Tag Archives: water

Waters Flow….

304The discussion at Bible Study got on to water, and rivers. We were reminded how important water is to the human race, and in fact to all life on this planet. Jesus Christ said that He is the Water of Life, and that all spiritual life comes from Him

There are many forms of water…from ice to steam; from calm to rough, and each has some significance. Ice preserves; steam softens; calm speaks of the good times we have and rough waters take us through the trials and troubles that dog our footsteps as humans.

Rivers water the land, and provide drink for animals and humans alike….how dependent we all are on water! And the Water of Life is just as necessary for mankind, for without it we will never have the eternal life that God supplies through His Son, Jesus Christ. All we have to do to get this, is to ask for it, and then thank God for His provision. As simple as that.