We have just been through all the rooms of the house of our heart, seeking to see where we fit into this idea. But you know, the Bible uses this same analogy as we read in Ephesians 2:21…In whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple (house) in the Lord. We know through the Scriptures that all those who believe in the work of Christ have been brought near, right into the family of God and have become His House. We have the same foundation as the Israelites of old, the foundation of the prophets and apostles, with Jesus Christ as our chief corner Stone. This is the only church that God recognizes….His people as living stones all fitting together to make a holy temple to the Lord….His dwelling place, where He lives! Our Lord Jesus Himself prayed to His Father saying that as He (the Father) was in Him (the Son), so He (the Son) was in His people. (John 17:23) What a mind boggling thought this is!! Peter too, brings out the thought of believers being living stones, made into a spiritual house with Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone (1 Peter 2:4-8). The pictures of everyday things in the Scriptures that are used as spiritual pictures are amazing, and so easy to understand!
God’s Church is made of living stones, Not rocks or bricks, but flesh and bones, He lives within His people here, And to each one is very near.