Tag Archives: negative remarks

Encouraging Words

Man TalkingThe old man was visiting his daughter and family one time. An opportunity was given in the church one morning for people to share some thoughts and he jumped up and began to talk. His family all visibly winced, as they knew Grand-dad was likely to go on and on. But what he said was very good….”I want to talk about encouragement”, he began, “ I need encouragement, you need encouragement, we ALL need encouragement! “ and he carried on. I remembered this incident when we got a letter of encouragement this week. It really lifted our spirits to realise that little things we have done over the years have been seen and taken notice of, and that they have been a help to others.

We often don’t realise what an impact our words have on other people, either for good or for bad. We never should pass by an opportunity to encourage others, or to make some positive remark. There is nothing more depressing than a person who always makes negative remarks, especially when they have been paid a compliment!

“Oh, this old thing,” they might say when they are told how nice their dress looks or something similar. How much better to accept a compliment graciously in the spirit it was given!

The Bible says that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Proverbs

25:11). What a beautiful picture this comment conjures up! Something of inestimable value that will last for ever!