Tag Archives: old age

Older Age

        I’ve just been reading Psalm 92 where it says, “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing,”  (verses 12-14)

     Those of us who like gardening, love to watch what they plant, grow from small seedlings to full sized plants and eventually to flower and fruit. It is the same for the Lord, Who has given each of us life….He loves to see His people grow from their first awakening to their need of Him, to maturity in Himself. In this passage here, it says that we are still able to bear fruit in our old age.

      There is no need for us to feel that we have been  put on the shelf as it were,  or that we are past it and now just useless. There is still so much that we can do in spite of our aching bones and  useless muscles. The first thing we can all do, is to thank the Lord for what we DO have, that we can still think and pray. So many of our friends and relations have lost this ability,  and it is so sad to see them just sitting there, a shadow of what they used to be and not even recognising their loved ones. 

     Then we can write letters,  not only to our old friends, but also to our families, especially to the ones who are living in other countries. For those who can use a computer, it is so easy to write a regular family newsletter, and send it to those on your  mailing list. There are so many things to write about, not only what you have been doing or thinking about, but also about  how life used to be when you were growing up. Life is so different in this digital age, and it is hard for the modern young ones to imagine life without all the latest gadgets that are available today.

     So for all us older ones, let’s think positively about what we CAN do and not about what we can’t.  Make sure we flourish in the things of the Lord and pass on what we can while we can. We must remember that …..if we don’t use it, we lose it!!  

Growing Older!

    I went to visit an old friend of ours last week who is now in a rest home and not able to get out much. I remembered how we had known him for over forty years, from the time when he was a vigorous man in his middle age, involved in his job and in various things in the local church. It is sad to see him as he is now, not able to look after himself, or even able to read for himself.

   I couldn’t help thinking of how we all like to think that things won’t change on one hand, and yet on the other hand we don’t think of how life IS going to change if we live long enough! We all want to live a long time, but no-one wants to get old!  We see other people getting older and becoming infirm, and yet we never stop to think what it must be like to be like that ourselves!

   But this is part of life. The Bible says that our life is like the flowers that start off in bud, then come into full flower, and finally get faded and then die down,  We have a graphic picture of this shown to us in Isaiah chapter 40, verses 6b-8  “all flesh is grass and all the goodness of it is as the flower of the field, The grass withers, the flowers fade because the Spirit of the Lord blows upon it. Surely people are like the grass which withers, and the flowers that fade but the Word of our God shall stand for ever”.

    In that last verse we have the whole point of life….God’s Word stands for ever! We can totally depend on what He says. Another friend of ours used to say, “God says it; I believe it, and that settles it!”

   When people like to argue with what we believe, we can hang onto that saying….their argument is not with us, but with what God says!

   Another older lady said  to me one day, “No-one told us when we were younger what it’s like to be old!”

I had to agree, and even if they had, we wouldn’t have taken any notice! We all tend to live in the present without giving a thought to the future, but we would all do well to think about what lies ahead and prepare our hearts and minds to meet whatever comes our way.

Looking Ahead!

How this year has flown! As you get older, so the time seems to go quicker. What once seemed endless, now seems to have the end come too quickly. When we were going to school, we would think at the beginning of holidays, that they seem to have no end. But then suddenly,  the end would  come  and they were over. This is just like one’s life.

When we are growing up, the years stretch ahead of us endlessly.

When we are middle aged, they are still there…we think ten, twenty years, even thirty years still to go to do things in.

When we get older at retirement, we think that now is the time to get things done, with plenty of time and leisure.

But when we reach our eighties, what is left? Looks have gone, health has gone, strength is not there, energy has left, and we see  how much has been left unaccomplished.  What remains?

Without the assurance of a life to come, nothing is left, there is no hope. But for someone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ, there is everything to look forwards to. Not only will we see Him face to face, but there will be so much more to discover. The Bible tells us that “eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

   Did you notice that phrase….”for those who love Him”? If we don’t love Him enough to get to know Him while here on earth, how are we going to know  Him in a time to come? It is never too late to come to Him…He is calling to all….”Come until Me all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What a wonderful invitation!