Tag Archives: God’s Wisdom

Being Wise!

Seeking Wisdom

Proverbs 2:1-22                            

     If we are wise, we will seek God’s wisdom and ask to have a discerning mind and heart. The Lord will give all the wisdom we need in any situation (James 1:5-6) and we don’t need to be afraid to ask. But we must ask in faith, and faith goes hand in hand with action….

    It is no use having wisdom if we don’t put it into practice…common sense must go along with wisdom from God. This wisdom will protect us from the wrong company, no matter how much fun and attractive it may seem, and we will be kept from doing the same wrong things that others do.      Solomon was particularly concerned for his sons, that they would be kept from women who didn’t mind committing adultery behind their husband’s backs. There is no future in this sort of behaviour,  he said, and if we are tempted, it is better to be able to recognise where it will lead before we ever start on it. A lost reputation is impossible to regain….no matter how many years pass by, there is always someone who will remember the wrong things we did in our youth!

    So we are to walk in the right way and keep our integrity and this is what we will be remembered for!

God’s commands are better far, Than any pleasure that will mar, A reputation lost will make a stain,  And can never be regained!

That Temptation in Your Pocket (2)

   If you idolize popularity, if it is being admired and having lots of followers that makes you feel good about yourself, then you will be tempted to use your smart-phone to pursue that idol. You may use the camera to take inappropriate photographs of yourself and put them on  Instagram, or you may use the Facebook app to say harsh words about other people. That phone that can be used to do so much good and to bring so much encouragement can  also be used to cause great harm.

There are not many people who buy a phone intending to use it to harm others or to look at pornography. But where your heart is, there your technology will be also. The way you use your technology reveals your heart.

   It shows whether your heart is oriented toward God and toward finding true joy and satisfaction in Him, or whether you are attempting to find counterfeit joy and satisfaction in the things He forbids. At any moment, your heart has a purpose for your phone. Yes, thank God for your smart-phone, but plead with Him for wisdom to use it well, and guard your heart.

 Use It to the Glory of God!

 And now it is time to take that phone out of the box and to turn it on for the first time. As you hold it in your hand, why don’t you take a moment to pray? Ask God to help you to use that phone well. Commit before Him right now that, to the best of your abilities, you will only ever use it to serve His purposes. Ask a believing friend or two to be your accountability and check in regularly. Then go and glorify Him with and through it.

Near Enough!

    We were working on a project together, and I was thinking it  was time we were finished. “Well, that’s near enough”, I said as I put my gear down. My brother looked at it, and said, “Near enough is not good enough, Gwenyth, you’ll have to spend a bit more time on it!” Those words have stuck with me for over forty years, and whenever I am tempted to think “Near enough”, they come back to haunt me.

   King Solomon was one who chose what was good, but it was not the best. He felt his own inadequacies, and asked for wisdom to govern wisely and well. But he forgot all about his own weaknesses and used human wisdom when it came to himself. He was near enough, but it was not good enough.

    How often we do this ourselves! We can give others good, sound advice, but when we are faced with the same problems in our own life, our advice goes out the window!

   As we face new problems along life’s way, we must make sure that we ask God for fresh wisdom in each challenge. Solomon felt he had to make political alliances with the neighbouring kings by marrying their princesses, but in doing so he was going directly against one of God’s cardinal rules about not marrying into an ungodly line. As a result, he ended up taking not only the girl into his house, but also her heathen idols, and thus fell away from the Lord his God. His “near enough” became his “not good enough”, and he became a bitter disillusioned old man in later life.

    We can be so thankful that our Lord Jesus Christ didn’t think He had gone “near enough” after leaving the Garden of Gethsemane, but instead He went all the way to the cross to pay for our salvation. He was prepared to put aside His will for His Father’s perfect will…. “not My will, but Yours be done”, He said.

    “Near enough” was nowhere near “good enough” to save us from our sins!

Proverbs, Chapter Three.

                                                                                                                                                          PROVERBS  THREE….

Verses 27-35

When a young lady has the wisdom of the Lord, and is not fearful of the future, then she can be generous to her neighbours  and show  this confidence by her actions.

We are told in this passage to make no plots, to not strive (argue) with others for no reason and to not envy those who leave God out of their lives. The end result for unbelievers, successful or not, is not good….. God will turn away from them for all eternity. Those who humble themselves to walk with God here and now, will  have His grace and glory for ever.

David has already given us this advice when he says not to fret or be envious of  successful, ruthless men. Their success is very brief, whereas those who trust in God have all His blessings for ever. The advice he gives is positive…..don’t fret, but trust; delight, commit and rest in the Lord who will give immeasurable riches, all spiritual blessings and God’s delightful peace. What more does a girl need to be fulfilled in this life and in the one to come?!!

God’s wisdom gives peace, and positive rest,                                                       To His people He only bestows His best;                                                                    If we fret and strive, like others to be,                                                                      God’s wonderful blessings, we’ll never once see.


God’s Wisdom for Us

PROVERBS  TWO…. (v.7-22)

Verses 7-22

Other blessings of wisdom come flowing in its wake. The Lord can lead and guide a wise person because their ear is open to his voice.

God gives understanding and discernment to those who ask, and shows the way to walk in life. How many tears,  (and how much trouble!)  we would save ourselves if only we would heed and obey God’s Word!!

It is all written there; the Guide Book is complete……if the way still seems to be uncertain, remember the old saying,  “if it’s doubtful, it’s dirty!” Wait for God’s confirmation, and it will be given.

You will have peace of mind and will be kept from making many mistakes and wrong friendships. We read how the wrong friendships will lead us into trouble! If we keep to the company of believers, we will be able  to live in the land of God’s blessings and promises!

God’s wisdom always gives perfect peace,                                                           And a heavenly joy that will never cease,                                                         There are many blessings so rich to be found,                                                Pleasures and delighting in Him will abound.