Global Warming. (30th June 2022)
We hear a lot about global warming and climate change these days, and while we cannot deny that things HAVE changed somewhat, we don’t need to worry or to think that things are out of control altogether due to what man does or doesn’t do. True, the weather does change, but it always has and it always will. That is the way it has been decreed, by the Maker of all things. When the tides were put in place due to the pull of the sun and moon, God said, “Thus far you shall come, and no further” and He reminded the man called Job of this, saying “The proud waves shall come no further!” (Job 38:11)
Then again, we hear that the ice cap is melting and this will make the sea rise to swamp all the lowland areas. Have you ever looked at a bottle of water that is frozen? It expands in the middle when it is frozen and when it thaws out, the water level is still exactly the same as before it was frozen!! This can give us confidence that even if the sea DOES melt around the icecaps, the sea level can’t rise any more than before it was frozen. In many areas of the earth where the sea freezes over, we don’t hear of the water level rising when the thaw comes. Yes, there may be floods at that time, but everything levels out again once it is all over. There is truly a wonderful Creator who has put everything in place and decreed that this is how it will stay until the end of time.
People say, “Well, look at the Pacific Islands that are being covered by the sea now, and how much worse it will be in the years to come!” We can’t deny that in some places, the sea is covering what used to be dry land in the past. But stop and think a moment, these islands are formed from many deposits of coral that over the years is slowly breaking down, so in actual fact, the islands are slowly sinking rather than the tide over-all getting higher!
So take heart, there is no need to be afraid of what is being said by those who think they know. Instead, look into these things from the point of view of the Creator of all things, who looked at His Creation in the beginning when it was completed, and said, “These things are VERY good!”