan and David were best friends. They had clicked right from the start of their first meeting in Saul’s court . Jonathan liked David very much, with his youthful freshness and good looks that took everyone’s eye. As they talked together that they both felt the other was a special friend. They thought alike and Jonathan loved the way David appreciated God, while David felt he had someone he could trust in the  dangerous court of King Saul.

Even more than Jonathan looking after David’s needs, was his appreciation of  God’s plans for David’s future. He not only knew that God’s plan was for David to be the next king, but he was happy about it and planned that he would be second  in command. When David was on the run for his life, he would meet him as often as he could, and encourage him in the Lord looking to the future when he would work with David as King. They were so sure of this that they made a covenant (promise) together before the Lord promising that they would always keep it.

But the time came when they were separated, to see each other no more, and David was left without the comfort of Jonathan’s encouragement.  Perhaps you are missing friends you once had and now you are separated from  them.  What can you do?  What did David do?

David told  God all about it. Things couldn’t have looked blacker for him. His friend  was gone, his enemies were still after him, and they had taken his wife and family captive and his own men had turned against him.

We have times when we feel like this. We all have enemies of fears, doubts, and other problems, even not feeling well; these enemies  seem about to swamp us at times. David may have wondered where God was in all this mess…..where  were His promises now? However could he get out of all this?

But he took himself to task, and sang these songs….”Why are you so cast down O my soul? Hope in God!”

“Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart”.

“My heart is fixed O God”, he would say, “I will sing and give You praise in spite of my enemies!”

So we too, can fix our hearts and minds on the Lord and not be afraid of bad things. We can think about Him and count our blessings. Think of all we can be  thankful for in spite of our circumstances and we  will be encouraged with a fresh outlook on things. It is surprising what a difference a thankful spirit makes, and being thankful for the outcome of our prayers BEFORE we see the answer will give the peace of God that passes all understanding.

See what God has to say to YOU.