Tag Archives: God’s Message

Samuel and His Mum.

Hi, my name is Samuel. I’m not all that old, and I’m living with the old priest in the temple. It’s a bit lonely here sometimes, but my Mum explained to me how I was a special baby from God, and that she had promised to give me back to God when I was old enough. It’s rather nice to think I can do something for God. I sometimes wonder  what it’s like where God lives. Eli (that’s the priest) says it’s too hard to even try to imagine it, so I guess he’s right.

He’s quite nice. He tries to make up for me not having my Mum here, but I don’t like his sons much. They are rude to him and boss me round. They even take ladies into the side rooms of the temple. I’m sure that’s not right. God’s temple is His house on earth, and there are a lot of rules to make sure we don’t do things wrong. God has given us, His people, special laws to keep. Eli is very fussy about these things.

Things like the lamp must be kept burning all the time. His sons couldn’t care less. They are so greedy, and take all the best bits of meat out of the sacrifice pot. I’m sure they don’t love  God as they should!

High Priest    I have special clothes to wear, ones like the priests wear. My Mum brings me a new set every year when she comes to the temple to worship God. I love my Mum so much, she is so nice! But she explained how much better it is to love God, so I do my best.

A strange thing happened not long ago. I had just got into bed and was nearly asleep when I heard a voice calling me. I jumped out of bed and ran into Eli.

“I’m here, Eli”, I said, “what do you want?”

“I didn’t call you, son”, he said, “Go back to bed”.

So I did.   The same thing happened again….I heard the Voice once more,   just quietly, but clearly. So I ran in to Eli again, and he told me to go back to bed again. When it happened the third time he said, “If you hear it again, say ‘Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening’ “.

It made me shiver to hear that, but sure enough, the Voice came again, and this time I sat up in bed and said, “Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening!”

I just knew it was God’s voice and that what He was telling me was for Eli. He said that He was going to punish Eli’s sons because they were so evil, and wouldn’t listen to Eli. I didn’t know how I was going to tell that to Eli the next morning, but after I had got up and opened all the doors, I managed to tell him. It wasn’t a nice message. But all he said was, “It is God’s message, let him do what is right”.

I’m determined now to always do what God wants. I know that is the best way to grow up! I told my Mum this the next time she came to see me, and she was so pleased. She said it makes up for us having to live away from each other.