A new life is such a precious thing! For both parents and baby, there is a whole new way of life opening up. For the parents, there is consideration to be learned for each other and also for the new life that has been given to them. Especially if the newborn has some disability which comes to light a bit further down the track….there will be broken nights and maybe medical bills which haven’t been reckoned on. For the little one, there is so much to be learned….everything in fact! How to focus on things, people and objects. How to hold one’s head up, and then how to reach and take hold of something. So many fascinating sights, sounds and smells to learn, to say nothing of new routines to be formed.
Wise parents will learn to train this little one in ways to save the least disturbance in the household’s routines. So many babies seem to learn to cry for the slightest bit of attention, and they find very quickly if this works! Once it has been established that baby is not uncomfortable in any way, and is full and dry, then it doesn’t hurt to give them a little space for crying until the child realises that it isn’t going to bring the immediate attention that it is looking for. It is sad indeed to hear of parents who have not been able to have an unbroken night’s sleep for nine months or more.
A child who knows that it is loved and cared for, will become a joy to its parents, and a satisfied little being, happy in itself. There is much instruction given in God’s Word about how to bring up a child in God’s way….after all, God is our Maker and it behoves us to read the Maker’s instructions on how to train a child in His ways!