Tag Archives: Being trimmed up

Lessons to Learn

    There are many lessons we can learn as we go through life. No more so than in the garden! I like gardening and as I  tie and snip at the different plants, I think how much these things must hurt that plant. But it is all for their own good!

     The tomato plants tend grow rather rampantly if left on their own. But they must be staked, and then tied up to that stake so they won’t fall over and get untidy. Not only that, but there are extra shoots growing that need to be taken off regularly. The plant is firmly rooted in the ground before it can grow and that reminds me how that each one of us needs to be firmly “rooted” in our Lord Jesus Christ before we can yield the sort of fruit that He is looking for in our lives.

     Then again I grow a variety of rose that, if left to itself, will grow very rampantly all over the ground. So much so, that it is called a “Carpet Rose”. They send up long shoots from the ground, and I always cut these off and then tie the plant to a stake, and pick off any side shoots. If there is another strong looking shoot coming off the main stalk, then that gets tied in an upright position onto the stake as well. The plant probably doesn’t like being tied firmly like this, but it adjusts, and in time grows into a nicely shaped bush that shows off its flowers to best advantage. Not only that, but it is forced to look up, and ultimately to grow up!

    So it is with us….as troubles come into our lives, we are forced to look up to the Master Gardener, Who is growing us as He pleases. The plant may not like where it is put, but it has no option, it must stay there, and flower where it is. There are times when we don’t like where we are, or our position in life, but as we remember that God is over all, we can learn to be satisfied and give Him thanks. This is like the tomatoes growing on the vine, or the rose flowering tied to the stake.

     As we look around, we see those who are less fortunate than ourselves…..one lady I know is very short sighted and there is nothing that can be done to improve her eyesight. There have been many times when she thinks “Why me?” Another friend has had sudden hearing loss, and again might well be thinking, “Why me?” But these things are sent to grow us into being the sort of person God wants us to be….thankful in all things for the blessings we DO have. May we each one find that this is so.